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Uk Wrestling DVDs... Whats good?


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Funny this should come up as it's being discussing in the off-topic forum right now ("recommend me a camcorder").


Basically, the all-round production of the DVD has to look like it's had some sort of work to make it the best it could be with the tools used. For example, a DVD with a cover with poorly cut-out wrestlers, or pixelated images, and spelling mistakes is going to make me think the promotion doesn't care about their image and is only doing it because, "Look at me, I run a wrestling promotion and WWE sells DVDs, so I'm going to, too!"


As for the actual product, filmed with two cameras and with decent sound. I'm not expecting Blu-ray presentation with industry-changing special effects from a UK wrestling promotion that's holding shows in a school hall, but decent editing with even one hard cam and a ringside camera that's held by someone that isn't a clueless teenager (been there). If it looks like a random intersection between two

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i think production value is a must....


As a film maker myself, i know the importance of production value and first impressions... UKW could have done so many simple things for free that would have enhanced their tv product 10 fold.


I think a DVD has to have a story as well, rather than slapping the 6 matches of the night on, use the spaces in between to create the story of the night.

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  • Paid Members

I'm a big follower of British wrestling, but it is very, very very rare that I would consider buying a DVD from a UK promotion since, in my experience, they tend to be a bit crap.


I think would have to have a particular match that I was interested in seeing again or having for keeps to make me purchase it, but in terms of UK wrestling, bouts like that which would convince me to fork out the (quite frankly) ridiculous prices UK promotions charge for their DVDs are few and far between.


Having said all of that, I've recently had chance to catch a little glimpse of some of the IPW:UK DVDs and they are honestly top notch - equal to anything you would see from ROH or DG:USA. Considering their in-ring product is probably up there as the best around too, they can't be a bad start for someone to try and see what UK wrestling has to offer.

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Cheap Plug number one - http://www.pbwwrestling.com/merchandise





Looks rather slick, is this the Premier promotions?


Off topic: Why do British companies struggle to find a decent size ring? That was one thing that always put me off the FWA.


No Premier Promotions and Premier British Wrestling are 2 seperate companies. Ones English ones Scottish.

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