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Guest DJM

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Operation Delta Force 2 - Mayday - ahh well, i did one i might aswell do two. The follow to the first one has nothing in common with it other than it features The Delta Force. I'll be perfectly honest with you, the first half hour of this was really good, it opened with a pretty wild war scene (although it had no relevance to the story at all). Then the whole hostage taking scene on a cruise liner was all well and good, but as soon as the actual Delta Force came in it went abit tits up and began to suck abit. Still, like the first one this was pretty watchable in a brainless action type way.


There's fucking 5 of these movies though, who the hell funds these things?

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The Covenant


Directed by Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2, Deep Blue Sea, Exorcist: The Beginning), The Covenant tells the story of the Sons of Ipswich, four young students bound by their sacred ancestry. As descendants of the original families who settled in Ipswich Colony in the 1600's, the boys have all been born with special powers. When a fifth descendant (Chase) suddenly moves to town, secrets begin to unravel which threaten to break the covenant of silence that has protected their families for hundreds of years.


A truly awful movie and a contender for worst film of 2006, with acting ranging from mediocre to terrible (the actors seem to have been cast more for their looks than their acting ability), a very poor script (with laughable dialogue), one-dimensional un-likeable characters and everything that happens throughout the movie so obvious and predictable. The filmmakers seem to try to use flashy CGI to hide the fact that the movie is really poor, but anyone with a brain will not be easily fooled.

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There is a flashy but embarrassing and laughable final confrontation (a mix of Matrix, Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Z), as (the main good-guy) Caleb ascends and he and Chase (the bad-guy) fight each other. But considering that Caleb
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Cop Land


Well, I was pretty damn impressed with this. There is an awfully sinister tone pretty much from the start of this one. There were three things in the movie which I loved though.


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1) The point when Harvey Keitel says "Who the fuck do you think you are ?" and Stallone's eyes just change completely, and you can tell that he's gonna bust their asses.


2) Stallone being shot in his good ear. I was just really thinking "God dammit ! Kill those fucks !" when that happened.


3) When Stallone was walking towards that house, it was an absolutely tremendous visual. The shootout which followed was stunning too.


As far as the characters go, every character seemed to have the desired effect. Stallone was superb as Heflin I thought, while the other performance that amazed me was Robert Patrick. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie.

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O: teen reworking of Othello with Josh Hartnett and Julia Styles. In terms of Shakespeare adaptions it's not as bad as She's the Man (dreadful reworking of twelth night with Amanda Bynes) or the shit versions shown on bbc recently but it's not that great either. It would have been 100x better if they'd kept the elizabethan dialogue, like Baz Lurhman's ' Romeo and Juliet. After you eschew that language all your left with is a decent, but rather uninvolving teen movie. Josh Hartnett isn't a particualy good villain, partly because in the play Iago's motives are extremely complex and fascinating (if you like shakespeare, anway), but here Hartnett is just some brat thowing a tantrum because he can't get his own way. the battle of algiers: Gilli Pontecorvo's film about the war of independance in French algeria. Obviously, it's not something you would ever watch for fun or a laugh but it is very good. This movie is filled with non actors ( famed freedom fighter Saadi Yaseef plays a version of himself) which sounds like it could be a disaster but actually works with the material. Oddly, the film never takes one side over the other and portays the rights and wrongs of both sides, you don't ever feel your watching a propoganda piece.The one: Jet Li fights himself. That's basically the premise. Li isn't very good here ( even the best actors struggle when they're not acting in their first language) and the relatioship with his wife isn't beleivable at all. The fight sequences are good though, which is the main thing I suppose.

Edited by Garrett
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As far as the characters go, every character seemed to have the desired effect. Stallone was superb as Heflin I thought, while the other performance that amazed me was Robert Patrick. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie.

Gotta agree with everything you said there. I'd heard of the movie before and knew the theme of it, but when my girlfriend said there was a good movie with Stallone in it - I refused to believe it.I was pleasantly surprised to see Stallone perform well, especially in a quiet submissive role. He had an awesome cast supporting the rest of the movie too. Including my beloved Janine.
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Wilderness - this was a nice surprise...dozen's of these types of horror movies come and go and many suck. This low budget british horror is an exception. It comes off as a weird mix between Deliverance, Scum & Battle Royale...serious. A bunch of young offenders get thrown onto a deserted island to be taught a lesson, but they get more than they bargained for. I wont say too much more, just check this movie out. I'll admit the ending i thought was a little weak but the first 75 minutes are superb. Recommended.


Fortress 2: Re-Enrty - i love these types of sci-fi movies, the first Fortress is a great little movie which seems to have been forgotten, the sequel more-so but this is a cool little movie. The story and premise is ridiculous but this is sci-fi so the the can do whatever the fuck it wants. The sets and effects are very convincing too. Definatly recommended if you liked the first movie, and if your into sci-fi its well worth a rental. Good cheese!

Edited by Ebb
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Clive Barker's The Plague - bit of a swerve, sticking Barkers name in the title, as he's a producer to this movie only, it aint a Barker story. Anyway's its about a bunch of kids who drop into a comatose like state only to awaken ten years later and turn into a bunch of crazy ass zombies. I love the idea of the film but the low budget feel and lack of any real scares killed it abit. Like i mentioned in my little 'Wilderness' write-up, there's hundreds of low-budget horrors appearing all the time and sometimes you get a real treat, this wasnt one, but it didnt complelely suck.

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