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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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In fact, Swift, you've mentioned everyone apart from those two, and, of course, FG and yourself. I'm not implicating FG in any way, but what you're saying here is pretty odd, I think. Basically that everyone bar Carbomb, Bristep and yourself are suspects.


Why if you're voting for him, is Carbomb not a suspect?

Carbomb IS a suspect, that's my point. I either worded something badly, or you misunderstood. Swiftstrike responded to you telling you who you should be looking at. And if you look at his post he names the whole town, except Carbomb, Bristep and, as you'd expect I suppose, himself. A slip?

I also didn't mention TMS as a suspect in that post I mentioned to look at the case he put on TripleA. Given that I think it is fairly nailed on that we have found at least 2 of the 3 scum in Trips and SMS, I don't think the people they having been pushing to lynch are scum and TMS has put forward a good case on Trips so I feel he is likely town, Carbomb was also voted for by SMS and tried to be tied into a "alleged scum group" by SMS for voting a second vote on TMS who he is accusing as a scum buddy and I can't see that logic plus carbomb posted about being frustrated about being ignored, which I don't feel scum would do to draw attention to themselves when they are being given a free pass. As for Bristep I can't be so sure he has made fewer post by each one seems to be full of content and questions, and given he also has been pushing Trips and TMS I don't think it's likely they are buddies but I suppose he could be because in the end when it comes down to it, it is all in where his vote goes. Also for people I didn't mention in my post you can you at FG, because in the way that you (Ron) trips and SMS came in to split the vote while INH was awaiting replacement and them I get constantly attacked from Trips as soon as I mention this and SMS disappears to try stay out of it lets me assume that FG is likely town at this point.

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Bristep, to get a lynch today statistically all town members need to vote for the same person if we're gonna hit scum, therefore we need to come to an agreement on who the best lynch is.


No Ron, to get a lynch on a scum player, all town members need to vote for the same person. To lynch a town player only 2 town members need to vote as the scum can make up the rest of the numbers. You say we need to agree who to lynch, THAT IS HOW WE PLAY THIS GAME. As town players we need to work out who the scum is and vote for them in sufficient numbers to get a lynch. The scum players need to sow seeds of misdirection and guide us towards lynching town players.


Who decides on the player we all agree on? Everyone suspects everyone right now, there is no player here that I would consider confirmed town (other than myself, but nobody else should be thinking that) so naturally any player right now could be scum, and is scum in at least 1 player's eyes. Nobody trusts anyone, so your plan is flawed. In order for your suggestion to work we would


a) Need to know who the 5 town players are




b) know who at least 1 scum players is.


Who is that scum player?

The point I made was that none of us know who the town players are other than our suspiscions. If it was a simple case of everyone agreeing, then it would have happened before now. How do you plan to get everyone to agree on a lynch?


It's a flawed suggestion, and the fact that I pointed that out already suggests you're pushing something to stall the town from lynching (while looking like you are pushing for a lynch).



In an attempt to save some time, and add to my opinions, can the remaining players all give me one reason why I shouldn't vote for them? What have YOU done for the town so far, and why should I believe YOU aren't the scum, because right now I've got more suspects than scum-slots.

This is very simple you should vote for me as we are at staring here at needing to lynch scum today or lose. You can look at tripleA play all day one or even TMS case on him and that should be the obvious lynch other than that it looks like SMS and possibly Ron are worth looking at SMS for trying more than once to pass a no lynch off as town in this day phase, and Ron for his little "our scum team" slip.

It's not a damn slip.


Just as I don't think you telling FG to lynch YOU in this post is a slip. Or maybe you've kinda landed yourself in it as you've changed your scum choices from earlier - why mention these people now, and not Carbomb and Bristep, hmmm? I can't look back to see, but did you not say you suspected Cabomb earlier? And not that long ago either.


Swift has already answered this, but I want to add why I think your comments are a reach Ron


First off, he mentions TMS's name but he isn't accusing him of being scum. You misread it there, either carelessness or misdirection. He only puts 3 names out there as being scum (or potential scum) out of a field of 7 (not including himself obviously). So there are 4 people he didn't mention as his suspects, not 2.


You've still not given any explanation or case around your Carbomb vote or the call for a wagon on him.


It's all starting to look like stall tactics.


However, and as promised


VOTE TripleA


There is too much here to really ignore or put down to village idiot play. Day one (pre Snake stuff) there was no scum hunting, once the Snake stuff hit he pushed a Snake lynch hard until Snake turned it around and revealed that it was a trap. Once he revealed it was a trap all TripleA did was just defend defend defend. He would only pop up when there was a post about him, he did absolutely nothing in between that time.


Snake didn't explain himself well, so he was lynched. Nobody has looked at Snake's wagon because it's been pushed that he acted so scummy that he put himself there. I'll go into that next phase, because it's another can of worms.


Day two, straight away TripleA uses a really scummy WIFOM statement about the night kill (said that if he was scum, he'd have killed TMS then said that the scum did it to frame him).


Does no scum hunting when TMS "gives up", still just tries to stop anyone focusing on him. When I raise a point about INH and Ron asking the same question at the same time he jumps on that as Ron looking suspect. Nobody else goes along with him so he gives up on it. Then when SMS votes for someone who has been vocal about TripleA being scum the entire game, TripleA jumps right on in and joins the wagon, has his own reasons but they are not very strong.


Is constantly using his "oh I play badly so people use that to make me look scummy" "Any argument I make is shot down because of my play style" which is such an easy out to explain scummy behaviour. Remember he himself said that he played his own game last time he was scum, and was more composed and rational. This whole thing could have been an act from the start.


I'm sticking my neck out here, because I think that this is the only surefire scum lynch this round. I have my three suspects, TripleA is the sureshot of the three right now though, the other 2 need more information, and hopefully the flip will give me the information I need.


As said, I'm mostly V/LA until the end of the phase, I'm off to work now, show tonight, lie-in tomorrow (because I'll be late home after the show), leaving to travel to another show early afternoon, show at night. I will be able to keep up with my phone, but it's a bitch to post with so anything I do pitch in will be short bursts.

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And there you have it. The scum get the day lynch after being found out.


I presentmyour scum team, TripleA, Bristep123 & Carbomb.


TripleA for reasons already mentioned, Bristep who last time got involved and despite taking a day off was far too cagey implying he's a new scum not knowing how to play and Carbomb whose playing exactly like last time dipping in and out enough to sail under the radar.


I would suggest if one of those 3 isn't then you look at one of the two who joined me on e vote on A. Swift looking the most likely with the convenient hammer. I was also thinking TMS, I even left you a note via my comments to SMS. Although I would suggest you don't rush lynch tomorrow. You have one of 2 possibilities. Take the day and make sure you get the right one. at least if your getting nowhere then you have TripleA T the end of the day.


However just a side note, it is unlikely that if A is town that the scum will hit himmovernight thus setting him up for an easy lynch. So be wary.


Oh and piece of advice, if you try a new way of ensuring scum don't bother because you'll just be seen as scum. I have a bad feeling for all you sheep.


Good luck though and I'll see you all in the QT soon.


Ok guys, I've had a zip through the first day's play, and I fully back the idea that Snake was setting a trap which we seem to be dismissing throughout this phase. It seems like we've reached a deadlock, but apart from TripleA, have the other two players here answered their case?


I've had my say on TripleA, I still think he may well just be disgruntled town, and at this stage should be held as a strong suspect depending on who the first scum to fall is. He's either going to get more incriminated, or cleared depending on who the other two scum are, I think lynching him now is too risky, and doesn't really give us any new information if he flips scum.


My initial thoughts yesterday were that the mafia were likely to be players flitting in and out, posting just enough to get by. Carbomb is playing exactly like he did in the last game in which he was scum, and clearly has time on his hands judging by his nonsense thread he's been running all day, so 'I haven't had the time to play' isn't going to wash. He's doing nothing pro-town, and my thoughts on his play so far have been 'he's just there'.


It's unfair in my opinion to start pressing bristep when he's clearly noted he's hardly going to be here between now and the deadline, but we'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow.


FOS TripleA


FOS bristep123


Vote Carbomb

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I also didn't mention TMS as a suspect in that post I mentioned to look at the case he put on TripleA.

It doesn't matter, swiftstrike. Your post drew attention in one way or another to EVERY player apart from bristep and Carbomb.


It's a flawed suggestion, and the fact that I pointed that out already suggests you're pushing something to stall the town from lynching (while looking like you are pushing for a lynch).

You've still not given any explanation or case around your Carbomb vote or the call for a wagon on him.


It's all starting to look like stall tactics.

Bristep, I could use the same argument against you. You're voting for someone, but your post pattern to date really seems like stall tactics. But even if you were, even if I was, what's wrong with delaying a lynch until a later moment? It gives more time for an investigation. Unless you're delaying a lynch AT that last moment (which we're not at right now...we're close to it, but not AT it) it's hardly a scum tell.


Another thing I've noticed - you've not been as active as usual in this game, Bristep. It's not a scum tell necessarily, but is there any reason for this? In the last game you were hunting scum fantastically like there's no tomorrow. This time you've just been voting for lynches - firstly on Snake, now on Triple A.


You're not the only one doing this, but I'm wondering if there's a reason for the differing play style?


As for my vote on Carbomb, he's someone who'll hardly make a slip if he's scum. It's difficult to make a concrete case on him as he's a fantastic player. However, here are my reasons:


My vote on Ron was half-joking and half-serious - I didn't know for sure if it was true that putting him under pressure made him talkative, so I thought "Fuck it, there's nothing else going on right now, might as well". It's not really provided any new info, though, so with that in mind

Early on he placed a vote on me because I "get talkative while under pressure" - now, that's all well and good when someone is scum, but it isn't really when they're not. Of course, if he were town he wouldn't know either way, so he wouldn't really know whether he'd get anything useful. However, if he were scum what he might have thought was that he'd get something he could use to make me look like scum and therefore push a mislynch. Early in the last game I got pissed off with Mike when he said I was "definite scum" - I wasn't - but Carbomb may have hoped to provoke me into losing my temper and therefore easily justifying pushing a lynch. He did this in quite a clever way where he could dismiss it as a joke, but he still made a go of it.


For all those who haven't looked back, I will say that he unvoted at the end of this post, after, I believe, he realized his tactics wouldn't work. Others also stated that a wagon was starting against me already which may have made him realize he looked scummy, as I hadn't actually said anything suspect.


Also, if you look at Carbomb's posts you'll see, like Bristep, he has done more "outlining of cases" than he has investigating. He's said why he's thought TMS should be lynched. He's also said why he's thought Triple A should be lynched. But he hasn't actually asked that many questions.


He's changed his focus numerous times, but he tends to focus on individual players and rather than aggressively push to lynch them, he kind of subtley says why he's voting for them. This is what he did in the last game to great effect, and while it isn't a huge scum tell, his subtle narrow focuses still makes me wary.


I didn't say you haven't asked me any questions, I said you've asked me very little. And that's true - you have given me almost nothing to address. And no, your being busy doesn't prohibit you from voting for me, but your complete lack of explanation as to your logic or thought processes which led you to believe me Scum makes you look Scummy, especially in light of my focusing on your and INH's simultaneous posting. Instead of addressing the point I made (which was, admittedly, initially brought up by TripleA), the first post you made in relation to me was not to defend yourself, argue, FOS me or even question me or my logic, it was to VOTE me for a lynch, right out of the blue, and the best reason you gave was that I was being mentioned a lot.

The reason my vote for you came out of the blue is partly because I was accessing the site for the most part on a phone, so typing out a version of my comments above would have been a huge chore, and just uttering a short few lines wouldn't have sufficed (in my opinion, anyway) - the deadline seemed close, so I had to put my cards down on the table. A no lynch is bad, and nobody seemed in agreement in regards to who they were voting for.


However, your name had popped up a number of times as a suspect. You don't seem to be most people's number one suspect, but you're most people's number two, and when the number one votes combined mean we don't have a lynch I think people need to seriously consider changing it. And what better choice than to the person people seem to agree on?

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Sorry I haven't said anything today, as have been busy at work, but I'm on a quick break now so I can discuss things.


I won't be able to post much tomorrow as I have plans, with it being a saturday off, but I can check things on my phone and change my vote at the last minute if it avoids a no lynch.


Triple A, I was going to say the same thing about you as Bristep, where as I feel if you had spent part of your time you spent defending yourself with building a case on someone else then you might have had a lot of the focus removed from you.


As a town player, you should be looking for scum regardless of whatever situation you are in during the game, so when people call you scummy don't take it personally as it is just their opinion of your lack of scum hunting.


It looks like by trying to defend you I have been linked with you, which I don't like, especially as I feel I am voting for Swift for what I believe to be a valid reason where as you are probably voting for him because he is the strongest player. (Your words not mine!)


Swift, you seem to be all over the place, so with your vote removal from Triple A even though you are certain he is scum, you just are not making any sense.


Triple A called you good on your double standards when discussing INH and that TMS post with a case on Triple A looks like your handywork.


If I have to change votes, then I will, but would prefer a Swiftstrike lynch so my vote stays there for now.


Family Guy, I will try and answer your question in short while, just difficult to whilst on such a short break.

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Glad someone agrees with me on my case against Swiftstrike.

One thing that strikes me as also scummy is the fact that I know I'm Town. I don't know about SMS though. Swiftstrike is pretty much saying it's confirmed me and SMS are Scum and sadly because it's Swiftstrike a lot of people will just buy into that. I'm not saying SMS is certainly town, he could be scum sticking up for me to look like town, but I think the fact that the two people that Swift is confirming as Scum happens to be someone making a case against him and someone who thinks the case is a worthy one just isn't sitting well with me.


I understand I'll be the lynch today, I think it's pretty inevitable. When I flip Town though you should really look at the case I made against Swiftstrike, and the fact he's saying it's nailed down me and SMS are scum. I think Swift is scum, and TMS and Ron have a good chance of being scum too. I made what I think was a strong case against Swiftstrike's two-sided play concerning INH, but sadly due to it "being nailed on" that I'm scum, my word carried no meaning. Let's just hope when I flip you all realise.

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Well out of the three I said, You're the one I'm least convinced about. It's due to your ducking out of the first part of the game when Snake accused me and you, and then the whole thing with you and INH posting at the same time. You gave an excuse with Uni though which is fair enough, but the second thing might be more than coincidence.

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Well out of the three I said, You're the one I'm least convinced about. It's due to your ducking out of the first part of the game when Snake accused me and you, and then the whole thing with you and INH posting at the same time. You gave an excuse with Uni though which is fair enough, but the second thing might be more than coincidence.

To be fair the question wasn't really unique enough for it to be flabbergasting that two people might ask it. If I were scum, then FG would be scum and the fact Nexus extended the deadline suggests to me that he probably isn't. Plus it'd take quite a disorganized scum team to decide on questions to ask, then both ask them in tandem.


As for Snake, Uni was an issue and he was basically bating the two of us based on nothing so there wasn't much for me to say in response. All I could do was refute the idea of a policy lynch or get pissed off, and neither really helps the town as the scum could rally round it to provoke something and force a mis-lynch. Basically what I believe is happening to you right now.

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I think Swift is scum, and TMS and Ron have a good chance of being scum too.

TripleA believes Ron to be scum eh?

You're wrong about me, Triple A, but I actually agree with you about swiftstrike.

Ron agrees with TripleA, to the point it looks like he may be willing to vote Swift

Well out of the three I said, You're the one I'm least convinced about.

'oooh, I love you really Ron, now VOTE SWIFT! VOTE SWIFT! VOTE SWIFT!!!!'

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Thought you'd chime in. I'm suspicious of 3 people, obviously one of you had to be bottom of the pile. If I wanted to kiss up to Ron and get him to vote Swift, I wouldn't have told him I thought he was possibly scum in the first place would I?. Throwing a paddy because you're second on the list is real nice play though.

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Thought you'd chime in. I'm suspicious of 3 people, obviously one of you had to be bottom of the pile. If I wanted to kiss up to Ron and get him to vote Swift, I wouldn't have told him I thought he was possibly scum in the first place would I?. Throwing a paddy because you're second on the list is real nice play though.


1: Of course I'm going to 'chime in', it's called playing the game


2: You only 'kissed up to Ron' after he informed you he was edging toward Swift, a clear indication of you trying to get the wagon on Swift rolling, before that information was privy to you, he was scum. Just saying like.


3: No paddy thrown either, just pointing out to everyone how desperate that little interchange of yours looked, wasn't even posting toward your direction. Of course the ultra defensive TripleA has to bite and bite.

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Trips your case on me is nothing but the fabrication of a defensive mind and still doesn't add up. You have SMS backing you and are just trying to pull any town players on to the wagon your trying to create on me, using a mix of logic fallacies and appeals to emotion. SMS has switched on me as soon as I picked out his scum play in fact let's look at the exact time line of events


POST 350

Swiftstrike: Always hard to read, but seems to be playing a town game, but no disrespect to TMS but his case Triple A seems too good for him to come up with on his own and I have a feeling Swiftstrike may have helped.


Post 351

Bristep pulls SMS on trying to get town roles to role reveal


Post 352

SMS Oh that's not what I meant oh thats a bad and scummy idea so I'll backtrack on it.


Post 353

SMS at the moment you are really on my radar if as I expect trips flips scum you definitely have a number of questions to answer as you didn't mention a no lynch until the pressure came on to trips and a couple of other issues where you have backed him, also you have tried to insinuate that I made tms case on trips where I have had nothing to do with it if I had put forward my case on trips it focused a lot less on his reactions to Snake and a lot more on his other scummy play.


Post 354

SMS Vote Swiftstrike.


in the space of 4 posts and only one post by me (in which I mention I'm keeping my eye on him) I have gone from playing a town game to being called scum if that is not hyper defensive scum play I don't know what is.


Trips would you like to comment on SMS sudden switch on me?




go to this link and then read exactly what was said

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TripleA: Last Seen: Today, 07:59 PM


What is this 24hrs to lynch deadline and your deciding that you don't want to comment on the points I've raised above just like when you didn't want to answer my questions in day one what is this going to be another case of popping on and off because you have friends round?

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My initial thoughts yesterday were that the mafia were likely to be players flitting in and out, posting just enough to get by. Carbomb is playing exactly like he did in the last game in which he was scum


And again: no, I'm not. If you can't be bothered to count up how many times I've posted in this thread compared to other people, or actually read what I'm saying, I'd say the one being anti-Town is you. I'd even hazard a guess that you've posted less than I have.


and clearly has time on his hands judging by his nonsense thread he's been running all day, so 'I haven't had the time to play' isn't going to wash.


Which "nonsense thread I've been running all day"? If you're talking about the Mornington Crescent thread (which is NOT nonsense - only complete casuals who don't understand how complex and intricate a game of skill it is), I started it in the middle of the night last night, and my last post was in the early morning. Since then, I've been out, and only got back online about half an hour ago, during which I've had time to make one post in that thread. Again, look back over my posts, and see the massive great time gap staring you in the face.



He's doing nothing pro-town, and my thoughts on his play so far have been 'he's just there'.


Quantify, please. I've already said several times what I've done. If you're trying to wind me up, you're certainly on the right track.

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