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WWE Double Scum Mafia *GAME OVER*

Ron Simmons

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21 members have voted

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Well, the night phase itself wasn't too awful a result - We've lost 2 vanilla's but it seems one of our vig's felt confident on Lion being scum and took him out - good shot! that's a roleblocker down.

Actually that just twigged with me. You seem awful assured that one of the vigs shot Lion. Seems to me that one scum team could have shot the other, and the vig could have hit town. Only way you'd know for sure is if you're on the other scum team and your team didn't take the shot at Lion.


Or it could be an assumption, the liklihood the scum took each other out at this stage is low, also the first 2 kills i assumed to be the scum ones as they were listed first and second, both town and the third was on scum and thus it's likely the mod listed them in the logical way eg: Scum kill, Scum kill, Vig kill. In retrospect writting it up as if i'm certain was silly, but you're clutching for straws - isn't the argument on Kenny something similar? It certainly seems like it and you're unwilling to make a case.


You seemingly voted Mike on the basis of his attack on snake, who is anything but squeaky clean at this point, you've latched onto Kenny for a supposed 'role fish' and wont give any more reasoning, despite having some.


Vote: Bristep

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Actually looking back on it i said: but it seems one of our vig's felt confident on Lion being scum and took him out


and then to quote you:


Actually that just twigged with me. You seem awful assured that one of the vigs shot Lion. Seems to me that one scum team could have shot the other, and the vig could have hit town. Only way you'd know for sure is if you're on the other scum team and your team didn't take the shot at Lion.


if we're using 'Seem' to mean we KNOW something, then how do you KNOW it was likely a scum team? Unless you were on that team of course.


You can't take issue with the way i typed something and do exactly the same.

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You're right, I absolutely can't. Seems odd that I would use the same wording myself doesn't it? Mind you, I didn't used the qualifier "good shot!", I didn't need to though.


Now, onto le accusations, firstly I didn't vote for Mike on the basis of his attack on Snake, and I haven't voted for Kenny regarding any sort of 'role fish' so that's 2 theories you've put out there as fact when they're anything but. Both you and Seph have both tried to shoehorn a reason into my vote for Kenny, that reasonless vote is just burning a hole in your soul which you need to have resolution to.


Anyway, since my lack of reasoning for the Kenny vote seems to be driving you crazy maybe I'll put you out of your misery later on. Or maybe I won't. Will I? Who knows.


After all, i'm just clutching at straws aren't I?

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Sorry I've been away from the game for a day or two, realise the night phase happened too, which didn't need me around, but, I havn;t been as active in the past few days as I should have been, due to a busy work schedule to the end of the football season.


Time to get investigating into who should be my next vote. What's the climate like? Are we any closer to discovering the Inner Circle?

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Had a read through this morning after the flips. Lets start whittling down those red players even more shall we?


Interesting choice of words there Bristep. Any reason you only want to "whittle down" the Red players? After all the Smackdown scum team will almost certainly be blue?


Anyway, I think the flips tell us a lot. I knew Lion was scum and it's nice to have it confirmed. Looking back through the thread, I am a bit suspicious of brownie's interaction with Lion. Twice Lion ignored my attempts to question him and, reading it back, it looks like brownie asked him some fairly easy to answer questions (not that mine were exactly hard but would've at least given more of a read on him) so that when his non interaction came up again, he could say "I answered brownie's questions". In retrospect it seems very rehearsed.


It's early in the phase but brownie seems to have avoided any real attention so far so....



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Bristep: I'm not attacking you because of your vote on Kenny, I'm doing it based on that and the vote on mike. You say i'm wrong, you've offered little else up from what i remember at least. Your comments on my response to the night phase does seem like it was clutching at straws and as seen already in this game, it's the kind of misrepresentation which can see a townie strung up. You jumped straight into this day phase, not with questions or reflection on the night and the preceding day phase but a vote on someone with no real reason offered up, that is suspicious, regardless of my own thoughts on Kenny. It's not a case of me jumping to Kenny's defence, whether it is with Seph or not, i have no idea - it's a jump at you for seemingly forgetting the fact we had a lynch just go through killing a townie with some people offering up little. Let us not make the same mistake.

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Had a read through this morning after the flips. Lets start whittling down those red players even more shall we?


Interesting choice of words there Bristep. Any reason you only want to "whittle down" the Red players? After all the Smackdown scum team will almost certainly be blue?


Anyway, I think the flips tell us a lot. I knew Lion was scum and it's nice to have it confirmed. Looking back through the thread, I am a bit suspicious of brownie's interaction with Lion. Twice Lion ignored my attempts to question him and, reading it back, it looks like brownie asked him some fairly easy to answer questions (not that mine were exactly hard but would've at least given more of a read on him) so that when his non interaction came up again, he could say "I answered brownie's questions". In retrospect it seems very rehearsed.


It's early in the phase but brownie seems to have avoided any real attention so far so....




That's a good point, I hadn't considered that. I just assumed red = scum. Guess I made an ass of me and..well just me.

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Bristep: I'm not attacking you because of your vote on Kenny, I'm doing it based on that and the vote on mike. You say i'm wrong, you've offered little else up from what i remember at least. Your comments on my response to the night phase does seem like it was clutching at straws and as seen already in this game, it's the kind of misrepresentation which can see a townie strung up. You jumped straight into this day phase, not with questions or reflection on the night and the preceding day phase but a vote on someone with no real reason offered up, that is suspicious, regardless of my own thoughts on Kenny. It's not a case of me jumping to Kenny's defence, whether it is with Seph or not, i have no idea - it's a jump at you for seemingly forgetting the fact we had a lynch just go through killing a townie with some people offering up little. Let us not make the same mistake.


Fine chief, I'm clutching at straws. Lets go with that for now.


But you *have* tried to shoehorn a reason onto my vote for Kenny, you said it was "for a supposed 'role fish'" which it wasn't. Regardless of everything else you're arguing against, this is an unescapable fact and one you seem unwilling to acknowledge.


Otherwise, do let me know how much time we need to spend at the start of each phase on this 'reflection' phase, because from what I understand we still only have 2 phases. Day and Night. Know what we do during the day? We hunt scum. I'm hunting for scum with my vote. Asks all the questions I need it to, gets all the answers I need it to.

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I've explained my thoughts on kennys 'role fishing' and why i don't think it to be an issue, the fact some do find issue with it however isn't surprising.


If we're pulling people up on such things as congratulating the vig on a good shot (again an assumption it was the vig - though feel free to believe i'm scum because of it - funny you didn't aknowledge the fact it could also mean i was the vig who did it (i wasnt - but it would be possible if you're reading into it)) now pulling following the line on Brownie (even if he is smackdown scum, does anyone know it wouldnt be announced in red? It may well be, we simply don't know and from what i took from his statement was taking out scum not a specific team) why is it you didn't purse the line of enquiry on Snake when something he said could be interpreted differently? It could easily have been thought to be a town IC claim, whether legit or not yet you didn't jump on that, why?


Yes we hunt scum during the day, but do we not do so with the results of the night in mind? or with the information from the previous day? You've jumped in with a vote on Kenny, with absolutely nothing for him to answer to, absolutely no way of response and why? becuase you didn't give reasoning. I'm not shoehorning a reason for your vote on Kenny, i've mentioned the only one I personally can see and have asked for more - to which you responded:


I'll make a case when I think I need to do so. Right now I don't think I need to. I'm happy with my vote on Kenny, I don't need to try and convince everyone else onto it right now, we're not looking for a quick lynch here




Anyway, since my lack of reasoning for the Kenny vote seems to be driving you crazy maybe I'll put you out of your misery later on. Or maybe I won't. Will I? Who knows.


You've said scum hunting is the aim of day phase, so i ask - begin to do some - Flat accusations with absolutely no reasoning given wont do that for you at this stage in the game.

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I've explained my thoughts on kennys 'role fishing' and why i don't think it to be an issue, the fact some do find issue with it however isn't surprising.


If we're pulling people up on such things as congratulating the vig on a good shot (again an assumption it was the vig - though feel free to believe i'm scum because of it - funny you didn't aknowledge the fact it could also mean i was the vig who did it (i wasnt - but it would be possible if you're reading into it)) now pulling following the line on Brownie (even if he is smackdown scum, does anyone know it wouldnt be announced in red? It may well be, we simply don't know and from what i took from his statement was taking out scum not a specific team) why is it you didn't purse the line of enquiry on Snake when something he said could be interpreted differently? It could easily have been thought to be a town IC claim, whether legit or not yet you didn't jump on that, why?


Yes we hunt scum during the day, but do we not do so with the results of the night in mind? or with the information from the previous day? You've jumped in with a vote on Kenny, with absolutely nothing for him to answer to, absolutely no way of response and why? becuase you didn't give reasoning. I'm not shoehorning a reason for your vote on Kenny, i've mentioned the only one I personally can see and have asked for more - to which you responded:


I'll make a case when I think I need to do so. Right now I don't think I need to. I'm happy with my vote on Kenny, I don't need to try and convince everyone else onto it right now, we're not looking for a quick lynch here




Anyway, since my lack of reasoning for the Kenny vote seems to be driving you crazy maybe I'll put you out of your misery later on. Or maybe I won't. Will I? Who knows.


You've said scum hunting is the aim of day phase, so i ask - begin to do some - Flat accusations with absolutely no reasoning given wont do that for you at this stage in the game.


First point about the scum colours. I've played a couple of games with 2 sets of scum and they're usually differently coloured when they flip. I didn't think about there being 2 teams when I made the flip some reds comment, I was just being cocky and brownie rightly picked up on it. Usual form is that different scum teams have different colours when they flip.


Next, I didn't consider for a second that you were the vig who shot Lion, because I would hope that the vig who shot Lion would know better than to congratulate himself in his first post.


Just consider this Chris. Is there only one way to scumhunt? Is the only way to scum hunt the way you say it should be done? Why are you so concerned with my actions that you've not spent one second scum hunting either by your own methodology, just focused on what I'm doing instead. I can understand that you might be frustrated that I'm haven't clued you into my methods, but believe me squire, you are definitely involved in the process.


I don't scum hunt by asking little questions all the time, I hunt based on reactions. I'm not always right, but I always garner discussion and discussion is a great source of information. Better than questions that can be discussed with the rest of a team and answers agreed upon.


You've only assumed that I haven't taken night actions and previous days activity into consideration. The only proof you have that I don't have full reasoning to back up my vote is your assumption and opinion. Why is my lack of a reason important enough to spend an entire day focusing on?


You are, whether I've baited you into it, tunnelling on me.


Now there's a reason for that, and that reason is that you can't let my vote lie there without a reason. It's eating at you, and now that you know (or I hope you've realised) that I did it to garner reactions you're trapped into either backing down and looking scummy or sticking to your guns and hoping that you'll make me back down or that the rest of the game will back you up.


Your vote is the most powerful weapon you have, because you can use it at any point during the day, and as much as you like. It's not just there to vote for a lynch, it's there to draw out reactions.

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I'm simply asking questions,


Is there only one way to scumhunt? Is the only way to scum hunt the way you say it should be done? Why are you so concerned with my actions that you've not spent one second scum hunting either by your own methodology


What's to say that from this i am not indeed scum hunting? I find you to be suspicious, your lack of reasoning behind votes is the fuel for that and like it or not that's a legitimate line to enquire on.


You've not baited me, i've willingly come after you for something i feel is suspect. I'm going to be reading through the thread again and hopefully coming up with more complex theories, but before i have time to do that, this seems like a good enough way to have spent my time.


you're trapped into either backing down and looking scummy or sticking to your guns and hoping that you'll make me back down or that the rest of the game will back you up.



This however is scummy as fuck, you've basically made out, anything i do from now on is scummy, you're obviously trying to paint a picture =)

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I'm simply asking questions,


Is there only one way to scumhunt? Is the only way to scum hunt the way you say it should be done? Why are you so concerned with my actions that you've not spent one second scum hunting either by your own methodology


What's to say that from this i am not indeed scum hunting? I find you to be suspicious, your lack of reasoning behind votes is the fuel for that and like it or not that's a legitimate line to enquire on.


You've not baited me, i've willingly come after you for something i feel is suspect. I'm going to be reading through the thread again and hopefully coming up with more complex theories, but before i have time to do that, this seems like a good enough way to have spent my time.


you're trapped into either backing down and looking scummy or sticking to your guns and hoping that you'll make me back down or that the rest of the game will back you up.



This however is scummy as fuck, you've basically made out, anything i do from now on is scummy, you're obviously trying to paint a picture =)


We've already painted the picture today Chris, that was just a frame (not that I 'framed' you mind).

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I've explained my thoughts on kennys 'role fishing' and why i don't think it to be an issue, the fact some do find issue with it however isn't surprising.


If we're pulling people up on such things as congratulating the vig on a good shot (again an assumption it was the vig - though feel free to believe i'm scum because of it - funny you didn't aknowledge the fact it could also mean i was the vig who did it (i wasnt - but it would be possible if you're reading into it)) now pulling following the line on Brownie (even if he is smackdown scum, does anyone know it wouldnt be announced in red? It may well be, we simply don't know and from what i took from his statement was taking out scum not a specific team)


First point about the scum colours. I've played a couple of games with 2 sets of scum and they're usually differently coloured when they flip. I didn't think about there being 2 teams when I made the flip some reds comment, I was just being cocky and brownie rightly picked up on it. Usual form is that different scum teams have different colours when they flip.


That was me that said that for the record. As it happens, I'm voting for Brownie not necessarily because I suspect he's RAW scum (though I do) but because I think his interaction with Lion is our best lead following Lion's flip.

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