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WWE Euroshop/WWE Shopzone Experiences, Good or Bad ?

Hounds Of Justice

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Just wondering what everyone's experiences are with either WWE Euroshop or WWE Shopzone, I am getting the Kevin Owens muscle top and hoody from WWE Euroshop next week and was just wondering how long does it take to get the items delivered and would it be better to order from WWE Shopzone, what are your experiences please.

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EuroShop has improved immensely since it started being run by Amazon. They ballsed up a deal code a while back too which they still honoured for me. Was meant to be Spend over £40 get 25% off, but someone obviously buggered it up as everyone saved £25 rather 25%.hou'll usually get your items within a few days from Euroshop.


The WWE Shop from the US took 2 weeks to arrive when I ordered from there last month. They have a world wide shipping program in place too do you don't get hit with any other import fees etc. you'll know exactly how much you will pay before you finish the transaction

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Is there a reason you never use the question threads Boydy for your questions? If you start a new thread for what should be in the question threads again I'm banning you, you're lucky not to be banned anyway.

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