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big mickey

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I'd agree that there's definitely greed involved, but that runs across all society. I could argue that our Prime Minister is a greedy millionaire. it's also about the marketing machine that creates a want for expensive goods such as sportswear that they can't afford, so steal instead.

Have you seen these people? They have better clothes, phones and bikes than I do!

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Poor people on benefits from Tottenham = Not Scum

Looters = Scum

Poor people on benefits from Tottenham who are Looters = Scum

Graphics designers who are looting = Scum


Fair enough but I'm sure you'll recognise that this is being closely associated with unemployed people on benefits, fuelling more prejudice against that group in general, regardless of whether they're involved or not.

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Fair enough but I'm sure you'll recognise that this is being closely associated with unemployed people on benefits, fuelling more prejudice against that group in general, regardless of whether they're involved or not.


There is prejudice against everyone, that's life. I have called these people scum from day one much to your annoyance and yet my dad is a longtime unemployed person on benefits.


I think to most people it's pretty simple. If you smash up the neighbourhood, burn things down and steal your scum. There is no good reason for it.


If i may steal a post i read on another forum from another former Tottenham resident ...


Peope are reading way too much into this. Saturdays problem in Tottenham was a peaceful protest 'hijacked' by some lowlife criminals. The Police's reaction wasn't 'frim' enough because they are afraid to be 'heavyhanded' after the g20 crap, other lowlifes have seen the reaction of the Police and have taken advantage. this isn't about 'bankers bonuses', bored teenagers or a society wit an 'alienated generation'. It's organised crime with people following the crowd, answers to this problem will never be available, the simplest answer when asked why they're doing it is "Because I can". If the Police had been forcefull in Tottenahm we wouldn't be where we are now. But I fully understand why they weren't.


Pretty much sums it up for me.

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I'm sure a lot of the rioters are reliant on benefits, certainly proportionately more so than the average British person.


Considering how young a lot of them are I don't know if they'd actually be eligible for benefits. And even if that is the case, that doesn't mean that all people on benefits should be tarred with the same brush - which is what I see happening on Facebook etc.

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One girl accosted by SuperJourno said


"I'm getting my taxes"


Presumably she thinks that taxes are something that the state pays her, like benefits.


Poor people on benefits from Tottenham = Not Scum

Looters = Scum

Poor people on benefits from Tottenham who are Looters = Scum

Graphics designers who are looting = Scum


The Whiskey Venn Diagram would look rather odd wouldn't it!

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There is prejudice against everyone, that's life. I have called these people scum from day one much to your annoyance and yet my dad is a longtime unemployed person on benefits.


I think to most people it's pretty simple. If you smash up the neighbourhood, burn things down and steal your scum. There is no good reason for it.


Right, and so you'll recognise that the word 'scum' gets banded around quite a lot and is often used to describe unemployed people like your dad. Hence why I don't like the term and believe it shouldn't be used at all, much like racist and sexist terms which thankfully are being faded out. Also, as far as "that's life", it's pretty sad if you think prejudice should just be an accepted part of life.


p.s. "burn things down and steal your scum" is the first time I have laughed in this thread! ;)


There's your problem. There's a high percentage of mouth-breathers on Facebook.

To be fair, it's the same kind of stuff I often read on here too.

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Right, and so you'll recognise that the word 'scum' gets banded around quite a lot and is often used to describe unemployed people like your dad.


*bangs head on table* HIS DAD IS NOT OUT LOOTING AND BURNING DOWN BUILDINGS Nobody is calling his dad scum just because he's unemployed!


Are you really this slow?

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Right, and so you'll recognise that the word 'scum' gets banded around quite a lot and is often used to describe unemployed people like your dad. Hence why I don't like the term and believe it shouldn't be used at all, much like racist and sexist terms which thankfully are being faded out. Also, as far as "that's life", it's pretty sad if you think prejudice should just be an accepted part of life.


p.s. "burn things down and steal your scum" is the first time I have laughed in this thread! ;)


Hmm told you i wasn't educated very well!


As for prejudice well i think it's human nature and why of course as people we should try and eliminate it, people will always have their own prejudices even if they don't like to admit it. Look at the stick Mickey gets and yet i don't recall him meeting every single EDL stereotype most people have, his just a bit deluded.


Anyway's on a sad note...


1224: BBC 5 live speaks to a friend of the man, who was filmed bleeding and being helped by a gang of youths, who then stole the contents of his bag.


Dzuhair Hanafiah says the 20-year-old Malaysian student Mohammad Asyraf is currently in hospital with a broken jaw and is in "good spirits".


He only arrived in the UK four weeks ago. His bike and phone were taken and his mother is trying to find the money to visit him



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*bangs head on table* HIS DAD IS NOT OUT LOOTING AND BURNING DOWN BUILDINGS Nobody is calling his dad scum just because he's unemployed!


Are you really this slow?


Did you even read what I said? I'm talking about the word 'scum' being used in general for unemployed people on benefits. When it is also used for rioters/looters, also some of whom unemployed and on benefits, there is a danger of tarring everyone in the same brush.

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You're just making stuff up now to try and negate taking an absolute drubbing in this thread. Nobody, in any post on this thread, has generically called unemployed people "scum". It's all been specifically aimed at the rioters. In fact, YOU are the poster most vociferously making the connection between poverty/unemployment and rioting, so if anyone is tarring people with broad strokes of the brush, it's YOU.


You've consistently tried to move the goalposts whenever people have pointed out the flaws in your arguments, and yet every time you end up looking more foolish. Aren't you tired of being wrong yet?

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As for prejudice well i think it's human nature and why of course as people we should try and eliminate it, people will always have their own prejudices even if they don't like to admit it. Look at the stick Mickey gets and yet i don't recall him meeting every single EDL stereotype most people have, his just a bit deluded.


The reason why I challenge Mickey is because he is part of an organisation that promotes prejudice against religious groups.


I question the use of the term 'scum' because I see it banded around regularly to describe unemployed people, 'chavs' etc. I just think that by using it in the context of the riots threatens to tar a large group of people with the same brush even if they have had no part in the riots. Although it is the rioters/looters that are the current hate figures of the public it is normally people who are uneducated/unemployed etc.

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I also probably shouldn't say this but fuck it my old man will never read this.


He could have got a job by now if he really really wanted but still being picky. He got his HGV class II and can't get work due to having no experience in that field but he now only seems to want driving job's.


I've found plenty of good jobs for him to apply for which i know he lies about doing so or does it 5 days later when it's too late.


I'm saying this to make the point that there is work out there if your determined. Of course the difference is he isn't looting and doesn't think the world owes him something.

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