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The Dragon Gate thread


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Kanda's retirement was the best thing ever, I wonder what kind of pop could top that?

What indeed. - oh wait, maybe this. :)Mister Jae, he has the results again. Things have happened.17 Mar 2006 Dragon Gate - 3/17 Korakuen Hall

3/17/2005 Tokyo, Korakuen Hall1. Keni'chiro Arai{W}, King Shisa (11:42 Shisa Assisted Tobidashichuii) Anthony W. Mori, Turbo{L}2. Open the Brave Gate LeagueNaoki Tanisaki (5:02 Casanova) Super Shisa3. Open the Brave Gate LeagueTozawa (6:58 Schoolboy from Protein Attack) Naruki Doi4. Open the Brave Gate LeagueDragon Kid (10:05 Lightning Spiral Cutback) Masato Yoshino5. Magnum TOKYO, BxB Hulk{W} (19:40 E.V.O.) Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi{L}6. Masaaki Mochizuki, Susumu Mochizuki, Yasushi Kanda{W} (19:56 Gekokujoh Elbow) CIMA, Shingo Takagi, Don Fujii{L}Araken allowed Tozawa to join FM2K after his first ever win. He tossed him a Yokosuka Jumper, but Tozawa refused it! He said to wait for the next Hall.

Perennial whipping boy in 'grows a pair' shocker? Pinning Doi, even after protein powder shenanigans, is going to make people take notice, but I can't help thinking that revenge is going to be swift and chair-shaped. No idea what Tozawa could be planning, but then I don't really care either.

Susumu wrestled as Susumu Mochizuki, and they entered to G.W.D. Darkness Dragon and Chocoflake did indeed appear. The main was the typical original M2K style wild brawl, with intrusions from Dragon and Choco.

:) :) :)

That show will be K-ness' 10th anniversary in wrestling. However he can't wrestle yet due to his injury, so a replacement from his past will wrestle for him. They will face the winner of a Stalker Ichikawa vs. Frolida match from the next Korakuen. The loser of that match will undergo a character change!

Gimmick vs gimmick! Awesome. With Stalker hardly wrestling now, I have a suspicion that the Frolidas will somehow manage to lose. No point changing Ichikawa's gimmick and then punting him back to the office.

Susumu stepped up as the next Dream Gate challenger. CIMA chose to block it, so the 2 will meet in Kawagoe on Sunday. The winner goes on to Ota to face Ryo.

Hmm. Ryo beat Susumu in the King of Gate final. Another loss here puts Susumu firmly back in the middle of the card, but if he wins they repeat the match from December and Ryo beats him anyway. I'll say CIMA by ridiculous amounts of heelery, after which Ryo and he can pick up where they left off last summer.Hey, it works for me. :)
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I finally got around to finding a link to Dragon Storm tracks. Yokosuka Liner and the BloodGen theme sound even better than I thought. That and cracking up to the English lyrics to Mr Egoist.Halfway through the Feb PPV. I like angry pissed off Tanisaki a lot, Milano Collection I.T is either a humourous tribute or kicking the bloke in the bollocks on his way out. Magnum must read the equivalent Japanese smart mark sites due his 'gassing' during the dance. And Araken standing up for the little runt I assume to be Tozawa when Don Fujii beats on him is great. As is Fujii going full-blown heel and being the best bad guy in BloodGen.I need photos of an M2K reunion.

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Open the Dream Gate Challenger DecisionSusumu Yokosuka (20:31 Jumbo no Kachi!gatame from Gamma Mis-aimed Protein Attack) CIMA:) :) :)And Gamma is replacing Kishiwada

What's happened to Magnitude?I'm bang up to date, for the first time in years. The late-December shows were fantastic, both in terms of storyline advancement and match quality. The Saito elevation job was handled really well, and I really like how Tanisaki's coming along. Not sure about the dodgy barnet, mind.The January show was so-so. An excellent main event aside, the undercard was pretty underwhelming. The Florida Brothers are beyond stale but at least we weren't subjected to anything more than a five-minute match from the once-great comedy pairing.
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That and cracking up to the English lyrics to Mr Egoist.

Let the people in the house scream Yo!The man in the house with the big egoI've no idea what you're talking about :unsure:

What's happened to Magnitude?

Shoulder injury. Out for a few months. I'm in full agreement about the 26/12 and 27/12 shows - both were great. Everybody get them.
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The Florida Brothers are beyond stale but at least we weren't subjected to anything more than a five-minute match from the once-great comedy pairing.

That happens to most comedy pairings, there really is only so many gags you can do before repetition kicks in. As I'm back in Feb 2005, I really believe they were onto something with turning FloBros serious (Mishima going serious against Saito was popular - or thats how I saw it) - but for whatever reason, judging by reports since (and I know they reverted to original characters for one match in April), they felt unable to go through with it fully.I'm still loving a full-blown heel Don Fujii, so can I go spoiler free please? :)
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That and cracking up to the English lyrics to Mr Egoist.

Let the people in the house scream Yo!The man in the house with the big egoI've no idea what you're talking about :unsure:
I think "They puff their chests up/Decide to step up" is probably my favourite couplet.

They will face the winner of a Stalker Ichikawa vs. Frolida match from the next Korakuen. The loser of that match will undergo a character change!

Unless Michael & Daniel are going to become Miguel & Jose, The Guadalahara Bros., sending up Lucha spots, please let Stalker lose. :(
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I guess I'll invade this topic as I've watched my first Toryumon related show in two years.




Dragon Gate on GAORA TV - "PRIMAL GATE": January 8, 9 & 14, 2006, Tokyo - (2 hrs)


January 8, 2006, Nagoya Telepia Hall


1. Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka -vs- Magnum TOKYO & Genki Horiguchi [1/2*]

--- This match aired in highlights form so you didn't get much of a feel of the match. Decent entertaining from what was shown, but nothing to get excited about. They did a deal where Magnum layed down and got pinned deliberatly, but that was overruled and they where forced to do a competitive match poor souls.

0:06 of 0:28 - Yokosuka pinned Magnum

2:27 of 12:13 - Yokosuka pinned Horiguchi after a Yokosuka Cutter



January 9, 2006, Nagoya Telepia Hall


2. 28-Man Survival Gate Royal Rumble [*]

--- A typical Japanese comedy battle royal which was good for a few laughes. This was also clipped to pieces, but you get that Magnum TOKYO is not in a serious mode at the moment. The finish was a comedy spot where TOKYO missed a chop out on the apronside when Yokosuka ducked so Magnum managed to eliminate himself.

4:53 of 25:29 - Susumu Yokosuka won the 28-Man Survival Gate Royal Rumble last eliminating Magnum TOKYO




3. Anthony W. Mori & BxB Hulk & King Shisa & Super Shisa -vs- CIMA & Don Fujii & Magnitude Kishiwada & Shingo Takagi [**]

--- Some good action which kept in entertaining, but it wasn't the type of match that had time to explode - with help from the GAORA TV editing team. Just two teams trading fancy moves and sequences without cutting it too deep. They had showed clips of Mori defeating Kashiwada with the Elegant Magic rolling side cradle from a earlier show and Mori defeated another Blood Generation member with the move here when Don Fujii fell victim to it.

7:44 of 16:20 - Mori pinned Fujii with a Elegant Magic cradle



January 8, 2006, Nagoya Telepia Hall


4. CIMA & Magnitude Kishiwada & Masato Yoshino © -vs- Ryo Saito & Dragon Kid & Naoki Tanisaki - (Open the Triangle Gate Title) [*** 1/4]

--- A very good match where the Triangle champions was in charge most of the way. The DoFixer team had their work cut out for them trying to fight back and not even with Dragon Kid's counter tallents they couldn't get the upset so the champs retain the 6-man tag belts in their 4th defence since winning them Augist 10, 2005 from the DoFixer stable.

15:43 of 22:12 - Yoshino pinned Dragon Kid after a Lightning Spiral



January 9, 2006, Nagoya Telepia Hall


5. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi -vs- Dragon Kid & Magnum TOKYO [**]

--- Fine action in this quick match with Dragon Kid still having problems against Blood Generation's Yoshino getting pinned for the second stright night after the spinning Argentine backbreaker driver type move.

5:40 of 6:43 - Yoshino pinned Dragon Kid after a Lightning Spiral



January 14, 2006, Kobe - ASUTA LIVE FACTORY


6. Michael Iwasa & Daniel Mishima -vs- Magnum TOKYO

--- Highlights of a lazy ass comedy match where The Florida Brothers won when the referee submitted to TOKYO's Indian Death Lock which the Florida Brothers had locked in. Ok, he didn't submit but ruled it a DQ.

1:13 of 5:04 - Iwasa & Mishima defeated TOKYO by DQ



7. Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka -vs- King Shisa & Super Shisa

--- Highlights. Looked decent, but that was about it.

1:15 of 11:57 - Yokosuka pinned Super Shisa after a Yokosuka Cutter



8. Naruki Doi -vs- Genki Horiguchi

--- Highlights. Looked ok from what aired.

0:42 of 7:31 - Doi pinned Horiguchi after a sliding kick



9. Kenichiro Arai & Katsuo -vs- Tozawa & Vangelis [* 1/4]

--- Some good action, but a little too digested for TV. The best part was Tozawa doing Vangelis style strip dancing. I'm not sure what to make of Arai's facial experession while that was going on ;) Even with his dancing skills Tozawa lost when he fell victim to Arai's Camel Clutch.

3:53 of 10:01 - Arai made Tozawa submit to a Camel Clutch



10. Magnitude Kishiwada & Shingo Takagi -vs- Anthony W. Mori & BxB Hulk [* 3/4]

--- Mori & Hulk was out-powered by the Kishiwada & Takagi team, but got some short comebacks mainly using desperation cradles. Mori didn't manage to pin Kishiwada this time with his Elegant Magic cradle. Hulk was destroyed at the end, but kicked out of a bunch of moves before being put to sleep.

6:03 of 11:47 - Kishiwada pinned Hulk after a fisherman's buster



11. Ryo Saito & Dragon Kid & Naoki Tanisaki -vs- CIMA & Don Fujii & Masato Yoshino [***]

--- They teased a Tanisaki turn with CIMA wanting to shake his hand and there was also a moment where Saito and Tanisaki almost got into a fight after they accidentally hit each other. But they got their focus back and fought off the Blood Generation. They kind of had to since BG was hurting them bad. Some very good fast-paced action from both teams. DoFixer fought their way back and got revenge from the title match loss a week earlier with a dubious 3-count. Looked like Don Fujii kicked out, but they got the three. One thing's for sure. Tanihashi kicked out a lot slower for some of the cradles he was caught in. It looks like DoFixer is in tact as Saito & Tanisaki made up completely after the match.

15:17 of 20:39 - Tanisaki pinned Fujii with a rolling clutch



COMMENTS: A good TV episode with two strong matches between DoFixer and Blood Generation and a few other ok matches and highlights. I think Dragon Gate is going to be one of the better promotions to follow in terms of action in 2006.




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Dragon Gate PPV - "BATTLE JUNCTION 12": January 27, 2006, Tokyo - (3 hrs)


January 27, 2006, Tokyo - (? fans) - A very good crowd. Could maybe have squeezed one or two hundred more. So around 1,800, I guess.



1. Kenichiro Arai & Susumu Yokosuka -vs- King Shisa & Super Shisa [** 1/4]

--- A easy fun match mixing comedy and lucharesu. Early on the Arai & Yokosuka focused on slapping Super Shisa's back which must have stung bad because Shisa was overselling them like he was being stabbed with a knife. Some nice action, but it was never anything super serious. Just a entertaining opener. Yokosuka got the win with a Canadian backbreaker into a faceslam move on Super Shiza.

12:31 of 12:30 - Yokozuka pinned Super Shisa after Aikata



2. Michael Iwasa & Daniel Mishima -vs- Genki Horiguchi [*]

--- Comedy with the main focus on who could sell a low-blow longest and most over the top! Fun for what it was. The Florida Brothers won with a schoolboy when Michael also had his feet on Daniel for extra leverage.

5:24 of 5:24 - Iwasa pinned Horiguchi with a schoolboy



3. BxB Hulk & Katsuo -vs- Tozawa & Vangelis [* 3/4]

--- A match between strippers! Tozawa usually isn't one, but teaming with Mexican star Vangelis has got him inspired. Tozawa felt incredibly sexy after his dancing performance and was sporting the silver hair like Vangelis. A ok fun match which never really excelled into anything special except some light entertainment and ok lucha wrestling. The more experienced stripper BxB Hulk won against the amateur stripper with Mitsuharu Misawa's finisher the Emerald Frosion.

8:06 of 8:06 - Hulk pinned Tozawa after a EVO



4. Magnum TOKYO & Masaaki Mochizuki -vs- Don Fujii & Shingo Takagi [***]

--- This was more a strong style type match with a massive amount of chops, elbows and kicks then a typical lucharesu based match. I guess they where trying to impress Genichiro Tenryu who was in attendance. The style didn't always look natural for these guys, but they put on a strong effort chopping each other down. Don Fujii was the star in this style of match as he's a living copy of Rikidozan. Well he's more like a Don Arakawa with the comedy, but the styles are similar.

19:20 of 19:19 - Mochizuki pinned Fujii with a Dragon Suplex



5. Anthony W. Mori (Cap) & Ryo Saito & Naoki Tanisaki & Dragon Kid -vs- Magnitude Kishiwada (Cap) & CIMA & Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino - (Captians Fall) [*** 3/4]

--- A Captains Falls match meaning an elimination match until one of the team captains gets eliminated. Meaining Mori who was teaming with the DoFixer's and Magnitude for Blood Generation. BG started good beating up their opponents all over the Korakuen Hall in which Tanisaki was bleading from the head which was very visual since he's a blondy. They teased the Tanisaki turn again with him getting in a heated argument with Saito after a dropkick accidentally hit him. This resulted in Tanisaki shaking hands with CIMA before rushing out of the ring and placing himself in the crowd. Well this was only a trick as Tanisaki entered the ring and surprised Doi and pinned him 5 minutes later. This naturally upset CIMA who got his revenge 10 minutes later killing him with two reversed Emerald Frosions. There was naturally loads of nice action in this with them pulling out their big moves for near falls. Mori got the victory for his team when Kashiwada was unable to get out of Mori's Triangle Hold and eventually passed out with a "dislocated shoulder" which the doctor had to take a look at.

9:58 - Tanisaki pinned Doi with a backslide

19:53 - CIMA pinned Tanisaki after a Schwein

20:52 - Yoshino pinned Dragon Kid after a Lightning Spiral

25:58 of 25:56 - Mori defeated Kashiwada via Referee Stop when he passed out to a Triangle Hold




COMMENTS: A entertaining show with a ok undercard that built up nicely the atmosphere to the final explosion.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Is it just me, or does this look like the tastiest ToryuGateDoradoDoor card in, well, ever?From DGUSA. My own comments in italics.

Tonights' Korakuen is not a PPV, but looks to have a huge amount of movement as far as the unit shuffle goes.4/12/2006 Tokyo, Korakuen Hall1. Shingo Takagi, Masato Yoshino, Don Fujii vs. Naoki Tanisaki, BxB Hulk, Jack Evans-Naokis' Blood assessment match.Well, you knew it was coming. Bye bye, awesome surfing Spike Dudley clone-dude. :(Every other pairing has intrigue as well. Yoshino and Jack have their first preliminary skirmish before Ota. Shingo and Hulk continue the generation war. Not your average opening six man.2. King Shisa, Jardi Frantz vs. Turbo, Mr. Primetime-Gaijin showcaseActually, I don't care about this in the slightest. Oh well.3. Keni'chiro Arai vs. Tozawa-Tozawa finally earned entry into Final M2K last month, but he refused it. He has been insulting Araken because of his age. He promised everyone he would reveal something here. Will it be the return of dancing Tozawa?4. Character vs. CharacterStalker Ichikawa vs. Florida Brothers-The winner gets a spot in the K-ness 10 year memorial at Ota. The loser is forced to change their character. Both acts aren't the most fresh anymore. It's safe to say whoever loses will remein in comedy with their new characters, though.~The above huge tilde is in italics. You probably can't tell, though, because it's a huge tilde.5. CIMA, Naruki Doi, Gamma vs. Anthony W. Mori, Genki Horiguchi, Dragon Kid-Blood promises to explode here. CIMA says he will banish Gamma in this match, but Doi has been on the phone with Kishiwada to try and calm things. Will peace be made or will Blood finally splinter? The chances of this town being big enough for CIMA and Kishiwada were always pretty remote. Throw Gamma in the mix as well as new Blood guy Tanisaki and it's just GOT to implode. My money's on CIMA, Fujii, Shingo and Tanisaki vs Kishiwada, Gamma, Yoshino and Doi, but my GOD I would come in my best pants if Fujii ended up on the opposite side from CIMA. I want to see those two in singles so very, very much.6. Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Magnum TOKYO-The ultimate generation war main event. The signboard holders of the Toryumon Japan age vs. the Dragon Gate top.Well, he said it.

And it's not even a PPV. Never looked to me like their Korakuen houses needed a huge boost or anything, so that seems a little weird to me.The above was typed before I noticed that Jae also has results. RESULTS~!

4/12/2006 Tokyo, Korakuen Hall, 2150 Attendance1. Naoki Tanisaki{W}, Jack Evans, BxB Hulk (11:37 Casanova) Don Fujii{L}, Shingo Takagi, Masato Yoshino2. Mr. Primetime{W}, Turboman (11:21 Frog Splash) King Shisa, Jardi Frantz{L}3. Keni'chiro Arai (6:35 Hanshin Tiger Suplex) Akira Tozawa4. Stalker Ichikawa (7:05 German Suplex Hold) Michael{L}, Daniel5. Anthony W. Mori, Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi (17:43 DQ due to Ref Attack) CIMA, Naruki Doi, Gamma{L}6. Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka{W} (24:02 Jumbo no Kachi!gatame) Magnum TOKYO, Masaaki Mochizuki{L}Busy night. Naokis' assessment match went well for him, pinning Fujii directly. Fujii allowed Naoki into Blood afterwards.Big of him.Turbo is now being called Turboman.Meh, he should have merged with Vangelis a la Brundlefly and become Turbo Lover. A wasted opportunity for the best entrance music ever.Tozawa appeared in long white pants from the Bonton. He returned to the kanji spelling of Tozawa, with Akira in katakana. He announced that he was going to start cram school ......Frolida are now (finally) finished. Iwasa and Mishima will now undergo character changes. Tozawa re-entered here to console Iwasa, giving him a gakuran (middle and high school uniform). Meanwhile it was announced that the super imporant X that Stalker now gets to face is none other than flying fatman Yutaka Yoshie.Well, I called it, but still, holy fuck. If you're a convenience store owner in Newport, take a word from the wise and stock up on the paper hankies.And oh YEAH. YOSHIE~!The semi-final had the most movement, all of it pretty alarming. Gamma went after Anthonys' hair to cut it, in turn attacking the ref and getting DQ'd. CIMA turned on Gamma here. Yoshino and Naoki also entered here, and along with Doi turned on CIMA! They assaulted Fujii and CIMA, until Shingo made the save. The 4 split from CIMAs' version of Blood, and made a claim on the name. A new match was decided for Ota, CIMA/Fujii vs. Gamma/Doi for rights to the Blood Generation name.

Well, I wasn't far off with the Blood split. When was the last time Susumu pinned Mochi? Has he ever pinned Mochi? Surprised Jae didn't make more of that...
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Guest Ice Chiller

Does anybody know why OutcastVideo seems to have stopped selling Dragon Gate? :( Anybody got another site to order from?

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I've been ordering from SiMania's DVD site, but he seems to miss every alternate episode, so am trying to find people who can fill me in. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to contact JFFC, who used to run X2 Videos - I don't think he's doing it any more. :(

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I've been ordering from SiMania's DVD site, but he seems to miss every alternate episode, so am trying to find people who can fill me in. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to contact JFFC, who used to run X2 Videos - I don't think he's doing it any more. :(

I've just ordered in some more DG, but again it's just alternative episodes (and the PPV's) which is all I can seem to find, I'll keep digging though.
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I've been ordering from SiMania's DVD site, but he seems to miss every alternate episode, so am trying to find people who can fill me in. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to contact JFFC, who used to run X2 Videos - I don't think he's doing it any more. :(

I've just ordered in some more DG, but again it's just alternative episodes (and the PPV's) which is all I can seem to find, I'll keep digging though.
Don't get me wrong - I think you provide a very good service, and I'll still be purchasing DG off you, but I need to dig around to find those missing episodes. I really wanted to get the Open The Brave Gate PPV.
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