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although it is really a nintendo-ised 'command and conquer'

Thats such an inaccurate way of describing Pikmin it's unbeleivable.I've just completed twilight princess, thinking of renewing my wow subscription
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although it is really a nintendo-ised 'command and conquer'

Thats such an inaccurate way of describing Pikmin it's unbeleivable.
Let me explain why it's not so inaccurate after all. I was using 'Command and Conquer' as an example of the general 'Real-time strategy' genre (maybe I should have just said that originally), of which in some ways Pikmin can fall into. Why? I shall explain.- First off, you have the base building qualities of RTS titles, although in Pikmin it is just about producing 'troops', or Pikmin in this case, (which you do in RTS titles), and making sure you have the right amount of Pikmin available, and enough of the right sort of Pikmin to do what you need to do. The same as all other RTS games.- Secondly, both involve combat, and involve you having direct control over a large army.- Both games have their own form of 'resource collecting' to allow you to produce new units/troops/pikmin/etc. In games like C&C you have to collect Tiberium (or crystals, etc), which is taken back to your base and is turned into cash which you can spend on things like making new buildings, new troops, new tanks, and so on. In Pikmin, you can carry back most of the enemys you kill (and any pellets they dropped), as well as cutting down the pellet containing flowers and collecting any free pellets in an area. These are carried back to your base and turned into new Pikmin, with the colour of the new Pikmin obviously dependant on which type of Pikmin brought the carcas/pellets back to their onions.- Obviously in RTS games you can upgrade your troops and weapons by spending your cash on developing new armour, new weapons, etc. In Pikmin it's a bit different, but you still can 'upgrade' your pikmin by turning them into budded or flowered pikmin by either getting them to drink some of that 'nectar' stuff, or by leaving them in the ground for a longer time before picking them.- Your objectives in a way have some similarites. Whether that's having to destroy a certain building or a base in RTS games, or having to get an engine part by having to kill a certain creature to be able to get it.- I also mentioned that it has some similarites to Lemmings, in that you control a large group of critters with which your have to build bridges, blow stuff up (knock walls down), get around obstacles, and use the abilites of the different Pikmin/Lemmings to help you.- I said that it was 'Nintendo-ised' because it is. Instead of army troops/soldiers in a war, it's cute colourful critters but still with a help save the world/homeland/hero style storyline.- Obviously there are some things that aren't similar between RTS games and Pikmin (mainly that Pikmin is more free form, although in many RTS games you can select which mission to take at several points).These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. Pikmin is a very good game, and quite a fresh feeling game when you first play it and does feel fairly original, but when it boils down to it, it still is based upon a large number of RTS basics that Pikmin shares with C&C and games of that ilk, rather than creating it's own genre. Edited by jerichoholictufcfan
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Mario Strikers: Charged is out for the Wii today, it's one of the first to offer online play so I'm tempted to check it out. I'm expecting a Sega Soccer Slam type affair without too much depth but should be plenty of fun in multiplayer.Anyone fancy a game over the weekend? Think I might pick it up today. My online gripe with the Wii online is Nintendo's reluctance to offer a proper online experience, I want a headset so I can scream at people, damnit!

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I was considering getting this. If it's anything like Soccer Slam it should be fun. I've been playing Pro evo 6 on the 360 online for hours on end using my mate's xbox live account. Despite 90% of the online gaming community for pro evo being absolute scum of the highest order, it's still extremely addictive.Also revisiting GTA: San Andreas. I think The Wire has filled my head with ideas of starting a Barksdale-esque ghetto empire. I did well at first, then fell into my usual rut of robbing passers by and drug dealers in order to fuel my gambling habit.

Edited by JLM
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Do you play as nobody but Inter and use a tactic which involves passing to Adriano and running away from goal, safe in the knowledge that he can score even if your centre forward play sucks balls? If not, I salute you for bucking the sickening trend. The worst I played was six centre backs including three in the box.A holding midfielder on the edge of the box, then two wingers stretched out as wide as you can possibly have them, touching the edges of the pitch and as far up the pitch as you can put them without them being wing forwards/support strikers, and then two strikers. This was with Inter, and he'd used Vieira as one of the six defenders. I beat him, but it was just so disgusting to see him using a formation that bore no resemblance to football purely to try and get some skanky wins. The best thing was that the sheer number of defenders ended up costing him two goals because of the insane scrambles it caused.

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I was considering getting this. If it's anything like Soccer Slam it should be fun. ...Also revisiting GTA: San Andreas. I think The Wire has filled my head with ideas of starting a Barksdale-esque ghetto empire. I did well at first, then fell into my usual rut of robbing passers by and drug dealers in order to fuel my gambling habit.

That's spooky because I've been doing exactly the same thing over the past few weekends. I'm only halfway through S2 of The Wire though, so no spoilers!I resumed an old save I had on GTA:SA and did the mission where you have to assassinate a music/film celebrity (who looks like Will Smith) by hijacking his Limo at an Awards Ceremony and driving it off the pier. I did that fine but on the way back to save I started listening to James Brown on Master Sounds and ended up bludgeoning a hooker and falling victim to her pimp :( . I think I have some sort of violent form of ADD.
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I'd love to reimburse my GTA game however I am absolutely useless at the flying school and thus have given up. I completed the first 2 about 2 years ago, got very excited when a few months ago completed the third level, only to find there is actually more than three levels. Piss off.

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I'd love to reimburse my GTA game however I am absolutely useless at the flying school and thus have given up. I completed the first 2 about 2 years ago, got very excited when a few months ago completed the third level, only to find there is actually more than three levels. Piss off.

10 In total then you have to do the N.O.E mission which is flying based and I found to be a total bitch. It's worth it though because all the best missions come next.
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I was considering getting this. If it's anything like Soccer Slam it should be fun. I've been playing Pro evo 6 on the 360 online for hours on end using my mate's xbox live account. Despite 90% of the online gaming community for pro evo being absolute scum of the highest order, it's still extremely addictive.Also revisiting GTA: San Andreas. I think The Wire has filled my head with ideas of starting a Barksdale-esque ghetto empire. I did well at first, then fell into my usual rut of robbing passers by and drug dealers in order to fuel my gambling habit.

Spooky - you are my gaming brother!!! I picked up Mario Strikers today but haven't played it yet as I started San Andreas again yesterday!!! Finally finished it to 100% a few months ago but recently I've spent time in my head debating which I preferred - GTA:SA or Twilight Princess and all that reminiscing lead to me dragging it out again yesterday. I just love the way the game captures that time perfectly. If GTA IV is anywhere near as good I may just be shelling out for a 360/PS3.
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I'd love to reimburse my GTA game however I am absolutely useless at the flying school and thus have given up. I completed the first 2 about 2 years ago, got very excited when a few months ago completed the third level, only to find there is actually more than three levels. Piss off.

10 In total then you have to do the N.O.E mission which is flying based and I found to be a total bitch. It's worth it though because all the best missions come next.
I've heard how great is gets, owning a casino and such like which sounds amazing. I actually have a max drive so it may be worth cheating and downloading a flying school completed save :blush: Still, my mate has that so for now I'm going to start again for fun
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