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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Damn right I do.


OK, I've been half-following the game and have a few vague impressions about stuff. I will read the whole thread, but for now I think it might be a useful tool for some or all of you to give me a few lines explaining where you stand and why. It'll give me a heads-up fr things to look for as I go back over things.


Otherwise, I probably won't say much for a wee while. I hope you appreciate that it's not lurking, just a noob trying to get used to things.


I believe Lion of The Midlands to be scum, as you'll see when you read through the thread. He picked the same numbers as Chris B, which may or may not have been co-incidence, but his "random vote" for Chris almost certainly wasn't. Based on this I believe him to be scum alongside either Chris or swift (because swiftstrike brought up the numbers thing initially, I wonder if it's a concocted plan between the two.)


So yeah, that's what I'm thinking at this stage. I believe Lion's the best lynch as if he's scum (and I'm pretty sure he is) we could potentially eliminate 50% of the scum by working out whether it's Chris or Swiftstrike partnering him.

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Vote Count

swiftstrike (2) - Nexus, Chris B

Lion of the Midlands (3) - Ron Simmons, SMS, seph

bristep123 (1) - brownie


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, unfitfinlay, Carbomb MA, spotlightmagnet1, tom, swiftstrike, Kenny McBride, bristep123, Lion of the Midlands, El Nicko Loco


With 16 Alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Day phase ends: 7pm Friday 18th March.


Vote Count should be right, but as my computer crashed it's possible someone's not listed where they should be, so just re-vote/unvote

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I will be VLA from now til thursday morning. At Cheltenham tomorrow


That VLA couldn't come at a worse time but have a good time and hope you bring back some big winnings.


Quite a few of us have you as our main suspect, you haven't done anything to help town or yourself, so with the deadline on Friday we don't have much time for you to try and convince us otherwise.


Not that it mattered, as I got the feeling from your posts that you are a bit frustrated and don't feel like defending yourself, which is something I have felt before myself.


I am going to read back through everything on everyone after work tonight and see what I can find.

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Vote Count

swiftstrike (2) - Nexus, Chris B

Lion of the Midlands (3) - Ron Simmons, SMS, seph

bristep123 (1) - brownie


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, unfitfinlay, Carbomb MA, spotlightmagnet1, tom, swiftstrike, Kenny McBride, bristep123, Lion of the Midlands, El Nicko Loco


With 16 Alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Day phase ends: 7pm Friday 18th March.


Vote Count should be right, but as my computer crashed it's possible someone's not listed where they should be, so just re-vote/unvote


Bristep voted for Lion after your last count.


Looks like you need to unvote Brownie and then put your vote in on Lion Bristep.


The only other vote since last count was Seph voting for Lion which you got.

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Vote Count

swiftstrike (2) - Nexus, Chris B

Lion of the Midlands (3) - Ron Simmons, SMS, seph

bristep123 (1) - brownie


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, unfitfinlay, Carbomb MA, spotlightmagnet1, tom, swiftstrike, Kenny McBride, bristep123, Lion of the Midlands, El Nicko Loco


With 16 Alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Day phase ends: 7pm Friday 18th March.


Vote Count should be right, but as my computer crashed it's possible someone's not listed where they should be, so just re-vote/unvote


Bristep voted for Lion after your last count.


Looks like you need to unvote Brownie and then put your vote in on Lion Bristep.


The only other vote since last count was Seph voting for Lion which you got.


I'm not voting for brownie, brownie is voting for me. Mike missed my vote off the count for Lion. I'm swithering on it though, something is nagging me about Ron, and I need to do some reading of his ISO. For now (even though my vote hasn't been counted) UNVOTE


(FOS on spotlight and swiftstrike still apply, but I need to go and read spotlight again now that it's been established that scum can't daytalk)

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Welcome Kenny.


As of right now, I suspect Bristep to be scum. Mainly because of his eagerness to have me lynched within 48 hours of the game starting. He's also fourth on the Lion wagon and i'm not sure Lion is scum. This is because....


I'm also suspicious of Chris B, this is because of the timing of his vote on me earlier (i've noticed that number 3 on a voting wagon is often scum. And often Chris :laugh: ). I don't think Chris and Lion are scum together - there is no reason to deliberately put yourself at the bottom of the role picking list, so if they are scum, it's one or the other. I'd wager it's Chris out of the two of them.


That's where I am with my suspicions that are more than a concern.


Also, when re-reading the thread, you'll have to read it as Teedy Kay is me (seeing as I replaced into his slot).

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Mod request: Replacement


I've a fair bit on my plate at Uni and work at the moment and I'd have had to pull out in two weeks anyway due to my Wrestlemania trip, hence I'm going to pull out now and give someone else a crack. I'm not sure how this normally works but I'm happy to play on until a replacement is found. Best of luck to you all.

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Right 2 days left no real waggoning or strong contenders going on. Lion screams frustrated town to me and Bristep and Swift are also currently on my town reads. Having a quick peek through the thread and I like Kenny could do with a brief update on where we are at.


Tom and Unfitfinaly I don't hink Ive played with either of you before and possibly spotlightmagnet too so would you mind giving me you reads on who you think could be scum and why?


Brownie my former brother in scum before any of you jump off on scumslip trolleys. You've replaced in too, seen anything odd from coming in late?

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Yeah, I have to say that on first glance, I'm not buying the Lion scum thing. The numbers argument just doesn't add up (DYSWIDT?). Having said that, I don't think he's helping his case much. The whole "I'm pissed off about being suspected so I'm not playing any more" thing is bullshit. If I thought policy lynching was a good idea, I'd vote for him. But I don't, so I won't.


I think based on Ron Simmons leaping in to tell me about that theory which I just can't buy at the moment, I have to look at him more closely. I'll also be looking over Chris B and swiftstrike to see how they fit into this theory.


The Bristep/brownie dynamic will need some examining too. Bristep looks a little suspicious to me, to be honest. He was an extremely patient player in the last game (partly because he knew he had super-powers, I guess) but as brownie points out, he seems to be rushing for a lynch in this game.


I've still got a lot of reading to do though. Bear with me.

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Ello Ladies... Miss me?

You came back! Good to see you Snake, my former brother in scum.


I didn't read the thread really before replacing in, so my first read was as part of the game. The main things I noticed, as already pointed out, were Bristep's post about voting for me and the timing of Chris voting. I also read the maths section of the game in bewilderment, kudos to Bristep,Swift and the others posting about the maths, but god, did it confuse me. I doubt that was deliberate, but anyone who's been able to make the game an equation worries me :laugh: .


Bearing in mind the previous situations with players, I agree that Lion is probably frustrated town. I can't see him being scum with Chris B.

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Yeah, I have to say that on first glance, I'm not buying the Lion scum thing. The numbers argument just doesn't add up (DYSWIDT?). Having said that, I don't think he's helping his case much. The whole "I'm pissed off about being suspected so I'm not playing any more" thing is bullshit. If I thought policy lynching was a good idea, I'd vote for him. But I don't, so I won't.




Im in agreement, but as there is a bomb in play there is no reward in being indecisive with the way Lion's acting- if we're going to vote for its own sake up to friday leaving it to the last minute could be fatal. That he changed the subject immediately when I pressed his half-arsed rolefish is worrying, but I'd have to hear more from him to be certain.

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Tom and Unfitfinaly I don't hink Ive played with either of you before and possibly spotlightmagnet too so would you mind giving me you reads on who you think could be scum and why?

I placed a FOS on Lion not so much down to the numbers thing, as I don't believe two scum would deliberately pick the same numbers and end up with half of scum being goons, but more so his aggressive reactions to being questioned and his take-my-ball-home attitude combined with the idea of using a randomiser for an RVS vote seeming unlikely to me; a possibility I've laid out already is that, if only him picking those numbers and no one else picking them would still result in a very low position on the list, he was the scum choice to pick the numbers and then he saw Chris picked the same, got annoyed at it and decided to throw a vote down on him hoping it may get masked in the rvs confusion As you say though, it could well be a case of him simply being frustrated townie. But I worry his pleas to vote for him for the good of the town could be some sort of reverse pyschology to keep him in the game and use as ammo for those who didn't vote for him. It's a tricky one so hence me only fos'ing him for now.


My initial suspicion of scum was tdk/brownie, based upon early use of language to heavily imply he was town and thus position himself as some sort of game leader, and also his seeming reluctance to vote for someone that he said he truly believed had made a slip [a slip surely meaning he was scum, as otherwise it wouldn't be a slip]. Then the role claim came and he appeared to have proven he was vanilla townie, but then it emerged that everyone's PM was in the same format. Since brownie came in to replace him, the focus has moved away from him almost completely. Also, in response to brownie's PM claim, I mentioned there being a role quote in the PM whereas Lion simply said flat out there was nothing at all different to Mike's PM; something which TDK pointed towards indicating a stitch-up attempt by Lion. I'm happy enough for now to not be overly suspicious of brownie [obviously by the nature of the game I need to stay mildly suspicious of all players, especially at this early stage] but I did have doubts about him unrelated to his PM stuff, and as such I may need to return to those doubts and re-analyse them again at some point if needs be.

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Welcome Kenny.


As of right now, I suspect Bristep to be scum. Mainly because of his eagerness to have me lynched within 48 hours of the game starting. He's also fourth on the Lion wagon and i'm not sure Lion is scum. This is because....


I'm also suspicious of Chris B, this is because of the timing of his vote on me earlier (i've noticed that number 3 on a voting wagon is often scum. And often Chris :laugh: ). I don't think Chris and Lion are scum together - there is no reason to deliberately put yourself at the bottom of the role picking list, so if they are scum, it's one or the other. I'd wager it's Chris out of the two of them.


That's where I am with my suspicions that are more than a concern.


Also, when re-reading the thread, you'll have to read it as Teedy Kay is me (seeing as I replaced into his slot).


So, Bristep is scum because he's fourth on a wagon, which is a sure sign of scum, and I'm scum because I'm third on the wagon, which is a sure sign of scum.



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