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  • Awards Moderator

After slating it as a gimmick and happily being proven horribly wrong, I will be buying a DS this weekend when the Lite version is launched. You know, the version that doesn't look like a Barbie My First PDA.

You don't have to buy it in pink, you silly little man.Eurogamer have put together a nice article on their favourite DS games to coincide with the release of the DS lite.
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X-Men 3 - I got it down to either that or battlefront 2 and i flipped a coin so when it came up heads I had to get this. Got to love the Nightcrawler though. Now if Gambit was in it I'd call for everyone to play however he's yet to appear which is a kick in the nuts.Fifa Football 2003 - I'm a cheapskate and saw this for

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You're a terrible human being.


As for Fahrenheit, I'm nowhere close to finishing yet I but I'll get back on it today, I'm fascinated to see just how bad it gets after reading multiple messages of hate.


The Sonic Rush music is all good until you get to a boss stage. When this happens, turn the sound off immediately or you'll end up jabbing your stylus through the screen in an attempt to kill Tails.


On an unrelated note, I was talking on MSN with someone about the best ever game over/failure message they've ever come accross in a game. I maintain that the best of all time is Sega Rally's "GAME OVER YEEEEAH!". Specifically the arcade version, because it's not only rubbing in the fact that it's taken your money and your game is now over, but also letting anyone in the vicinity know that you have just failed.


Other candidates include the original Metal Gear Solid's "SNAKE? SNAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAKE! and Resident Evil's almost beautifully simplistic "You died".


Oh, and "Z", where your units would refuse to do what you told them if your orders were stupid and the voice over lady made hurtful comments: "you suck! you are so hopeless!" and the like.


It's been a slow day.


EDIT: So slow, in fact, that I was able to google and find this: http://gameoveryeah.ytmnd.com/

Edited by JLM
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I think JLM covered all bases there, you've got the wonderful drama of Metal Gear Solid and the outright funkiness of Sega Rally.There's also the wonderful Latin twang of Samba De Amigo's "Game Over" which is so upbeat that you just want to play again and again, despite the monkey giving you a D, the maraca toting bastard.Oh I'm fairly sure House of the Dead would have a good Game Over. The voice acting was so utterly shocking it simply must have had a good'un.

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Me and My Katamari has you suspended by a rope in a void trying to dodge huge fists on the end of poles that the King of All Cosmos hurls at you whilst berating you about your poor performance in an affectionate and fatherly manner. That's pretty special.Also, the Manic Miner boot.On a somewhat related note, my favourite fighting game win pose is one of Hwaorang's in Tekken 5. He sits on the downed opponent's lower back (them: 'Oof!'), puts his head in his hand and says 'Don't you have any special moves or something? :('

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My favourite piece of beat'em up ownage sadly (given I make it my mission to play every beatemup ever) comes from a Mortal Kombat game. Quan Chi's fatality on MK4 where he pulls the victims leg off and repeatedly clubbers them with the soggy end. The best thing is he doesn't stop and do his pose afterwards like most of them, he just keeps beating them until the screen fades out. Would make a great animated gif.

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Yeah, the Mega-CD version had some horrific fatalities, they had four different kinds of finisher and some of them got extra nasty via pre-rendered sequences. There's a youtube video of all the fatalities aside from the cinematic ones and it still runs for five and a half minutes.

Edited by JLM
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Can't help thinking that the PSP is still missing it's KILLER APP.

I've seen some really favourable reviews for LocoRoco. It seems to be a cross between Mercury and Pikmin with Katamari-ish Japanese weirdness in the presentation.The reason I bring it up now is that there's now a playable demo available on Your PSP. I'll be all over it when I get home at the end of next week...
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Can't help thinking that the PSP is still missing it's KILLER APP.

I've seen some really favourable reviews for LocoRoco. It seems to be a cross between Mercury and Pikmin with Katamari-ish Japanese weirdness in the presentation.The reason I bring it up now is that there's now a playable demo available on Your PSP. I'll be all over it when I get home at the end of next week...
If you favour your sanity or spare time in any way....stay away. It's infuriatingly addictive.In other news, i tore myself away from World of Warcraft and gave Doom 3 another go. Damn that game scares the bejesus out of me. So I use Guitar Hero to relax....5 months till the sequel is out...i can't blooming well wait 5 months for it!!!!!Also I was reminiscing about the game that never was...Privateer Online...damn that would have ruled all. Edited by Mikey Freedom
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  • Awards Moderator

Game endings, good subtopic.


I have to agree with the Miner Willy boot. Splatterhouse 2's creepy organ was pretty good. But surely the winner is... the Final Fight one?



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  • Awards Moderator

Can't help thinking that the PSP is still missing it's KILLER APP.

I've seen some really favourable reviews for LocoRoco. It seems to be a cross between Mercury and Pikmin with Katamari-ish Japanese weirdness in the presentation.The reason I bring it up now is that there's now a playable demo available on Your PSP. I'll be all over it when I get home at the end of next week...
I'd seen the reviews too, but didn't have a reason not to download the demo. It was good, a little niggly, and a lot of fun. Just for daring to be different I bought the game. I'll let you know what the full version is like.
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  • Awards Moderator

Eternal Champions (was it?) took fatalities to the next level.

Yea, ET was awesome!i have the mega drive version, nothing beats throwing your opponent into the bonfire :D
But the sodding over-accuracy :angry: Such a nice game engine, why on earth did they throw it away on just two games? Larcen Tyler was cooler than school.
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