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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

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Too fucking right it's enough to make his position untenable. If the English FA caught their head of referees doing such a thing with a photo that tries to make a joke of child abuse then I'd be expecting the same result. It's just a bonus that it was Hugh Dallas.

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Of course he's biased towards Celtic. But when reporting factual and legitimate newsworthy stories, that matters how exactly?


For anyone in any position of standing and authority, and whose employer has any kind of acceptable usage policy, that e-mail is indeed enough to make their position untenable, and rightly so. The lies and indications that the strike was little more than a personal bargaining tool just removed any doubt and sealed the deal. For someone in his position to have the arrogance, not to mention the utter stupidity, to be sending those sort of 'jokes' just beggars belief.


Good riddance to the creep. The after dinner speaking circuit awaits, coming to a masonic/orange hall near you soon....

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Show me where Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email.

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Show me where Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email.


Show me where I said Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email?

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Show me where Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email.


Show me where I said Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email?

"the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family'.


Nobody connected to Celtic made any comment on the Hugh Dallas email. Largely because the issue has nothing to do with them.

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Show me where Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email.


Show me where I said Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email?

"the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family'.


Nobody connected to Celtic made any comment on the Hugh Dallas email. Largely because the issue has nothing to do with them.


Oh look, now I can be pedantic, just like you.


'The Celtic Family' includes the Celtic fans, as you well know (a quick search of the term 'The Celtic Family' on google brings up numerous examples of the fans talking about themselves as being part of 'The Celtic Family', and an article about how the Chief Executive of Celtic welcomes Korean fans into 'The Celtic Family' because Yeong signed for you), and it is to those fans I am refering to, as I'm sure most people could have worked out.

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Sadly, in the ridiculous climate that exists in West Coast football, and with the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family', sending an e-mail like that is enough to make his position 'untenable'.


And as for this freelance journalist, he's clearly biased towards Celtic.

Show me where Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email.


Show me where I said Celtic commented on the Hugh Dallas email?

"the outpouring of 'rage' from 'The Celtic Family'.


Nobody connected to Celtic made any comment on the Hugh Dallas email. Largely because the issue has nothing to do with them.


Oh look, now I can be pedantic, just like you.


'The Celtic Family' includes the Celtic fans, as you well know (a quick search of the term 'The Celtic Family' on google brings up numerous examples of the fans talking about themselves as being part of 'The Celtic Family', and an article about how the Chief Executive of Celtic welcomes Korean fans into 'The Celtic Family' because Yeong signed for you), and it is to those fans I am refering to, as I'm sure most people could have worked out.


Don't you mean rage from Catholics who just happen to be Celtic fans. Fuck all to do with Celtic or our fans.

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Yup, because as we all know, religion and football are completely seperate matters in Scotland.


Well I highly doubt the Catholic church sent that letter as they were upset because the email had offended Celtic fans.

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Yup, because as we all know, religion and football are completely seperate matters in Scotland.


Well I highly doubt the Catholic church sent that letter as they were upset because the email had offended Celtic fans.


And I highly doubt the Catholic church would have heard about it had they not been alerted to it by Celtic fans. And therefore going back to my point, in the ridiculous climate that exists within West Coast football (where religion and football are so closely linked), sending an e-mail like that would make his position untenable.

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Yup, because as we all know, religion and football are completely seperate matters in Scotland.


Well I highly doubt the Catholic church sent that letter as they were upset because the email had offended Celtic fans.


And I highly doubt the Catholic church would have heard about it had they not been alerted to it by Celtic fans. And therefore going back to my point, in the ridiculous climate that exists within West Coast football (where religion and football are so closely linked), sending an e-mail like that would make his position untenable.

I am sure it was the Celtic fans that also put it all over the national newspapers as well :rolleyes:

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Yep, it was Celtic fans who gave the story 3 pages in one of the big media outlets. The church would never have noticed if it wasnt for us meddling fans.


Companies have a fair use policy in regards to email, I would have been sacked in my work for the same. Hugh Dallas sends that from a private address, there is fuck all anyone can do except be outraged but he was a halfwit.

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Yup, because as we all know, religion and football are completely seperate matters in Scotland.


Well I highly doubt the Catholic church sent that letter as they were upset because the email had offended Celtic fans.


And I highly doubt the Catholic church would have heard about it had they not been alerted to it by Celtic fans. And therefore going back to my point, in the ridiculous climate that exists within West Coast football (where religion and football are so closely linked), sending an e-mail like that would make his position untenable.

I am sure it was the Celtic fans that also put it all over the national newspapers as well :rolleyes:


It only made the national newspapers because of who he is, the position he's in and the relation it has to his job. Otherwise it would be national news if anyone sent an offensive e-mail about the pope. By the logic being displayed in this thread, it would be an article worthy of 3 pages if I sent an offensive e-mail about the pope. But it's not. Just like nobody knows nor cares who sent Dallas the e-mail, who else it was sent to, or who Dallas sent it to. Newspaper companies only print stuff they think will sell newspapers. If they print a story of how the head of referees in Scottish football has sent an offensive e-mail about the pope when there is currently a media storm going on between a heavily Catholic influenced football club and the company he works for, then that is news and people will buy the newspaper. If Celtic had no ties to Catholocism it would not be newsworthy and they would not print it.


And you all know that.


The whole 'It's nothing to do with us, honest gov' stuff is a mixture of incredible and unsurprising.

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If he sent a joke about Muslims and it was reported in the papers, he would have gotten the bag as well. Why would anybody care about YOU forwarding an offensive email? we don't even know who you are and we aren't your boss. Footballers cheats on their wife's all the time and it's all over the papers and it will probably be discussed on here because they are famous but nobody cares if you were to cheat on your wife or girlfriend because we don't know who you are. Most companies have a strict policy against this sort of thing and it has nothing to do with the big bad Celtic support, Hugh Dallas was obviously in breach of said policies, so he should suffer the consequences.

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