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I don't know who you are to tell me what my main argument was sunshine.

Well you have yet to tell me why the fuck you would even want to bring 'Schizo' into it in the first place, so I will assume for now its some sort of attempt to get a rise out of ex-TWCF'ers. Something im not getting wound up in. If you want to lure somebody in for a little get together flame war, as opposed to a decent wrestling discussion, for your new home - then knock on Mab's door, not mine.Now for the actual topic...Attention, yeah, you are absoloutely right. The film would have recieved less attention. I was not reffering to attention though, was I? Again, you are right that casual movie watchers would not have cared so much about Heath had he not died, but the performance would still have been fantastic.But their are of course people out their who will strip that away anyway. The anti "fuk u, he dyed makin dis all u eva did waz suk ur mutha's dik" crowd. The controversial ''lads'' of the internet who will delight in saying the only reason the performance ever got praise is because he is dead. Which, like I was trying to say in my first post, is utter bollocks. Sure their are people that are going to over hype things a little, but his portrayal is undeniably mesmorising. Dead or alive.
Hypothetically, what if his performance was wooden? What if he completely honed it in and was a total shambles? That could've happened. Heck it might even be the case now. I'm just going on experience that no one seems to want to say anything bad about the dead and would rather make out that everything they touched in life turned to gold. It's also possible that he'll be amazing, however my concern about it is as mentioned above.And the reason I mention Schizo is because it's slightly humorous to see how worked up you get about it.
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I don't know who you are to tell me what my main argument was sunshine.

Well you have yet to tell me why the fuck you would even want to bring 'Schizo' into it in the first place, so I will assume for now its some sort of attempt to get a rise out of ex-TWCF'ers. Something im not getting wound up in. If you want to lure somebody in for a little get together flame war, as opposed to a decent wrestling discussion, for your new home - then knock on Mab's door, not mine.Now for the actual topic...Attention, yeah, you are absoloutely right. The film would have recieved less attention. I was not reffering to attention though, was I? Again, you are right that casual movie watchers would not have cared so much about Heath had he not died, but the performance would still have been fantastic.But their are of course people out their who will strip that away anyway. The anti "fuk u, he dyed makin dis all u eva did waz suk ur mutha's dik" crowd. The controversial ''lads'' of the internet who will delight in saying the only reason the performance ever got praise is because he is dead. Which, like I was trying to say in my first post, is utter bollocks. Sure their are people that are going to over hype things a little, but his portrayal is undeniably mesmorising. Dead or alive.
Hypothetically, what if his performance was wooden? What if he completely honed it in and was a total shambles? That could've happened. Heck it might even be the case now. I'm just going on experience that no one seems to want to say anything bad about the dead and would rather make out that everything they touched in life turned to gold. It's also possible that he'll be amazing, however my concern about it is as mentioned above.And the reason I mention Schizo is because it's slightly humorous to see how worked up you get about it.
Hypothetically can throw itself off a fucking bridge though. His performance is anything but wooden. Like the portrayal or hate it, its still not wooden. I would still of course fully expect screaming fans to call it Oscar worthy. But thats another argument for another day that will never come, because his performance is not wooden, and he wont be participating in any sequel due to a slight case of death, rendering any hypothetical argument a waste of time.And I am not getting worked up. Sad truth is, I have fuck all to do in this moment in time. Dont assume because im asking you about the S word that im getting worked up. But if your going to bring a name from the past up, of course im going to fucking respond and say something, besides which you are worse to even bring it up, so you have no argument. Edited by Toilet Duck
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I don't know who you are to tell me what my main argument was sunshine.

Well you have yet to tell me why the fuck you would even want to bring 'Schizo' into it in the first place, so I will assume for now its some sort of attempt to get a rise out of ex-TWCF'ers. Something im not getting wound up in. If you want to lure somebody in for a little get together flame war, as opposed to a decent wrestling discussion, for your new home - then knock on Mab's door, not mine.Now for the actual topic...Attention, yeah, you are absoloutely right. The film would have recieved less attention. I was not reffering to attention though, was I? Again, you are right that casual movie watchers would not have cared so much about Heath had he not died, but the performance would still have been fantastic.But their are of course people out their who will strip that away anyway. The anti "fuk u, he dyed makin dis all u eva did waz suk ur mutha's dik" crowd. The controversial ''lads'' of the internet who will delight in saying the only reason the performance ever got praise is because he is dead. Which, like I was trying to say in my first post, is utter bollocks. Sure their are people that are going to over hype things a little, but his portrayal is undeniably mesmorising. Dead or alive.
Hypothetically, what if his performance was wooden? What if he completely honed it in and was a total shambles? That could've happened. Heck it might even be the case now. I'm just going on experience that no one seems to want to say anything bad about the dead and would rather make out that everything they touched in life turned to gold. It's also possible that he'll be amazing, however my concern about it is as mentioned above.And the reason I mention Schizo is because it's slightly humorous to see how worked up you get about it.
Hypothetically can throw itself off a fucking bridge though. His performance is anything but wooden. Like the portrayal or hate it, its still not wooden. I would still of course fully expect screaming fans to call it Oscar worthy. But thats another argument for another day that will never come, because his performance is not wooden, and he wont be participating in any sequel due to a slight case of death, rendering any hypothetical argument a waste of time.And I am not getting worked up. Sad truth is, I have fuck all to do in this moment in time. Dont assume because im asking you about the S word that im getting worked up. But if your going to bring a name from the past up, of course im going to fucking respond and say something, besides which you are worse to even bring it up, so you have no argument.
Hah it's fun to watch you get defensive lad.Hypothetical can come into it as we haven't actually SEEN the performance yet, if you want to be snippy.
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Hah it's fun to watch you get defensive lad.Hypothetical can come into it as we haven't actually SEEN the performance yet, if you want to be snippy.

It is a good defense though. It is just as fun to watch you look like a tool trying to goad ex-TWCF'ers into having hissy fits - now grow up and stop pissing on the topic :rolleyes: ...Now then. Sure, we have not seen the performance yet, but I would bet that it will be cracking. Everyone in the universe seems to think so, and im sure their not all saying it because he is dead. So until I see the performance myself, I know where I will be placing my bets :). Edited by Toilet Duck
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Hah it's fun to watch you get defensive lad.Hypothetical can come into it as we haven't actually SEEN the performance yet, if you want to be snippy.

It is a good defense though. It is just as fun to watch you look like a tool trying to goad ex-TWCF'ers into having hissy fits - now grow up and stop pissing on the topic. :rolleyes: ...Now then. Sure, we have not seen the performance yet, but I would bet that it will be cracking. Everyone in the universe seems to think so, and im sure their not all saying it because he is dead.
The TWCF in my sig you mean? ;)I'm sure they're not all saying it, but some people consider Kiera Knightley to be a good actress and not just a sound piece. It's a sad thing to consider that some may be saying it.Nice edit. Edited by Almighty Rod
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Hah it's fun to watch you get defensive lad.Hypothetical can come into it as we haven't actually SEEN the performance yet, if you want to be snippy.

It is a good defense though. It is just as fun to watch you look like a tool trying to goad ex-TWCF'ers into having hissy fits - now grow up and stop pissing on the topic. :rolleyes: ...Now then. Sure, we have not seen the performance yet, but I would bet that it will be cracking. Everyone in the universe seems to think so, and im sure their not all saying it because he is dead.
The TWCF in my sig you mean? ;)I'm sure they're not all saying it, but some people consider Kiera Knightley to be a good actress and not just a sound piece. It's a sad thing to consider that some may be saying it.Nice edit.
TWCF, TWC Fight, whoever has their finger on the button this week. Pardon my lack of accuracy. Can we stick to the films now, yeah? In fact, I feel I have already made my point, and im not willing to get on this ride of desperate tangets. Kiera Knightly? Uhhhh...yeah.But who knows, you could be right and his performance could be shit. But again, until my own opinion forms, I know which side im betting on :thumbsup: .
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Watched Funny Games (the US version). I wouldn't recommend this to anyone with a nervous disposition. Simply put, the scariest film I've ever seen. What's unusual about it, is that no violence is ever shown on screen, but it plays with your head to the point that you just want it to end for the sake of the characters who are tortured. The acting by the two nutters who torture that family is superb, I will remember them as long as I live.This is playing in my local cinema next week as part of Indipendent films day, I intend to watch it on the big screen, that's if I can stomach the brutality of the film again.

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I'm really looking forward to the Dark Knight but I'm pissed off with the Heath Ledger hype, it really seems that just because he died after "becomming the character" that people feel afraid to give it a bad review as it may be disrespectful to the dead. Also Batman Begins was shitty, so part of me is thinking I'll not enjoy this as much as everyone else seems to be.

I thought Begins was shitty too , lots did , but I still think The Dark Knights going to be great . I've a strong feeling this will be the film that unites all batman fans , those who love Burtons movies , those who hated Begins , and of course those who loved Begins , everyone will enjoy the new movie . They might not make it their all-time favourite Batman film but they'll all think " yeah that was well worth watching over and over " .
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