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Oh my god guys!....Ive just found..........................Command and conquer.And some other quality ps1 games like Ressie Evil, original spyro, Ape escape, Kula -kula- world, Medievil and loads more.And my sun tan was going soooo well :(

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Oh my god guys!....Ive just found..........................Command and conquer.And some other quality ps1 games like Ressie Evil, original spyro, Ape escape, Kula -kula- world, Medievil and loads more.And my sun tan was going soooo well :(

We shall see you in about a year when you've finished 'em ;).Spyro wise... only play the original 3 on the PSX, ignore any of the ones after those three, because they switched developers and they're full of glitches, bugs, and god-awful storylines and such. The first three massively rock, and while they're easily completed (completely) within about a week for each, they're just great fun to do so :) (and now I wanna buy the ruddy things again, damn yous!)As for Kula Kula world... where the hell did you find a copy of that?! I couldn't find a copy when it was MEANT to be released, let alone now!Medievil is great fun, as was Ape Escape (tho' I dun think much of the newer ones).
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agreed on the first three, but id say the thrid was the worst out of them ;)I had the original Kula world too, but i lent it to someone and it just drifted off into space... :sumg:I cant remember where i found a copy of kula kula world i do remember bugging my dad over and over again for it tho.Have you tried ebay????

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How is Winning Eleven 10?

It's the first pro evo/WE game where I'm still not decided whether it's better than the previous one, even after months of play. A lot of things are better. Technically gifted, skilful players are even more dangerous, shooting and passing are a touch more crisp, the lofted through ball isn't horrendously over hit 99% of the time any more, the animation has been improved and they've added more national teams. Players have even more 'weight' to them than before. Get a big bastard with high balance on the ball and he'll be an absolute git to tackle. Similarly, players like Vieira are absolute beasts in terms of using muscle to force people off the ball. Also, you get punished badly for mistimed block tackles, the defending players have some hilarious animations when they get wrong-footed or sent off balance. There are also cool new animations for when a keeper comes out to take the ball from a player's feet and totally up-ends them. Some of them are brutal. Quick free kicks in midfield are a nice addition also. The keepers aren't as superhuman any more when you call them out to deal with things, which is good. A quick burst of pace from a striker can knock the ball round them much of the time in a one on one situation, and when they do make the saves they look spectacular. However! The overrall balance of the game has been shifted a little bit too much in favour of strong dribblers. Until you get really good at defending it's way too easy to run one player straight from kick off to goal, and you get a lot of stupid FIFA-esque scorelines early on. This is compounded by the fact that keepers spill everything. It's fine for your iffy, flappy keepers but the truly world class keepers are too prone to the stupid mistakes. Also, although the fact that keepers can be rounded fairly easily isn't a bad thing in itself, the fact that they come off their line and run all over the place like idiotic loons whenever they feel like it is totally infuriating and will cost you goals. If they were going to do that, the game needs an "anti-triangle" button to tell the idiots to stay put.Defending generally is a bit overly AI-assisted too. The amount of times the player change won't change to the defender you want no matter how much you hammer L1 because the AI is dragging them goal side or forcing them to mark someone else when it's clear that the player on the ball will be one on one if you don't do something will have you swearing at the screen. Having the defenders move off the ball with a degree of intelligence is absolutely fine, but the game should never override your control. If you want to drag a player away from the line and foil your own offside trap, it might not be the best move, but it is your mistake to make, because you're... y'know, the one playing the game! I'm still playing it to death and I'm largely enjoying it, but the improvements made over PES5 have been joined by some bizarre additional problems. Edited by JLM
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Dear GOD that's expensive! I think I'll give it a miss, lol.And yup, of the first 3 Spyro games, the 3rd was the worst, but isn't it (usually) the same with games, the initial one is amazing, but from then on, they simply spew out rehashes with "new" features, which are really stuff which makes no sense, or actually hinders gameplay.That or they release it with a different bunch of locations to explore, and yet keep the same dull gameplay exactly the ruddy same (i.e. Tomb frickin' Raider... can you tell I hate that piss-poor excuse for a game? lol).

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I played Kurushi on an early demo disc (probably the one that came with my PlayStation) and loved it, but never got round to buying the full game. It was excellent though.

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World of Warcraft. Started on building up my cash and fire resistance gear for the last boss of the first really hard 40 man instance.Final Fantasy X. After spending around 2 years stuck at the same spot I spent most of yesterday grinding the Sphere Grid up and made a "Le Thwack" on the stinking Al Bhed. Of course then Seymour and his uber aeon destroyed me which was a let down :/

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I've just got my Xbox 360 online, so I've dug out Halo 2. If you want to help everybody else kick my ass, my gamertag is Dougular. Table Tennis is doable, too.If you're looking to spend

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Man do I hear that about Spectrums. My first comp was a ZX81. ~But yeah Geometry Wars is pretty decent. I've only got the demo - but I doubt it'll be long before I'm tempted to hand the MS points over to buy it. I'm currently addicted to GRAW and PGR3 online - and when offline I'm hooked on NHL2K6 on the 360. Recently finished TombRaider - Legend too.

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