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Silent Hill 4 at the moment... game is really not as good as any of the other Silent Hills (I'm pretty much forcing my way through it to get the whole plot of it, should be done by tonight, I know I'm on the last bit as I already pretty much gave up halfway through and am just using a walkthrough so I can get to the end and be done with it). I already miss the awesomeness of Silent Hill 3 :(.

None compare to Silent Hill 2. The single greatest game ever produced purely based on the storyline alone. There is so much back story to this game it's incredible. Having completed all the Silent Hill games they rate in this order Silent Hill 2, 3, 1 and 4! I'm not liking what they're doing with the current game due to be released. :(
You missed out Origins (Which I'm due to play next, i.e. tomorrow).Been a while since I played number 2, but I also loved the way they tied the plot from 3 into number 1, but from what I remember (and read up on after completing number 3) about SH 2, it does seem like the best in terms of storyline (The 3 games all were pretty much the same in terms of gameplay, it was just the scary bits that changed between them.. and by fuck were some scary!)Not seen a great deal regarding number 5 though, what's so bad about it?
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Started playing Elder Scrolls:Oblivion with both expansions a week ago. I better go eat, not done it for a while.My god what a game. Not even bothering with the main story since there so much to do. Just fun riding about on a horse kiiling randoms.

Awesome, awesome game. My best mate has it and got me to create a character on it while I was at his house for a few days. I literally spent TWELVE hours playing the thing right off the bat, I initially tried doing the main story through, then tried stealing randomly (From in taverns/shops etc. but my arrest rate got pretty high, and at one point I was wanted, due to resisting arrest and flattening the guards, to the sum of over 20,000 gold... whoops!).Tried the thieves guild, and found that it's annoying waiting for them constantly, and then found the Assassins guild and started doing tons of missions for them (it's great fun to be able to just jump someone from behind).Wound up in the south east of the map, and had to head to the north east, and actually began a full trek all the way up by foot as I decided to see what I could find as I went... I found tons due to the game being too sodding big.I too would have forgotten totally about eating until I was ready for bed due to being too tired (and even then, I doubt I'd have moved much had I had the game myself), but thankfully my mates girlfriend was doing the dinner for us all that day, and so I had a quick 15 minute break to eat before resuming playing...I now have made it a mission to make sure that the first two things I get when I start getting a real income is a decent TV (Not a 12 year old small square in the corner...), and then a 360 with Oblivion as it will easily eat away a good few months of my life.
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Does anyone else play N64 games with a PS2 pad? How do you have it set up?

D pad - D padAnalogue stick - left analogue stickB - squareA - XC-down - circleC-left - triangleC-up - R2C-down - L2R - R1L - L1This works perfect for the AKI games - couple of games to get used to using the shoulder buttons to enter and exit the ring etc and you'll be away.
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Does anyone else play N64 games with a PS2 pad? How do you have it set up?

D pad - D padAnalogue stick - left analogue stickB - squareA - XC-down - circleC-left - triangleC-up - R2C-down - L2R - R1L - L1This works perfect for the AKI games - couple of games to get used to using the shoulder buttons to enter and exit the ring etc and you'll be away.
There are USB adaptors for N64 pads around, Ebay and Amazon are your friend.Obviously what Moj has offered there is a solution to your immediate question, but just thought I;d throw that in.No mercy > Everything else. ** Does not include some Fire Pro games.
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Started playing Elder Scrolls:Oblivion with both expansions a week ago. I better go eat, not done it for a while.My god what a game. Not even bothering with the main story since there so much to do. Just fun riding about on a horse kiiling randoms.

Awesome, awesome game. My best mate has it and got me to create a character on it while I was at his house for a few days. I literally spent TWELVE hours playing the thing right off the bat, I initially tried doing the main story through, then tried stealing randomly (From in taverns/shops etc. but my arrest rate got pretty high, and at one point I was wanted, due to resisting arrest and flattening the guards, to the sum of over 20,000 gold... whoops!).Tried the thieves guild, and found that it's annoying waiting for them constantly, and then found the Assassins guild and started doing tons of missions for them (it's great fun to be able to just jump someone from behind).Wound up in the south east of the map, and had to head to the north east, and actually began a full trek all the way up by foot as I decided to see what I could find as I went... I found tons due to the game being too sodding big.I too would have forgotten totally about eating until I was ready for bed due to being too tired (and even then, I doubt I'd have moved much had I had the game myself), but thankfully my mates girlfriend was doing the dinner for us all that day, and so I had a quick 15 minute break to eat before resuming playing...I now have made it a mission to make sure that the first two things I get when I start getting a real income is a decent TV (Not a 12 year old small square in the corner...), and then a 360 with Oblivion as it will easily eat away a good few months of my life.
If you can handle the now extremely outdated graphics and a piss poor hit detection system, get Morrowind too, because its better in almost every way.
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Dynasty Warriors 6.I love dynasty warriors but im really loosing my rag with this one, i think its just a case of getting used to it.I'm used to just going off and doing the battle all by myself basically, but you cant do that anymore :( at least not in the early stages anyway :(And, Lu Bu was really a pussy cat in 5 but not in this one! and i keep making the mistake of not trying to stay away from him.

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Does anyone else play N64 games with a PS2 pad? How do you have it set up?

D pad - D padAnalogue stick - left analogue stickB - squareA - XC-down - circleC-left - triangleC-up - R2C-down - L2R - R1L - L1This works perfect for the AKI games - couple of games to get used to using the shoulder buttons to enter and exit the ring etc and you'll be away.
Cheers, boss. I'll give that a go.

There are USB adaptors for N64 pads around, Ebay and Amazon are your friend.

I have one. It takes the PS2 pad in one side and the N64 one in the other. Mine, however, has some dodgy soldering that gives random phantom input on the N64 side (and I've tried several controllers), so I gave my N64 controller to my mate and play with my one remaining PS2 pad (which was previously used for SNES gaming on my Mac). If the N64 bit worked properly, believe me, I'd use it.When we finally get a TV in our new office, I might suggest to my colleague that we nip up to CEX and get an N64 for lunchtime GoldenEye.
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After a long layoff (mainly due to COD4), I've finally gave going for 100% on GTA another go, but it's just as tedious as before. It is so fucking boring, the stunt jumps are one thing but the pigeons are ridiculous. 200 pigeons spread all over the map isn't the problem really, it's the fact I pick up a wanted level just about every time I pick one off. I've done around 50 now and have intentionally left some of the Most Wanted missions to complete so I don't go completely insane trying to work my way through the pigeons and stunt jumps. Online is alright, but I haven't really gotten into it. I generally just like blocking up the road on GTA Race and firing RPGs at opponents as I wait for them on the road. The fit of rage Americans get themselves into is pure gold. Flying helicopters around the city, without the risk of a huge wanted level which you can pick up if you go on the runway on single player, is an awesome visual too, and jumping out after elevating for a good while is even better.Has anyone tried the glitch on the swings? I love it. Generally I just clear the park but the other day I landed at the other end of the city, or thereabouts.COD4 is still my number one game, though. Although I'm running out of stuff to complete (challenges and headshots), it's as much fun as ever. A few more challenges on the Elite section and the golden Dragunov and it's 100% complete. But anyway, I had one of my favourite games yesterday. It wasn't spectacular or anything it was just the way it panned out. I was sniping on Downpour for some reason and my team were wiped out pretty much instantly with grenades and guys rushing forward, leaving me with a handgun to take on four guys (one of which was a gold cross, not that that means much now). They had a UAV so they were obviously gonna charge me, so I ran towards one of the wooden sheds and pretended to go to the left but got a guy from the right, picked up his MP5 which wasn't silenced (they should be silenced!), made a move towards A, quickly planted a claymore at the front door and got the second guy. After this I just camped at A as it was still 2 v 1 and I was defending, but the remaining guys quickly made a move for B and planted it there. I charged in, jumped one of their claymores, knifed the third guy before the other had time to realise where I was and I caught the final player lying at the very back of B with a few shots of the MP5 with 15 seconds to spare. Like I said, it wasn't amazing or anything but it was great how it worked out, and listening to the Americans rant afterwards is always a highlight.What perks are you COD players using anyway? Generally I use, for SMGs and Assault Rifles (I don't use LMGs) - frag x 3, stopping power and extreme conditioning. For my shotgun I use the grip, sleight of hand and extreme conditioning and when I'm sniping claymore x 2, stopping power and iron lungs. Too many times have I watched a kill cam and opponents have been using juggernaut and last stand. They're a waste of perks, IMO, and frustrating when you can't kill someone!Oh, and has anyone completed or played Resistance: Fall of Man. I played it a few times back at Christmas but I've never really gone back to it, and can't remember an awfu lot about it. Is it worth playing through and completing?

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In comment to my earlier post regarding Silent Hill Origins... it's nice that they've realized in this one that you have things on the end of your arms you can hit stuff with, it really is... but was it also important to remove the hit detection so that despite your flailing fists, they only hit the enemy you are locked on to, and pass right by the enemy stood in the range of your swinging fist?And going from number 4's "let's make it so you can only carry 10 items, whether it's ten things like a pickaxe, shovel, and a bunch of golf clubs, or ten sets of handgun bullets", to "carry whatever you like, portable TVs, planks of wood, plastic trays (yes, sodding plastic!)" is a touch on the extreme side, especially as when you waffle an enemy with a typewriter it instantly disintegrates (and is already hard enough to nail an enemy with as it is due to it being weighty and therefore slow).Add into this the fact that the enemies can now grapple you, meaning far from being able to bludgeon an enemy to death you spend half the time having to hit buttons at specific times (ala Resi 4, but almost constantly, rather than choice cut scenes), or having to button mash a specific button, both of these actually end in zero damage to the enemy, this of course also means that weapons which are slower to weild than it is for the enemy to hit/grapple you become utterly pointless. Unfortunately anything above a pocket knife fits this description meaning when the weapons break (your first weapon is a sledgehammer, and it breaks by about enemy number pissing 3!), you're left with just your fists.So as long as it's one on one, punching the crap out of the enemy works, if there's more than one enemy, you're toast unless you run, and of course stamina now plays a bigger part so now that running away is pretty much the only option at times... you wind up so out of breath that instead of running, you're hobbling at a speed just a fraction faster than a slow meander through a market on a busy day while stopping to view every bastard stall as you go through, and now need to drink an energy drink to get your stamina back up (That or stand around waiting to get flattened by something).A good attempt at being innovative, a big step up from number 4, but far, far away from ever getting to the greatness of the first 3 games, and if number 5 doesn't go back to the original formula, I can see the series taking a severe nose dive. The gameplay is spot on, just give us more scary stuff and a good solid plot, we'll be happy at that, believe me! (And please for the love of God, don't force the control system to be "push up to run up the screen, pull down to go down" because when the camera angle changes... it fucks it all up! Make it up to just move forwards, and left/right simply turn the character, while back walks backwards.)Sorry, needed a bit of a rant about the game... incidentally I'll still be playing it to completion ('tis Silent Hill and I'm interested in the backstory), just there's a lot of stuff in the game that bugs me (Like how am I carrying a TV, plastic tray, typewriter, 2 planks of wood, 3 meat hooks, a pistol, a ton of bullets, and then all the medical supplies I've picked up, what am I doing, dragging a trailer round with me here?!)

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Last night, I was in a terrible mood, everything I did I got bored of within minutes so I turned on the Wii and went to the original Super Mario Bros and spent two hours on it! Having never finished it before its an awesome expirience and I am currently on level 7-1. I think I was a bit too tired to stick with it last night but gonna go finis it now! Any one else played it recently?Is anyone else hoping for a Nintendo announcement on being able to transfer VC games to the DS? Now that would be a cool feature!

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Oh, and has anyone completed or played Resistance: Fall of Man. I played it a few times back at Christmas but I've never really gone back to it, and can't remember an awfu lot about it. Is it worth playing through and completing?

I'm not a huge fan of first person shooters but I really enjoyed Resistance. The storyline was cool and the atmosphere in the game is pretty good as well. Some of the later levels felt quite unique to me although some parts felt a bit samey.Definately worth a playthrough.
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