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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Yes but how will we know without taking the shot and trying to take them out, if we no lynch it will be a wasted day as we will have gained nothing.


Ok then. If you really want to try and get a lynch done, who do you suggest at this point in time?

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If you had of read the original post you would have realised this was the reason

I DID read the original post. This is all I said:


The other suspect for me is Dan Williams because he's kind of been buddying yourself and Triple A. I'm not trying to say that I think the three of you are linked, rather the fact he keeps bringing up that he's "certain" the two of you are town. That's all well and good, but I don't understand why he keeps repeating it.


And this is a good enough reason to immediately vote for someone? If you want to suspect me as scum based on it then fine, but does this REALLY merit an immediate vote? You didn't even take me to task on it saying you disagreed. Do you not feel that's a case of attacking someone because they suspected you?

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Something here just isn't sitting with me right.


Ron Simmons and Dan Williams are feuding with each other, to the point where they're both getting votes in straight away.


I think one of them is scum.


Ron, as defensive as he is, hasn't done anything massively scummy. He's just playing a bit harshly.

Dan, up to this point only had the buddying up thing with me and Mike. However, added to the buddying now is the fact he's desperate to push a lynch, and against Ron Simmons too.


I think Dan is scum.


Taking into account I know i'm town, and i'm not convinced this minute that Mike is scum, then Dan would buddy us thinking he could get in with the town.

We all become suspicious of Ron Simmons, and Dan tries really hard to show his allegiance with us by tunnelling Ron.

He scoffs at even the suggestion of a no lynch, ignoring the fact we'll likely strike town, just so he can try and off Ron Simmons.


I think this is bizarrely scummy play, and therefore


Vote Dan Williams

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If you had of read the original post you would have realised this was the reason

I DID read the original post. This is all I said:


The other suspect for me is Dan Williams because he's kind of been buddying yourself and Triple A. I'm not trying to say that I think the three of you are linked, rather the fact he keeps bringing up that he's "certain" the two of you are town. That's all well and good, but I don't understand why he keeps repeating it.


And this is a good enough reason to immediately vote for someone? If you want to suspect me as scum based on it then fine, but does this REALLY merit an immediate vote? You didn't even take me to task on it saying you disagreed. Do you not feel that's a case of attacking someone because they suspected you?


Right just to shut you up on this matter right :

Where did I say I was certain? After I Mentioned it originally why did I mention it all the other times? was it because maybe people were questioning it? therefore I didn't really keep bringing it up did I? And I wasnt really buddying was I, i was just pointing out who I felt that the main pro town players were at that point just worded poorly. So i feel justified that you twisted my words to make me look scummier than i was.

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Something here just isn't sitting with me right.


Ron Simmons and Dan Williams are feuding with each other, to the point where they're both getting votes in straight away.


I think one of them is scum.


Ron, as defensive as he is, hasn't done anything massively scummy. He's just playing a bit harshly.

Dan, up to this point only had the buddying up thing with me and Mike. However, added to the buddying now is the fact he's desperate to push a lynch, and against Ron Simmons too.


I think Dan is scum.


Taking into account I know i'm town, and i'm not convinced this minute that Mike is scum, then Dan would buddy us thinking he could get in with the town.

We all become suspicious of Ron Simmons, and Dan tries really hard to show his allegiance with us by tunnelling Ron.

He scoffs at even the suggestion of a no lynch, ignoring the fact we'll likely strike town, just so he can try and off Ron Simmons.


I think this is bizarrely scummy play, and therefore


Vote Dan Williams


I have been getting more and more convinced of exactly this with each of Dan's posts.


UNVOTE Nexus VOTE Dan Williams

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You make some valid points, TripleA, but I can't help feeling it's a bit premature to be voting for Dan just yet. Yes, he's given us some reason to doubt he's WWE, but by the same token, he's not really given us any real cause to think he's Nexus outside targetting Ron - and to be honest, he's not the only one who's focused on Ron at the moment. Ron's aggressive style of play (which is not a bad thing, for the record) means he's going to draw a lot of fire in his direction, some of it OMGUS and some of it legit suspicion.


At present, I think I'd like to establish some context on Ron first, especially given the whole SMS statement, before I start voting. Is Dan really tunnelling out of scumminess or is he simply misguidedly scumhunting?


Dan: outside that one bit that you felt was scummy behaviour from Ron, what other things have you noticed or reasoned that you feel it warranted voting for Ron?


Did you notice anything else, or have you noticed anything else since to reinforce or change your view?


Right now, out of Nexus and Ron, whom would you consider scummier, and why?


Do you feel SMS' statement has any bearing on the matter, or do you think it's simply SMS playing that ADHD style again?

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Ron: do you still stand by the post you made focusing on Dan Williams' choice of words? If not, is it because you feel they were a result of your technique getting out of hand, or because his posts since have convinced you otherwise? If you do still stand by it, why?


What is your response to the accusation that such a post is scummy?

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Well i think that Ron is the scummier as i have called him out on why and he hasn't answered any of my poiints just thrown it back in my face that I voted him for no reason even though i have highlighted all the reasons I have voted for him, and at first i was maybe a bit quick to throw a vote at Ron but he proved after I did that it was justified as he continued to blatantly twist my words. That was scum behaviour in my eyes. I think until day 2 when SMS hopefully can be abit more active then we need to lay off lynch on him. Also I feel there are alot of players sliding through without posting which is not helpful. We really need to hear the opinions of the following:

TheRandySavage 8

Lawz 6

Bugsey713 6

insert_name_here 6

Top Man Shopper 4

Mesacret 3

CoreyVandal 2

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Christ, I'm away from the forum for a while and a debate goes on about no lynching or not...


We should only no lynch day 1 if it's a known mountanious game (no roles at all) and we are beginning with an even number of players. Purely to shift the favour for the lynch threshold back into town's favour. Better to do that early than late on after all.


In a game with roles, we don't know what potential roles are out there, and we will have more information once we approach a MyLo or LyLo situation, so no lynching isn't a good thing. In fact no lynching day 1 will always be a bad move outside of my above mentioned case. Simply because a flip of someone is much better than a flip of no-one, as we gain more information from someone, and if someone is even partially scummy to a group of players, it's better to eliminate them now, than have them alive the next day when it's likely they will be in consideration for a lynch anyway.


So to that end, any lynch is statistically better for town than a no lynch. Purely from the information we gain from it. Of course if you have a strong feeling that Player X is town, then throwing your vote in and lynching them is pretty bad form (although in saying that, I have done it myself because absolutely everyone was insistant they were town, and we were nearing deadline, so I cast the final vote, the guy was lynched, and I was NK'd that night too (scum already knew I was the cop)).


So I wont consider being against a no lynch as being against Dan here, he's perfectly correct to not want to go for a no lynch. But it's also a null tell, because at this stage of the gameplay here it's often just personal preference. I also wont attack anyone thinking it's a good idea to no lynch, as I began thinking that initially when I began playing (and pushed for it on my first game... and was lead around by the nose by scum from that point on).

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I don't get that logic at all, as surely the night flip will give the town a good amount of information without us having to needlessly kill off one of our own too?.


Hypothetically, say we lynch Ron and he flips Vanilla, then the scum kill SMS and he's a roleblocker. Then what?. What difference has that made aside from we've lost two town?.


Say Ron flips cop, and SMS flips Vanilla, then what?.


Say we no lynch, and scum kill SMS who is roleblocker. We have the exact same information and we've not lost Ron the hypothetical town in the process.

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