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The Dragon Gate thread


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Ha, your journey through 2005/Early 2006 will be full of highs and lows. He dropped the Sol Naciente for quite a while in favour of the Lightning Spiral and Another Space, but then for the early 2006 Brave Gate league matches he seems to have gone back to it. Glad to see you're back on the catch up trail though, the number of contributors to this thread was dwindling in these dark Adam Young/JFFC/Carbomb/JPaCyn-less days. Also, if you get within six months of me, I know I need to pick up the pace again. :DRe: The Syachi, I've never been quite sure who played the character since the Sato twins left. I'm sure they've used a number of different guys, surely dojo boys at some stage, though it appears that whoever it was most recently has gone on to become Shisa Boy, given that the Syachi "returned to Nagoya" immediately before Shisa Boy's debut. If they still have the outfits lying around they should revive the Black Syachihoko machines, they looked cool as hell. On a similar note, who was Jackson Florida?EDIT: Hey, 100 posts in this thread for me!

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K-ness and YOSSINO developed a chain of counters to each others moves during a feud in 2003, and did it with such speed and fluidity it was pretty darn special. It has to be seen, K-ness used a move called Sol Noches El that was similiar to Sol Naciente, YOSSINO topped it, and so on.

I remember this. Specifically because I remember that YOSSINO tried to hit Dragon Kid's "Christ" submission, and K-Ness countered this into the "Judas". Mint.
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Not strictly a DG match, but as this thread has previously covered all things UDG related it might as well go here:


Iifushi Kota vs Milano Collection AT


This is from DDT, but is potentially a future match in El Dorado. This is the first time I've seen Milano wrestle since he left DG, so that's a long time. Methinks he let himself go a bit in Texas as his muscle definition seems to have completely gone.


He's very much the heel here, he gets a superb welcome with a sea of streamers but then immediately sets to work on getting the crowd against him and behind DDT golden boy Kota. Kota is impressive, I've been wanting to see more of him, he has an array of slick offence ranging from crisp kicks to flashy aerial moves and seems to have decent babyface charisma about him. Milano manages to get booed, such is the arrogance he displays here. I liked it.


The match is clipped to about 7 or 8 minutes out of 11 but the gist is that Milano works on Kota's legs to try and neutralise him and Kota attempts various desperation moves to try and get the win. The DDT man struggles bravely but alas it is all in vain, as Milano gets the win with his IR2. It looks utterly crap by the way. Given all the moves he has at his disposal it is one lame finisher. The Armani shoe exchange is as beautiful as ever mind.


A reasonably interesting watch. Milano's act doesn't seem to have changed a great deal, same music, models, invisible dog, but in this match he showed a nice prick heel side that got decent results. It's a shame his once impressive physique is looking a bit ropey, but other than that he still seems to have the star quality about him amongst Japanese fans, exemplified by the reception he gets.


As for DG, hopefully I'll have an order in reasonably soon and I can roll on with the DG 2006 catch up. Also, DGUSA appears to be down? An update perhaps?

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Hello there.


As World is almost upon us, and is likely to produce one or two talking points, I have a request:


Please put all World discussion in spoiler tags


Thanking you kindly.

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Please put all World discussion in spoiler tags

I second this request. Poster and card from DGUSA:worldposter.jpg7/2/2006 Hyogo, Kobe World Hall1. Shisa Family First MeetingRyo Saito, Genki Horiguchi, The Turboman vs. Super Shisa, Shisa Boy, King Shisa2. K-ness Return MatchAkira Tozawa, Takayuki Mori vs. K-ness, Keni'chiro Arai3. BxB Hulk vs. Dos Caras4. Shingo Takagi vs. Yutaka Yoshie5. Revolution Special MatchMagnum TOKYO, Geni'chiro Tenryu vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Minoru Suzuki6. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Naoki Tanisaki, Gamma, Dr. Muscle vs. Yasushi Kanda, Don Fujii, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong7. Open the Dream GateSusumu Yokosuka vs. Dragon Kid0. No Rope Bonus MatchCIMA vs. Magnitude KishiwadaRyo and Genki in an irrelevant opener and tagging with hilarious gaff-man? Pshaw.I'm surprised they didn't book Hulk and Shingo in a tag. They don't like each other and they're now nominally in the same unit, so surely there's some fun to be had. Maybe they'll use that idea when Shingo's back in Japan more regularly... Delighted to see Yoshie on the card, though. :)The main events and the Revolution match looks damn tasty to me. I hope Suzuki hits Magu in the nuts during the gyrating frankensteiner.And fuck Jack Evans. New rule, motherfucker: if you look like I could kick your ass just by looking at you, you don't get to be a professional wrestler. Anthony W Mori looks like he could kick your ass. Stalker Ichikawa looks like he could kick your ass. Fucking Tanny Mouse looks like she could kick your ass.Here's Tanny Mouse. She looks like she could kick your ass. Now FUCK OFF....I feel better now :smug:
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New rule, motherfucker: if you look like I could kick your ass just by looking at you, you don't get to be a professional wrestler

Hang on, you're advocating getting rid of BxB Hulk?
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No, I'm pretty sure I'd have to actually get my hands on Hulk to kick his ass, as opposed to just looking at him. ;)Besides, he's ripped to the tits. If he shaved his head and got proper tights I reckon he'd look properly hard. Like a fruity Gedo or something. Actually, if he just took that stupid choker off it'd be a huge improvement.

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I echo the sentiments about the main events and the revolution match. Yoshie and MiSuzu are very very welcome outsiders. Magu will be punked out hilariously through the medium of sleepers and the best facial expressions ever. Yoshie is gloriously fat, and if Shingo manages to move him or, better yet, throw/suplex him in any way, it will make my year. Hell, a prolonged chop/slap exchange between them would do. Hulk vs Dos Caras... I don't know what's going to happen. Most are expecting a trainwreck, though Dos Caras put in some alright performances for Michinoku Pro in the late 90s against lucharesu style opponents. I like how Stalker makes it onto the poster and Yoshie, Dos Caras and the Indy lot don't even though Stalker isn't actually on the card. Speaking of the poster, Magnitude Kishiwada's MO'z mask is very smart indeed. I hope the no-rope stip doesn't hamper them too much. The intensity should be enough to carry it through, and much of Kishiwada's offense doesn't require the ropes anyway. I'd expect there'll be brawling all over the place that negates the need for a ring anyway. It is a shame to see Ryo and Genki relegated to the insignificant opener on such a big show, but conversely it's a beautiful thing to see Susumu main eventing World. Now he just needs to hang onto that title, only Susumu could end up as the bridesmaid at his own reception.

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It is a shame to see Ryo and Genki relegated to the insignificant opener on such a big show, but conversely it's a beautiful thing to see Susumu main eventing World. Now he just needs to hang onto that title, only Susumu could end up as the bridesmaid at his own reception.

Speaking as someone still on last years Kobe show, Susumu was in the insignificant opener on that card, so there ya go. I would strongly suspect Isappa/Maraha to be getting them revived WAR Tag belts Jae has talked about, I guess Tenryu just has to locate whichever pawn shop he left them at.I like the Maggytude mask as well, it's as simple as altering the colours on the design from BG to MO'z, but its darn effective.
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I like how Stalker makes it onto the poster and Yoshie, Dos Caras and the Indy lot don't even though Stalker isn't actually on the card.

Like Stalker is going to be able to resist the temptation of running in and challenging one of the guest stars. (No, I haven't seen the results, but you KNOW it's going to happen. :))
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On the subject of Stalker:-I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, but who exactly were his official "Reckless Run" opponents?

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On the subject of Stalker:-I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, but who exactly were his official "Reckless Run" opponents?

I can think of Aja Kong, Alexander Otsuka and Mitsuhiro Matsunaga at the minute.And I can say this without giving any World spoilers~~~CIMA. Europe. Late 2006.Get the fuck in.
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I couldn't say which were officially 'Reckless Run' opponents and which weren't, but he's also faced Yoshihiro Takayama, Great Sasuke, Toshiaki Kawada and Akira Hokuto. I think he might have bounced off Yutaka Yoshie this year as well, but I'm scared to go to DGUSA and check :(Just watching the Feb PPV (Kishiwada vs Saito ODG, OBG decision league, CIMA & Fujii vs Mochizuki & Yokosuka) as I type. I'm up to the main event, and it's been good so far. Nothing absolutely unmissable, but well worth a look IMO. :)Yes. Get. The fuck. In.

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Oh, I am there.


Make it coincide with NOAH finally answering my prayers and sending SUWA and.. well.. y'know. But that's just a wonderful dream.


I think Ultimo Dragon-cito counted as part of the reckless run, as before the show that X was hyped as something pretty big, there was even talk of Goldberg as I recall. He's faced Kintaro Kanemura and President Okamura. Oh, and the guy who's name escapes me who was teased as "Big Hage". His match with Venezia was probably just for kicks, but it was fun nonetheless, with Stalker as Stalker Masahiro. He still lost mind.


If we're naming all of Stalker's X opponents he also faced Akitoshi Saito, but that was more recent.


My longest post ever largely on the subject of Stalker can only end with this:



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