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Currently playing Zelda: Ocarina Of Time on the GameCube.Completed it on the Nintendo 64 yonks ago, but thought I'd give it another bash.What a game!

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I completed Getaway Black Monday last night after just 3 days. I hadn't touched it since I bought it about 7 months ago and until Sickboy mentioned it in this very thread I hadn't remembered about it.Good game. Not great. Excellent storyline and brilliant characters but the gameplay sucked most of the time. For instance in the racing missions random cars (not the guys who were after you) would just smash into the front of you.

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Just recieved "Command & Conquer: The First Decade" in the post. Not sure if I want to install it or leave it rapped up and display it somewhere.EDIT: Looking through my serial keys, my Zero Hour serial contains: CUNT.Since I've paid for three copies of Generals and Zero hour now, yes, I do feel like a cunt.

Edited by Fozzie
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It is a lovely box! Fozzie you may want to head to www.commandandconquer.ea.com and check out the forums. Apparently some of the games have faults - one of the main ones being the movies not working in Red Alert 1. Installing the game now, taking ages and a massive 9.8GB according to the box

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PES5 is ever-present so I won't be mentioning it again, just assume that its draning too many hours of my life each time I post in here. I returned to my trusty DS for a couple of long train journeys recently, got a new high score on Yoshi Touch and go! marathon mode and improved most of my Wario Ware scores too. Did a few more missions on Advance Wars DS, then I arrived at my destination. DS = destroyer of journeys. They need to put magic Wi-fi access points on Virgin trains so I can go online with Mario Kart. Other stuff, got an N64 emulator and rediscovered the joy of No Mercy, except better! Better how? Better because the visuals are sharper, the rom doesn't wipe itself like my buggy cartridge did and I can use all the funky mods and gameshark codes (some of which are thankfully built into the emulator) so I can spawn ladders out of nowhere and use edited moves and so forth. The N64 emulator has also allowed me to continue my quest to play some of the worst games ever made. To that end, I got MK Mythologies: Sub Zero and Superman 64. Sub 10% games are the new hotness. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, jump, press button to turn round, GET CRUSHED AND DIE WITHOUT WARNING. Well done midway, well done. As for Superman, flying through rings in the fog, just like in the movies!!! Superman's arm comes off randomly and he moves like an arthtritic old man who has soiled himself, just like in the movies!! Great, great game. Imagine being the kid who got this for your birthday, or the parent who spent 50-60 quid on it. Ruahahah. Oh, I also got Wargods, Dark Rift and Dual Heroes. All of them are really, really shitty. My other plan is to get as close as I can to playing every beatemup ever, I forgot just how bad the N64 fighting games were. The Dreamcast and Saturn were a breeze, the PS2 and Xbox have a decent crop of fighters, Neo Geo is of course exemplary, the N64... jesus. I love beatemups more than any other genre, I didn't buy a single one for my N64. Clayfighter 63 and a third, a version of MK Trilogy that's far worse than the already poor PS version, War Gods, Dark Rift, Dual Heroes, Deadly Arts, BioFreaks and Killer Instinct Gold (which is somehow far inferior to the SNES Killer Instinct). Awful, awful awful. They should have done a conversion of Rise of the robots just to complete the set. All that said, Raguka kids is meant to be pretty good, so I live in hope.

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The N64 emulator has also allowed me to continue my quest to play some of the worst games ever made. To that end, I got MK Mythologies: Sub Zero and Superman 64. Sub 10% games are the new hotness. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, jump, press button to turn round, GET CRUSHED AND DIE WITHOUT WARNING. Well done midway, well done.

Many years of anticipation were shattered and defecated upon when I got this little "gem" from eBay last year. :(
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