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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Nothing illegal was done. No one was cheated.




Rangers haven't been found guilty of anything illegal. It was a LEGAL loophole, which exists, in much the same way as Jimmy Carr's misgivings... Are people calling for Carr to hand in his comedy awards and shouting for him to be on a different channel, no?


Likewise, the admin/liquidation was brought about through mainly the actions of Craig Whyte. We'd be in a bit of a miss until the end of the big tax case, but, we'd never have been liquidated if Whyte hadn't had his evil sordid way with the club.


Granted the other debts to the other creditors are a bit of a problem, however once again this is down to chronic mis-management of the operational side of the club.


I fully agree that there should be a concrete, and transparent way of dealing with a newco. And I feel that D3 is probably the most sensible thing. What I disagree with is, people accusing us of illegal acts, when nothing has been ruled, and ultimately nothing illegal has been done.

You can't on one hand say that "Rangers" haven't been found guilty of anything illegal because nothing has been ruled yet and then on the other hand claim that ultimately nothing illegal has been done.


For a start, the club hasn't made national insurance and PAYE contributions since May last year. That is illegal.


They have continued to trade, buying players such as Lee Wallace, whilst failing to pay debts they already owed. That is illegal.


We'll possibly never learn the outcome of the tax tribunal, but the evidence is pretty compelling and it's unlikely that HMRC would have vetoed the CVA had they not been confident that their case against "Rangers" had succeeded.


Likewise, the issue of dual contracts will probably be swept under the rug when the SPL clubs formally vote against the entry of a Newco on Wednesday. It was pretty clear from the wording of their last statement, however, that the SPL believes that "Rangers" have a case to answer with regard to players being signed to two contracts.


EDIT: That James Traynor article, incidentally, is an attrocity that Goebbels himself would have been proud of. A screaming piece of misinformation and hysteria that has no footing in reality.

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It's a "Red Hand" salute.....honest. :rolleyes:




You are such a boring cunt.


Someone is hurting.....


Nope. Not a Rangers fan, just can't be arsed with shit posters like yourself.


Every post you make must kill you inside then.

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This from Traynor particllally made my head hurt


"By arguing and pressing for more severe punishments and demanding that Rangers newco be stripped of titles and trophies won in the EBT years by another business entirely,"


'Eh? Jim, if it's another busniess entirely then surly they don't have the titles in the first place to be striped of them?


more severe punishments? what punishments have been dished out so far? practicly none you twat.


it compleatly lacks consistency one minute he talk's about punishments, then the next it's "morals and integrity is fine but...."

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The article, Jim Traynor and the Daily Record have not a shred of credibility left. The bampot phrase "succulent lamb" was derived from the most sickeningly fawning profile of David Murray in the Record in the late 90's written by Traynor. He's nearly 60, he's spent his entire adult life bootlicking Rangers FC to carry favour so he could become their journo of choice. He's too old to make new friends and he's not happy that his position is being undermined by people he's ignored for decades. After all, he kissed a lot of arse to get there.

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Anyone else just see that arrogant clown Charles Green getting interviewed by Jim White on SSN?


Green was saying how he's sent a letter to every EPL and Football League club, warning them against signing the rebel players who have 'breached their contracts' (yeah, they're all paying attention to that aren't they? lol)


When White mentioned that Norwich have already announced Whittaker as signing for them, Green went off on a tangent, going on about these players lying about wanting European football, with Rangers banned for 3 years whatever happens.


Green says, "I tell you now, Rangers will play European football again before Norwich City ever do!"


Possibly true, but you don't say stuff like that do you, in a tv interview, putting down another club like that? It's not very professional or classy.


Besides, Birmingham City won the Carling Cup and got European football the season they were relegated, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility Norwich could do that too.


I can see why a lot of Rangers fans don't like Green.

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I read a compelling allegation that Neil Doncaster is briefing the Daily Record before the SFA board, based on how all his plans seem to show up in Traynor's columns before they're released anywhere else.

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Nothing would surprise me, mikey. I've had a look at what you've had to say on this fiasco and I've found it really interesting to read what you're observing day-to-day as a neutral (although there's some turns of phrase that make me think "is this guy a Celtic fan?" Did you honestly use the term "Reichstag? :laugh:)


The Daily Record has always been a scunnersome rag. Check this out:


Allan Rennie‏@AllanRennie1


At least three chairmen now in secret talks to allow Rangers back into SPL. Tomorrow's #dailyrecord


Does this not smack of desperation to have the newco in the SPL ? Ostensibly, to save their own jobs and their own product. They'll now print anything - see the articles today with yer man Traynor. It's actually getting to a stage now they are blatantly printing lies as a last throw of the dice (as a newspaper, they're no strangers to that right enough).


EDIT: Hot off the press




Thank God for Alex Thomson and his explanation of "succulent lamb" culture to those out of the loop.

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What clubs would that be then? rangers and celtic asdie I think St mirren Kilmarnock and Ross County were the only teams not to make a statment to say No so it must be them and you wouldn't think it be Ross County because you wouldn't think they would take into acount of the financies that they would get promoted this year!.


what do they think their readers have an IQ of 2?

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EDIT, let's try this again properly on a PC.


Nothing would surprise me, mikey. I've had a look at what you've had to say on this fiasco and I've found it really interesting to read what you're observing day-to-day as a neutral (although there's some turns of phrase that make me think "is this guy a Celtic fan?" Did you honestly use the term "Reichstag? :laugh:)


I've liked Scottish football since I was a kid. I've never been a a Celtic fan, the closest I've been to a fan of any club was that when I used to collect football stickers, I always had to have the foil of the Aberdeen badge. When I play the SPL on a game, I generally manage Dundee United. I've always been fascinated by the parodox of Scotland in that it has a socialist working class but is still has one of the most elitist upper classes, all scratching each other's backs.


This is a scandal and what makes it worse is that the Scottish press are trying desperately to cover it up through misinformation, rather than do their jobs. I complained to the BBC for reporting on Rangers as if they're still a trading company. It's like the plot of Weekend at Bernie's where Charles Green is Larry and the press are Richard. Problem is, people have noticed Bernie is dead.

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