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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Currently watching Goodfellas, I'm about an hour in and I'm wondering when its gonna get good.Edit: Turns out it doesnt get good. But I gave it a chance so I'm gonna reward myself with some Family Guy.

:duh: WHA?The opening of Goodfellas is one of the best openings of any film ever. If I see that, I'm hooked in for the next 3 hours. It's a brilliant film and I'm sad that you didn't see it's greatness.
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Apoclaypse Now


Another classic flick that I have finally got round to watching. And another classic which is still very relevant in the current political and social climate, and I think it is for this reason (and the sharply written script) that the film has not dated very much.


The film follows Captain Willard ( a magnificent Martin Sheen) tracking down a Colonel gone mad, played terrifylingly by Brando, in Cambodia during the Vietnam war. I won't ruin the plot, but this film is not technically a war film in the sense of 'battle scenes', although it is violent and gritty.


Apart from the fine acting and the beautiful landscape shots, what makes this film stand out is its used to astute imagery to comment on war and mankind's depravity through lust of power. The blood and gore of Vietnam is compared to Brando's control of a Cambodian tribe, who thrive on him and who he thrives on, eventually going mad. The message of the nature of the human soul over civilisation becomes relevant no matter what the era, and is def. comparatibly to the modern situation in Israel or Iraq.


This is one of the few films I would URGE everybody to watch, because although it is very entertaining, it is also a very important journey of self-reflection for every viewer.

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Yep, and the Henry Hill voiceover goes..."From as far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a gangster." And the camera zooms in on Ray Liotta's face, bathed in red and the music goes sort of DUN DUN DUN.

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Currently watching Goodfellas, I'm about an hour in and I'm wondering when its gonna get good.

Goodfellas is my favourite film ever, i suggest you watch it again in a month without distractions and an open mind.Let it into your heart my friend, let it in.Oh and in the last few days i have seen V for Vendetta, which Jonathan Ross slaughtered in his review on film 2006 site. I have no idea why though, i thought it was bloody brilliant, the dodgy british accents take 10 minutes to get used to but otherwise it was awesome.I also watched batman begins which i thought was rather good, it did a good job of building the Bruce Wayne character and answered a lot of previously glossed over questions. Cockney alfred annoyed me at first but he grew on me and even Katie Holmes was ok. (Apparantly a lot of Batman hardcores hated her character, and subsequently she wont be in the sequel). Im looking forward to the next film especially with the Jokers debut, although many news sites over the last week have been reporting Heath Ledger to be playing Joker. Too much of a pretty boy in my opinion but only time will tell.
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You really should watch a film in one uninterrupted sitting, without any distractions or doing anything else, like posting on a forum.

I disagree. If I'm watching a long film, especially by myself, I cannot hold my concentration for more than two hours. I watched loads of films in two halves, such as The Deer Hunter or Dances With Wolves, with a break in between them and still loved them.
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Currently watching Goodfellas, I'm about an hour in and I'm wondering when its gonna get good.

(Apparantly a lot of Batman hardcores hated her character, and subsequently she wont be in the sequel).
Umm she is in the sceond movie though. :confused: Anyway just watched the 'uncut' version of Goldeneye & it's still as good as I remembered it being when I last saw it.
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Currently watching Goodfellas, I'm about an hour in and I'm wondering when its gonna get good.

(Apparantly a lot of Batman hardcores hated her character, and subsequently she wont be in the sequel).
Umm she is in the sceond movie though. :confused: Anyway just watched the 'uncut' version of Goldeneye & it's still as good as I remembered it being when I last saw it.
I dont believe she is, they havnt started filming yet and she isnt on the IMDb cast list.

Christian Bale .... Bruce Wayne/Batman Michael Caine .... Alfred Pennyworth Morgan Freeman .... Lucius Fox Gary Oldman .... Lt. James Gordon

I believe these chaps are the only signed cast so far.
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mmm watched a few in the past few days...


Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World - don't know why, but even though i loved the first Jurassic Park movie, i never checked out the sequels. I was half expecting this to be abit shitty 'cause people tend to shit on the JP sequels. I was proved wrong, this was great stuff. Pretty much picks up where no.1 left off, this time Jeff Goldblum is sent back to JP on abit of a rescue mission, there he encounters a bunch of hunters trying to make a few bucks...anyways, this delivers as you want it too, fast paced, funny, action packed and full of muthafucking dinosaurs!!! The CGI still holds up very well aswell and the big action set pieces are as good as anything in the first. Other than this not being as groundbreaking as the first (obviously) it still sits up next to it as a great family blockbuster, wicked!


Blade Trinity - ive been put off the action/vampire flicks due to some of the absolute pish that's recently came out (like Ultraviolet), but i was at a buddies and he insisted we watch Blade Trinity...i enjoyed it :) i cant remember a thing about the first 2 Blade films but this one was cool, the introduction of Ryan Reynolds was a smart move, he adds a great element of humor in there and steals the show. Entertaining.


Kung Fu Hustle - holf fuck this was insane! Japanese spoof-kung fu comedy, some of the stuff in this is just wild, Stephen Chow is clearly a very strange guy. The goofy cgi effects fit the film perfectly and some of the fight sequences are great! As for the comedy, it's hit and miss, obviously there's alot of in-jokes and references i didnt get but there was at least 3 times that i fell out of my seat laughing at some of the crazy shit going on. I reckon it would be funnier a second time round too.


The Proposition - holf fuck this ruled! i missed this at the cinema so ive been waiting for the dvd (picked up the nice limited edition packaging from virgin). Basically it's about a brother who's given a decision whether to kill his older brother to allow his imprisoned younger brother to be released, or let the younger one be executed. The film follows two paths, one following Guy Pearce' characters journey and the other showing Ray Winstone's police chief character's mental and maritial breakdown. It all leads to a bloody and brutal climax. Everything about this was brilliant, the cast/characters (Guy Pearce and Danny Huston ruled), the locations, the violence everything! Amazing, check this badboy out!! *****

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Ryan Reynolds is great. I really enjoyed his performance of a teacher with different and fresh teaching ways having terminal lung cancer. He effects one of the other teachers who's dad won the best teacher award at that school like 40 years in a row or something. The teachers dad died and the teachers wants to keep the legacy going on, but Reynolds is the teacher who replaces the other teachers dad. He then thinks he is a rival but finds out Reynolds' character has terminal cancer and takes a different look on life.Oh the film is called "School Of Life"

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In the aftermath of a great war, the world is riddled with disease and pollution. A scientist, Dr. Azuma, asks the government to fund his neo-cell research, hoping to develop a cure that will heal any ailments and even the severest of injuries. He is refused the funding, though, and subsequently accepts a secret offer to work in a military lab. However, a malfunction in the equipment spawns a race of destructive mutants. The warrior known as Casshern must save the human race.


To begin with, this film is outstanding. It has an interesting premise, effectively conveys the state of the environment and establishes its characters well. Within the first few minutes, it offers an insight into Dr. Azumi's back story and you fully understand his noble motives and exactly why he's so adamant to pursue his research.


Quickly shifting from Sci-Fi to nearly a total superhero movie, Casshern is introduced soon after and combats the mutants. The movie begins to suffer at this point. It's apparently based on an anime and the transition to live action doesn't work too well. A significant amount of it seems over-the-top and as though it actually belongs in a cartoon or comic.


Nonetheless, the action is spectacular. Coupled with breathtaking cinematography and excellent direction, Casshern is a visual feast. The fight scenes are very stylish and possibly the most memorable that I've seen in a while. Unfortunately, some other parts of the film are a letdown. For instance, there are lots of amazing landscapes and sights that should be emphasized, but are only shown for a couple of seconds.


Towards the end, pacing becomes a major factor. The story needs to develop at a faster rate. Casshern is approximately two and a half hours long and, considering the genre, it really should be about thirty minutes shorter.


Overall, Casshern is a good film that doesn't reach its true potential. If done better, it could be brilliant. Check it out if you're a fan of Asian cinema/anime and want to watch a visually-pleasing film with a plot that's easy to follow.


Oh, and the main theme is by Utada Hikaru, whose song Wings is an immense guilty pleasure of mine.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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