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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Well preferably Ron Simmons but I would settle for Nexus as they are the 2 I feel most guilty so far. Want to hear more from SMS before we lynch him.


See. I wouldn't say naming Ron as your preference, then saying "but i'd settle for Nexus" is pushing a lynch on Nexus is it?





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Back peddle?. I didn't even reply to your post just now. You posted twice back to back. Where in between that did I back peddle?.


Surely i'm not the only one getting really bored of talking to the brick wall that is Dan now am I?.

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Also, you said you'd be willing to drop the issue with Ron and vote Nexus, but immediately after that post you started arguing with Ron again and then voted for yourself.

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My first post was in response to the

You didn't try to push a lynch on Nexus, you tried to push a lynch on Ron.
Post the second was to the the full of shit post, Oh and in 5 minutes I've found 3 references to the lynch on nexus i didnt try to start. Why are you so against me pooling the town together?


I meant traitors as in ya know the nexus members. and as for the last post it seemed when I was reading through that I had become a main suspect. Like i say i think we all need to agree quickly on who to eliminate before the ad break and quickly, seems the nexus have done a good job of shutting the discussion down. I don't think SMS is the answer right now, But Ron and Nexus I would be fine with eliminating



Well preferably Ron Simmons but I would settle for Nexus as they are the 2 I feel most guilty so far. Want to hear more from SMS before we lynch him.



Stop talking in riddles and explain yourself. As we still cannot decide who to lynch and even though the consensus between most us would be Nexus as the common denominator you voted against me to further split the vote spectrum which will edge us towards the no lynch you apparently are't pushing, surely you can see how dodgy this makes you look. I would be willing to drop the issue with Ron for now to pursue the Nexus lynch if thats what the majority agree on.
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Ok so you found a couple of posts about you voting Nexus, and I've found a few of you voting for yourself, arguing with Ron and Me, and you've still not even voted for Nexus.


This isn't proving i'm right or you're right, but it's certainly proving that you actually don't have a clue and you're just chucking shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

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I'm desperate to hold ALL wagons, Mike, until the last possible moment. I've just been saying (and I'm pretty sure you've been pretty emphatic about this in the past) that it's fucking stupid cutting short the only time we have to have any proper impact on the game before handing it over to the Nexus. Aren't you always telling us we need to take full advantage of discussion time to investigate, question and scum-hunt? That's what I'm doing. I don't know if you noticed, but the Manor got absolutely RAPED in the last game, and I'm just not having that again.


So the question to you, Mike, is: why are you so quick to jump on the Dan Williams lynch bandwagon in contravention to everything you've espoused in previous games, and when there are at least TWO other players who have behaved more suspiciously, have warranted further investigation, and of whom one hasn't returned to address the accusations put to him? Why are you so certain of Dan's guilt to the point you'll chuck us into Night Phase when none of the more obvious options for lynch have been investigated yet?

There's a massive difference between rushing to a lynch early in the game day, and voting when we're less than 48 hours from the end of it (unless said game day was just 72 hours long of course).


So, yes, I DO say we need to take full advantage of discussion time, and I have, to suggest my single vote is rushing a lynch is silly. It's an early wagon made up of just 3 votes (I'm not counting Dan's own vote because that's just stupid play whether he's scum or town). How is that ever going to be trying to rush a lynch? I've played games (and am playing games) where there's 5 or 6 votes on someone, and they still may not even be the lynch for the day. Now if I was number 10 on the wagon at this stage, then fair play, attack me for it... but number 4? Nuhuh, that's not when you bitch about a wagon on someone. (Well, not unless it's in RVS anyway).


So, no more talk about "chuck us into night phase" okies? It's 11 to lynch, that means 11 whole votes need to be cast, not 4 or 5, but 11.


It's less trying to slow down a wagon, and more trying to halt a shopping trolley at this stage really.

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No it proves I was trying to get us away from a no lynch situation brought up by you and attempted to start a lynch we all agreed on so not to have wasted a day, as soon as I did this you decided you didn't want to vote for nexus you wanted to vote for me, which is slightly suspicious. You seem really keen to go to no lynch even though a lynch would be best for the town. Like I say if 10 of us can agree on 1 player then I'm happy to go with that lynch rather than continue to push my own agenda to the end and put us in a bad position.

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I'm desperate to hold ALL wagons, Mike, until the last possible moment. I've just been saying (and I'm pretty sure you've been pretty emphatic about this in the past) that it's fucking stupid cutting short the only time we have to have any proper impact on the game before handing it over to the Nexus. Aren't you always telling us we need to take full advantage of discussion time to investigate, question and scum-hunt? That's what I'm doing. I don't know if you noticed, but the Manor got absolutely RAPED in the last game, and I'm just not having that again.


So the question to you, Mike, is: why are you so quick to jump on the Dan Williams lynch bandwagon in contravention to everything you've espoused in previous games, and when there are at least TWO other players who have behaved more suspiciously, have warranted further investigation, and of whom one hasn't returned to address the accusations put to him? Why are you so certain of Dan's guilt to the point you'll chuck us into Night Phase when none of the more obvious options for lynch have been investigated yet?

There's a massive difference between rushing to a lynch early in the game day, and voting when we're less than 48 hours from the end of it (unless said game day was just 72 hours long of course).


So, yes, I DO say we need to take full advantage of discussion time, and I have, to suggest my single vote is rushing a lynch is silly. It's an early wagon made up of just 3 votes (I'm not counting Dan's own vote because that's just stupid play whether he's scum or town). How is that ever going to be trying to rush a lynch? I've played games (and am playing games) where there's 5 or 6 votes on someone, and they still may not even be the lynch for the day. Now if I was number 10 on the wagon at this stage, then fair play, attack me for it... but number 4? Nuhuh, that's not when you bitch about a wagon on someone. (Well, not unless it's in RVS anyway).


So, no more talk about "chuck us into night phase" okies? It's 11 to lynch, that means 11 whole votes need to be cast, not 4 or 5, but 11.


It's less trying to slow down a wagon, and more trying to halt a shopping trolley at this stage really.


Mike, first of all - I like you, but less of the talking down, please. Maybe you don't see it, but it's there.


Secondly - it's not about how many votes the wagon has, it's about those who have voted for it having made up their minds so decisively before Night Phase.


Thirdly - I was looking to halt it because it looked like it was going to pick up steam VERY quickly if no-one interceded.

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To be fair Dan, TripleA never really seemed eager for a no lynch, and more seemed to think it was a good idea if we couldn't really decide on a mutual lynch, and was unsure as to why it was a bad idea when I first said as much (not sure if he realizes why it's not a good idea or not yet though).


So I don't really think chastising TripleA for even having a no lynch as a consideration is a worthwhile direction.

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Carbomb, first, sorry if you feel I'm talking down, I suppose I do come across a little (okay, a lot :p) overbearing at times in these games.


But still, I can appreciate it looking like it was picking up steam fast as the votes were in relatively quick succession (all since the last vote count), but in these games votes should steadily increase overtime, we shouldn't be holding off from placing a vote for fear someone's going to jump in and say we should hold back because we might lead to accidentally lynching someone.


Of course, that doesn't mean someone should come running in and hammer someone with a vote either unless all discussion has finished. So at the moment, I'd say as long as it stays at 9 maximum, we should be okay, as it prevents a scum self hammer.

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It's his pathetic tunnel vision. He did it with Ron, and now he's doing it with me. I wouldn't mind if it was for legit reasons, but it's for made up bullshit that he's just creating as he goes along. I didn't understand why Ron was getting so defensive before, but after having Dan dribble his rubbish arguments all over me going in circles for the last 4 or 5 pages I fully understand why Ron got so wound up.


Now i'm actually going to defend Ron. The main reason (as i've pointed out numerous times, and you can quote me on that) I found Ron scummy was because of his temper and high defensiveness. After seeing the frustration arguing with Brick Wall Williams causes, I now am fully convinced Ron is probably town.

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