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WWE try out guys?

Jetta's G-string

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Heard through the grapevine that nobody got signed. Bit gutting if that's true. Can anyone else confirm/disprove this?


Did you hear who was there? Or are the above posts an accurate reflection of attendees?


Harsh time to get a tryout what with the internal changes in WWE (transitional period from Uncle Johnny spearheading the talent recruitment process to Trips).

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Heard through the grapevine that nobody got signed. Bit gutting if that's true. Can anyone else confirm/disprove this?


Did you hear who was there? Or are the above posts an accurate reflection of attendees?


Harsh time to get a tryout what with the internal changes in WWE (transitional period from Uncle Johnny spearheading the talent recruitment process to Trips).

I only know 1 person who was there, but the aforementioned info apparently comes from him personally as we have a mutual friend. Whether this is an accurate reflection or not of the auditions, who knows?


Edit: Could be bollocks or chinese whispers too mind you. Added clarification of how I heard this.

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Sure it won't take someone long to correct me, but wasn't Andy Baker under developmental contract for a few years with OVW or the like?


Don't know anything about the guy or his talent, but I suppose it shows his determination - I'm sure lesser guys would feel it was flogging a dead horse and thrown their cards in with that dream.

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