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Best place to train in the UK?


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You are correct Guvnor. Think Cabrero has also done Africa, Allen has mentioned working in Jamaica before too.


Good site, reminded me of some matches that id forgotten about lol, however also missing a lot of other matches / companies ive worked for.

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No offence to any of the other school mentioned, but this ^


Take a look on the endoresments on his site. Justin has had a hand in training just about anyone who is anyone in the UK, particularly those who have gone on to work in the states.


If you are in South, you really are blessed with a lot of good school. PErsonally, if i was a trainee, i would do the following...


Saturdays - Alternate between JUstin Richards school and Charlie Rage's Thunderslam school, both in Essex. Charlie is really excellent at character development and makes you think about things that most of us dont even realise.


Sundays - The soon-to-open EWW Training School in Hastings, run by Stuart Allen and Kerry Cabrero. Awesome, knowledgeable trainers who been traditionally taught and been arounnd the world, as opposed to some schools where the trainer has only ever wrestled in front of 50 people in a sports centre.


Agree with everything above, I will say I've heard some great things about the Justin Richards School as well as the likes of the Lucha Britannia school, but I'm hoping to get to a Thunderslam session, keep saying it but really need to get my ass there lol was speaing with the Rage at the EWW show in Hastings and the guy literally does teach you stuff from holds to exercising and character development, I don't know any other school that does that, and I'm definately going down to Hastings for the EWW school when it opens, Greg came out of the old EWW school years ago when it was under the name of the CPA (Combat Performance Academy) ran by Stu Allen and Jamie Clubb, and watching Kerry Cabrero take a training session he's perfect for a coach, a true veteran and a gives great advice to people. I've heard some good things about IPW's school to, I used to attend a SLAM session down RQW House a couple years ago

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my son has tried a few of places to train, 'best of british wrestling in colchester was one but as its not regular (and they insist on you paying online to train) he stopped that, others have come and gone, but he is now at WAW in Norwich which we can not recommend highly enough, excellent trainers and a wonderful 'family feel!' excellent!!

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my son has tried a few of places to train, 'best of british wrestling in colchester was one but as its not regular (and they insist on you paying online to train) he stopped that, others have come and gone, but he is now at WAW in Norwich which we can not recommend highly enough, excellent trainers and a wonderful 'family feel!' excellent!!


here here WAW, thats another good school :)

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my son has tried a few of places to train, 'best of british wrestling in colchester was one but as its not regular (and they insist on you paying online to train) he stopped that, others have come and gone, but he is now at WAW in Norwich which we can not recommend highly enough, excellent trainers and a wonderful 'family feel!' excellent!!


We run monthly training sessions and we ask for pre-payment to deter the time wasters who ask for places to be reserved and then do not show up as this is unfair to those who we turn away as we like to keep numbers low to ensure each student gets ring time and personal attention from our trainers.


Cheap plug next session - 26th of june click for more details and some of trainees will make there in ring debuts in our over the rope rumble at our june 19th show in ipswich - Details here

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Yeah, there's actually quite a few fantastic places to train wherever in the UK you are. I have personal experience with FutureShock, XWA and GPW's training schools, all of which are really good. You could also do much, much worse than Stixxs House of Pain or the Knights WAW, and if you get the chance, obviously Justin Richards is an excellent choice.


My advice though, try a few. Everywhere will have a different feel and, as important as the quality of the training is, it's also important to have a training style that suits you and people that you genuinely like and get along with. No good school will begrudge you that.

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The VPW School of Excellence comes highly recommended by former WWE Superstars Such as


Billy Gunn: "If I was an aspiring wrestler in the UK, the VPW training school is the only place I'd choose to train..."


Bob Holly: "VPW is unquestionably the best school around bar none - Tom (UK Kid) was trained by two of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace a pair of boots (Shawn Michaels & Dory Funk) and he just 'gets' the business, I can't say that about alot of guys."


Current WWE producer and Superstar Fit Finlay recently visited VPW and had this to say about the school


The VPW product

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The VPW School of Excellence comes highly recommended by former WWE Superstars Such as


Billy Gunn: "If I was an aspiring wrestler in the UK, the VPW training school is the only place I'd choose to train..."


Bob Holly: "VPW is unquestionably the best school around bar none - Tom (UK Kid) was trained by two of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace a pair of boots (Shawn Michaels & Dory Funk) and he just 'gets' the business, I can't say that about alot of guys."


Current WWE producer and Superstar Fit Finlay recently visited VPW and had this to say about the school


The VPW product



Did Billy Gunn visit other training facilities within the UK when he made this statement?

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