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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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properly hilarious rant though.


Fuck off with the snide lumberjack Cage Match remarks. It made sense. It isn't 1984 anymore where cages were the be all and end all where it would be 1 on 1. people can interfere, you can climb the cage from the outside. The lumberjacks made sense cause of the everlong feud between Immortal and Fourtune, but the finish was supershit everyone is right on that.


It was a good show really up until the bird, and lumberjack cage match. They didn't mention that, fucking smarks.


Mr. Anderson needs to piss off.

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Just watched it, I pretty much liked the whole show, just a couple of things:


- The finish to the Ultimate X was brilliant. It looked great and I certainly wasn't expecting it.


- Loving the Sting character right now. The bird though was a bit much, but Sting is a hoot and I could watch him for ages.


- Anyone else look at Kendrick in the showdown with Shelley and Aries and just think ' Wanker'? I like Kendrick but sometimes...

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properly hilarious rant though.


Fuck off with the snide lumberjack Cage Match remarks. It made sense. It isn't 1984 anymore where cages were the be all and end all where it would be 1 on 1. people can interfere, you can climb the cage from the outside. The lumberjacks made sense cause of the everlong feud between Immortal and Fourtune, but the finish was supershit everyone is right on that.


It was a good show really up until the bird, and lumberjack cage match. They didn't mention that, fucking smarks.


Mr. Anderson needs to piss off.

so what's the point of the cage then?


It IS stupid to do a lumberjack cage match.

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so what's the point of the cage then?


It IS stupid to do a lumberjack cage match.


There was going to be interference at some point by immortal that much is clear due to the earlier segment where hogan said he wanted angle's throat cut by the end of the night so the point of having fourtune there was to negate immortals chances of interfering in the matchup.


So all in all it made sense to have fourtune there to stop that from happening it made sense in the storylines.

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There was going to be interference at some point by immortal that much is clear due to the earlier segment where hogan said he wanted angle's throat cut by the end of the night so the point of having fourtune there was to negate immortals chances of interfering in the matchup.


So all in all it made sense to have fourtune there to stop that from happening it made sense in the storylines.

So what. Is the point. Of the cage?


For fuck's sake, I'm not saying they didn't need to prevent interference. Of course they did. That's what lumberjacks are for. That's ALSO what cage matches are for.


Saying "well people can interfere" is stupid too. It's a work! Don't have the people interfere!

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on the segment where a grown man was held hostage by a bird and where a lumberjack cage match was settled by outside interference


'Nobody bothered to check' He literally said seconds before that Bischoff couldnt get hold of anyone at the Network. Paraphrasing and saying things in a snarky tone doesnt undermine what actually happened. What a fucking cunt. His cunty voice is even more annoying than I could have imagined.


'Well that was the highlight of the show'. Then why are you ranting for six minutes you utter tossbag.


Utter, utter cock of the highest order.

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So what. Is the point. Of the cage?


For fuck's sake, I'm not saying they didn't need to prevent interference. Of course they did. That's what lumberjacks are for. That's ALSO what cage matches are for.


Saying "well people can interfere" is stupid too. It's a work! Don't have the people interfere!


but that was the whole point of hogan issuing the order to take angle out thats the whole point of the promo you knew they were gonna take any opportunity they had to get him... so saying ''dont have them interfereing renders that whole segment irrelavent what were they supposed to do after hogan said ''i want his throat slit tonight'' were they supposed to go ''ahh he's only joking that lovable scamp that he is we'll not do anything and get him next week instead''.....

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but that was the whole point of hogan issuing the order to take angle out thats the whole point of the promo you knew they were gonna take any opportunity they had to get him... so saying ''dont have them interfereing renders that whole segment irrelavent what were they supposed to do after hogan said ''i want his throat slit tonight'' were they supposed to go ''ahh he's only joking that lovable scamp that he is we'll not do anything and get him next week instead''.....

So. What. Is. The. Point. Of. The. Cage.


Don't have the cage and just have fivetune at ringside. Nothing you're saying changes the fact that having the lumberjacks makes the cage redundant.


And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the match booked at the start of the show anyway? Before hogan's hilarious threats?


Listen, I'm not saying Impact isn't enjoyable, I'm not saying it can't be fun to watch. I'm not suggesting that because they book how they do you can't like it. I'm just saying let's not pretend the glaring booking stupidity isn't there, because it is.

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So. What. Is. The. Point. Of. The. Cage.


What's the point in anything in wrestling?


Leaving the logic of Sting alone - who's supposed to be a few gunmen short of a posse - the cage was there to keep two men inside, everyone else outside. But interference can still happen and has for a very long time. Even in a Hell in a Cell match, we've seen the cell door ripped off and a big, bad man interfere.


Only a few months ago there was a cage match (which may have been Lockdown) and Hogan interfered, using the holes in the cage made for the camera. And that was the easy way to interfere. How do you add extra protection to make sure that doesn't happen twice?


Send in some backup to make sure no one gets that far. Which will inevitably fail as that's how wrestling works.


It's not the most logical route to take, but the logic is still there and like a few things in Impact/TNA, has a link to something in it's past.

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What's the point in anything in wrestling?


Leaving the logic of Sting alone - who's supposed to be a few gunmen short of a posse - the cage was there to keep two men inside, everyone else outside. But interference can still happen and has for a very long time. Even in a Hell in a Cell match, we've seen the cell door ripped off and a big, bad man interfere.


Only a few months ago there was a cage match (which may have been Lockdown) and Hogan interfered, using the holes in the cage made for the camera. And that was the easy way to interfere. How do you add extra protection to make sure that doesn't happen twice?


Send in some backup to make sure no one gets that far. Which will inevitably fail as that's how wrestling works.


It's not the most logical route to take, but the logic is still there and like a few things in Impact/TNA, has a link to something in it's past.






What I've bolded is absolutely true, that's what cages are for. Now, you're also right in saying that interference does still happen in cage matches.


So I ask *again*; what is the point of the cage? If we go by the two principles that there will be interference, and the cage doesn't prevent interference, why is the cage still there? It doesn't accomplish anything.


I can totally see the point of the lumberjacks, and having a big fourtune vs immortal brawl is fine, even if nothing actually seems to progress from that any more, but the cage was completely unnecessary.


If you *have* to have interference, don't book it in a cage! Just book the lumberjack match. or just book the singles match.


Finally: The fact that eveyr response I've got has said "well cages don't prevent interference anymore" is precisely why this is a problem! Bear in mind, this is a company thats second biggest pay per view of the year is an all cage match show and it's quite clear that the cage part of cage matches are completely redundant.


So, to summarise, in this match, we know that cage won't prevent any interference but the enforcers will. Interference then happens and the actual interference doesn't even involve someone getting in the cage, they just put a pipe through a hole in the damn thing. The stipulation is therefore pointless and actually makes the cage match worth less.


Whatever floats your boat. 8,000 buys.

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So I ask *again*; what is the point of the cage? If we go by the two principles that there will be interference, and the cage doesn't prevent interference, why is the cage still there? It doesn't accomplish anything.


I can totally see the point of the lumberjacks, and having a big fourtune vs immortal brawl is fine, even if nothing actually seems to progress from that any more, but the cage was completely unnecessary.


How so? If you think about it - if the point of the cage is to prevent interference, and you already know there'll be interference... why hasn't this happened before now?


It's like a classic military strategy (granted, the closest experince I've had is movies ;)) but you have plan A. Say plan A is the Lumberjacks. If that fails? There's a cage. That's plan B. Why put all your faith in one system, especially when you know the enemy is a bunch of cheating scum.


Then there's the point about Sting being 'insane' that I skipped. He's decided to add stipulations because he can. Or at least, Immortal thinks he can and the entire night became a 'I'm fucking with your head' scenario.


There is logic there. You might find it flimsy enough to deny - but it's still there.

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Nice new t-shirt for the Stinger to hide his tits with.



In my opinion a lumberjack cage match is quite retarded. No question. But then again so is a cage match where someone leaves the cage to win. Wrestlings long gone past the laws of logic. No promotion follows logic anymore when it comes to gimmick matches. The MITB ladder matches drive straight past realism to put on something worth watching. I never seen Impact this week, so cant judge, but if it was good, it doesnt matter if its logical. If its shit and illogical then thats another story. Because then it just adds to how crap it is. I did see Sting wearing a red suit and it looked like he had a budgie cage with him? :confused:

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How so? If you think about it - if the point of the cage is to prevent interference, and you already know there'll be interference... why hasn't this happened before now?


It's like a classic military strategy (granted, the closest experince I've had is movies ;)) but you have plan A. Say plan A is the Lumberjacks. If that fails? There's a cage. That's plan B. Why put all your faith in one system, especially when you know the enemy is a bunch of cheating scum.

It's not though, because you've already openly admitted that the cage doesn't prevent interference. That's not Plan B, it's Plan Z. And that especially fails because Bubba just walked in the door. I'm just rewatching it now, he doesn't even sturggle, he just opens it. So the cage isn't even trying to prevent interference.


Your military tactic idea would work if the all beat up fourtune, got passed them and then struggled with the cage and just about made it in. That's not what happen. Bubba just waltzed into the cage because it didn't matter.


As for the "sting booked it and he's nuts" idea, that only works in retrospect. Sting would do whatever the hell the booker wanted him to do, and frankly, the guard bird was enough.


The logic would be arguable at best if the cageand fivetune together managed to prevent interference (because bubba couldnt get in the ring quick enough before they cut him off or something), but all logic was utterly thrown out the window when the lumberjacks accomplished nothing other than "get in a brawl" and the cage door was just open.


Heading down the "the booker isn't all there" road isn't one I'd reccomend :p

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Heading down the "the booker isn't all there" road isn't one I'd reccomend :p


But thats my usual excuse ;)


I admit though - while I find logic in the base booking of the match, the execution was frustrating. Mainly for what you said regarding BR getting into the cage so easily. It would have made more sense to have Immortal struggle... then Mexican America take out Beer Money, then see BR have a hell of a time getting in before he and Anderson continue their thing just now.


So maybe a different way of seeing it - but to me, there was logic. It just could have been executed a little better. But I have a very odd way of looking at things ;)

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But thats my usual excuse ;)


I admit though - while I find logic in the base booking of the match, the execution was frustrating. Mainly for what you said regarding BR getting into the cage so easily. It would have made more sense to have Immortal struggle... then Mexican America take out Beer Money, then see BR have a hell of a time getting in before he and Anderson continue their thing just now.


So maybe a different way of seeing it - but to me, there was logic. It just could have been executed a little better. But I have a very odd way of looking at things ;)

If they'd done what you outlined then I'd have far less of a problem with it.

Actually, no I wouldn't. 2 stips to prevent interference and it happens anyway? Fucking hell.

The thing is, premise goes hand in hand with execution is prowrestling. Because it's all a work, the execution destroys the logic of the premise. I'll explain. The logic of this match would be fine if they'd gotten close to getting i nthe cage but fourtune kept cutting them off. Basically, because both of those stipulations completely overlap, the only way it would work would be if the cage held them off long enough for fivetune to stop them. As it is, the demeaned the cage stip in the first place by making it clear that it's not even supposed to prevent interference by putting the lumberjacks around the cage too and then they demean it further by having the cage door just completely unlocked.


Considering Russo has had a DQ in a cage match before, you have to wonder what he thinks the cage is for.

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