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Paypal disputes/claims against Royal Mail

King Pitcos

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I ordered stuff from WWEshop back at the end of November. Four orders to different addresses. Two arrived just before Christmas, one arrived between Christmas and new year, and the other still hasn't. I know it's probably just caught in some kind of backlog because of Christmas and the weather, but I live in Liverpool so there's always a fairly strong possibility that some neighbour or postal service temp has nicked it (it's happened to stuff I've ordered before). I'm running perilously close to Paypal's 45 day deadline, so if it doesn't turn up tomorrow, I'm going to open a dispute just to be on the safe side.


What kind of experience have you lot got with Paypal disputes, particularly for transactions with big companies rather than eBay sellers? None of the other packages needed signing for or anything, so from Paypal's perspective, I could just be lying.


Failing the Paypal thing (or in addition to it), anyone got any experience chasing up lost post with Royal Mail or making a claim for the loss? Is there anything I can do from my end to chase it up?


If you havent recieved it then you will be fine.. you can always cancel the dispute if it turns up safe


The company would have to prove the item was dispatched and recieved by you what ever


Mostly the buyer always wins..



Not up to you to chase for the loss, as you havent sent it. WWEshops fuck up they should refund or resend...


Yeah, pretty much what pat said. I have the pleasure of working for Royal Mail customer services and it would normally be the sender to reimburse you/offer a refund as you're their customer; they would then claim directly from Royal Mail as they would have to provide evidence of posting.


You could in theory make the claim yourself against Royal Mail but again, you would need that evidence of postng from them; although I wouldn't advise it at the moment as the P58 (the loss/damage/delay claim forms) team are working on forms received in mid-November (effectively for items posted back in October). Just in case anyone's waiting...


Out of interest, is the outstanding item large?


Make the dispute and let them deal with it. Royal Mail will deal with them.


It turned up this morning! Cheers for the tips though lads.


It wasn't that big, a box big enough for a t-shirt and a wrestling figure two-pack. What odds would the size of it make? I know that parcels always turn up here in the morning, rather than the general post which comes about 2pm.


Also out of interest, Wideload, what is the process on Royal Mail's end? When they receive and process the form, what happens after that?


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