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WWE Untold


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I'm only after watching the Untold episode on Goldberg's streak. It was a fun, short trip down memory lane as you would expect. Nothing new or revealing really, but what I did notice was how vexed Kevin Nash seemed. 

Despite making a comment at one point about how he liked Bill, absolutely every other statement he made seemed to contradict that completely. 

I'm sure there was some heat at the time between the pair, but this felt like there was still heat between them, which caught me off guard a little. 

Anyway, I guess maybe this can be a place to discuss other Untold episodes? This is the only one I have watched so far, though I'm thinking of sticking on the episode about Kane's debut at Bad Blood here shortly. Any other recommendations?

Edited by WeeAl
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I'm a huge Trips fan so this does come with massive bias but the Foley/Triple H one revolving around their Street Fight at the Rumble and HIAC match the following month is really good. There were some stories in there I wasn't aware of before I watched it and it's good to see how much more Stephanie valued a passive kiss than Trips did.

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