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Practical jokes


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A very simple one for office life. Swap the N & the M keys around on somebodys keyboard. They probably won't notice, and think they are going mad.


I've done it a few times. One of my victims starting stressing out 'is there something wrong with me? Why won't my password work', so I asked her to tell me her password so I could attempt it. I entered her password (knowing I need to use N for M and vice versa) and logged her in. She got a little angry with herself for looking stupid. Then she went into total meltdown when she was signing off her e-mails with 'Kimd regards' and no matter how many times she typed this, it was still wrong.

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My brother bought a fake eyeball from a jokeshop, so one day we went round to my friends house for a sleep over (we were about 11 and 8) and put the eyeball underneath his pillow. We waited a bit and then he switched on the light and let out a little yelp. It was much funnier when I found it at 13 and managed to sneak it into some peoples lockers and bags.

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Nothing too sinister, but getting high in my mates bedroom during lunchtimes at school was an awesome past time for a few of us.


One of our favourite games to play was prank calling people, and this one time we started taking it a bit too far. Ringing up random numbers and saying things like "Hi, I think you're daughters a dog but that won't stop me..." etc. Looking back it was a really wrong thing to do, but the 15 year old pot head inside us loved it. It was one of the lads' turn to prank call someone, so I said that I was typing in a random number from the phone book, but actually typed in his home phone number. The reaction on his face when the voice said back "Is that you Tom?" was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

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A few years back on our way to a game up in Merseyside, we stopped off at a service station to get a bite to eat.


One of our players was ridiculously homophobic to a cartoonish degree, so we decided to buy a copy of "Gay Times" magazine to plant in his kit bag, unfortunately...he saw us with it on the way out, but we quickly blagged it saying it was intended for another players bag.


Naturally, he thought this was the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard and couldnt wait for the reveal! We swore him to secrecy, as only 3 of us knew about the plan, and that way it wouldnt get spoilt when he eventually found the goods in his possession.


We found the, for want of a better expression, bentist page we could, which i think was a man simulating ejaculating over his own stomach, folded it open on that page, and left it face up on top of his kit bag whilst he was in the loo.


Picture the scene, 30 unawares American Football players, most semi naked by this point in a tiny changing room when one of their team mates, an incredibly homophobic one at that opens his kit back to reveal a jizzy chested gay pin up...it was the most childish thing i've ever been a part of...and the funniest!


"Fuck you lot! You fucking benders!....if my mum had found that!, shit gay you lot are" and so on for about 20 minutes.


I swear he handled it with fingertips by the very corner of the magazine as if he might catch Aids or gayness from handling it, picked it up, and threw it in the Nighthawks changing room.


Pre-game they were huddled on the field chanting over and over what i always assumed to be "GAME TIME", although i was corrected several years later chatting to one of their players at the national finals.


Someone got hold of it again, and yep...he fell for it again after getting in the shower (there were strict "dont look at me below the chin" rules, and he always wore his pants) we popped it straight back in his bag.


This time he decided he'd had enough and was going to plant it on someone else. After looking around to suss out who wasnt around their bag, and who might not take offence to it, he spotted an unattended bag and tiptoed his way towards it. The funniest thing i've ever seen, is the owner of the bag appear out of nowhere having sprinted some 50-75 yards, and kicking their own bag flying just as he approached it so they didnt end up with the "bent-mag".


In the end, i think the original recipient opened it up on the offending page, and pinned it under the windscreen wiper of a Nighthawks car as we all legged it, giggling to ourselves and set off home. I think we must have been around 23 or 24 at the time.

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