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Guest DJM

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three times: Hao Hsien's 3 tales of love with the same couple (Shu Qi and Chang Chen) is a wonderfully shot and well acted film. The opening segment is probably the strongest of the three films but the last one is satisfying as well (particularly if you liked Hao's other film millenium mambo). Despite what you may think after seeing her in the transporter, Shu Qi is actually a terrific actress, and the camera clearly loves her. Chen, who you might remember from crouching tiger, hidden dragon, is equally impressive.The delta force: this was on sky one night and I was mildly curious to see a Chuck Norris film. It's fun in a 'so bad it's good' type of way.

Edited by Garrett
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It is a masterpiece. It is a work of genius. It may well be the film of the year. You completely missed the point by the sounds of things.

Could you give me some idea why you found it to be a masterpiece or a work of genius?
Why bother? You completely didn't get the film. I'm not going to explain it for you.
I don't want or need you to explain the film to me.I understand the point Guillermo del Toro was trying to put across, and basically the fact that the film is a story about a young girl during the time of the Spanish Civil War trying to cope with her mother being on her death-bed and her step-father bring a sadistic Captain who couldn't care less about her (and only cares about the birth of his son to carry on his name) by retreating into a fantasy world (labyrinth) full of strange fairy-tale like creatures. And the fact that real-life and her imagination begin to parallel and relate to one another as the film progresses. (of course there is a lot more to the movie that I am not stating here, because I wouldn't want to bore you with what you already seem to know, seeing as you fully understand everything about the movie)I just didn't view it as a masterpiece like you and many others seemed to view it, and was simply asking why you felt it was as great as you seemed to think it was.
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DJM's reviews wind me up...everything's 'good'. I remember by PE teacher telling us that when your doing essays and commenting on performance never to use the word 'good'.

A very good post with some very good and interesting ideas. Slow in parts, but very enjoyable for the most part.
nail on the head.
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Beetlejuice - an absolute classic, definatly one of my favourite movie...its got that nostalgia factor for me too, so that makes it even better. I've probably watched this film in its entirity a hundred times, no lie...id watch this over and over when i was younger (my good old vhs copy took a battering). It's a shame they never put a sequel together cause Michael Keaton's character is amazing. This film never gets old.


An American Haunting - mmmmm, this was alright...i liked the idea of a ghost story set in the old time period and some of it was wicked, but it's like the director tried to throw too many tricks in there, he goes through pretty much every cliche ghost/possession scare you can think of. Too many dreamy sequences at the end too it turned into abit of a mess. I dont think this movie deserved all the * star batterings it got in almost every review i read though.

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Walk the LineGiving this a second viewing after a mammoth Johnny Cash weekend has made me see the film for what it is...a simple, average love story. But, the subject in question and the music and what it means to me makes it better than 90% of the films I've seen. Not a great film, great acting, yes, but film wise as a stand alone story-piece, it's nothing interesting. FUCK IT THOUGH. I LOVED IT.

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Exactly how I saw it too on a second viewing, BUT, I still came away being involved in everything and caring about everything. Sometimes, you just can't help bypassing the technicalities of quality and immersing yourself in what you enjoy.

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Which? Very Bad Things, or your film? ;) I love Very Bad Things. Any film with Christian Slater and Jeremy Piven is worth a look. Also , it takes me about ten minutes to stop laughing when Leland Orser screams "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JE-SUS CHR-IST!!!!!" near the end.

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I had the day off work today so have just finished watching The Shawshank Redemption for the 100th time. It always suprises me how unbelievably good that movie is, easily the best film I have ever seen, is miles ahead of possibly every other movie ever made and I honestly don't think any movie will ever be able to top it.

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