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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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Cannot wait for the DVDs.


Had a very sobering thought afte the 2nd show. That was probably the last time I can travel to the UK to a wrestling show for a long long time. Getting married in 2 years and have to save like a bastard. So next time may have to be with my kids when they come along.


But it is great to go out on to so to speak, after a crazy crazy weekend.


Actually glad for being a sad single bastard right now.

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Also, having tried Amerchandise, ROH and DGUSA - where in blue hell can I buy a World 1 t shirt??


Don't think you can mate. I'd really like one too.


Did anyone see the shirt BxB Hulk was wearing in the saturday m&g? I'd love that one, but cant find it any where :(

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Also, having tried Amerchandise, ROH and DGUSA - where in blue hell can I buy a World 1 t shirt??


Don't think you can mate. I'd really like one too.


Did anyone see the shirt BxB Hulk was wearing in the saturday m&g? I'd love that one, but cant find it any where :(




yeah it was sweet!

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here's my review that will be up shortly on www.wrestlingobserver.com. The radio show will have some coverage this week at some point as well.



The Broxbourne venue was really cool. The tiered seating was awesome and made for a great view.

Dark: The All Stars beat the LDRS for the IPW-UK Tag Titles


This was a match that

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Also, having tried Amerchandise, ROH and DGUSA - where in blue hell can I buy a World 1 t shirt??


Don't think you can mate. I'd really like one too.


Did anyone see the shirt BxB Hulk was wearing in the saturday m&g? I'd love that one, but cant find it any where :(




yeah it was sweet!

Ah-ha! It's you! I thought you were the guy sitting behind me on Night 2!


I meant to say hello and ask where you got your Doi vs. Tsubame shirt. They were sold out during my last Japan trip.


Dare I suggest to air raid crash that best place to get a W-1 shirt is Korakuen Hall merchandise stand..?

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Some thoughts on night 1, the bits in the quotes are C&P from my twitter which had all the results as I said it would, I've then added some more thoughts having had more time to think about things...


Do you mind if I use your match times in a writeup for a website? Cheers mate.

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Dare I suggest to air raid crash that best place to get a W-1 shirt is Korakuen Hall merchandise stand..?


It's not out of the question.


Hey, it's where I got my Speed Star, Muscular Bomb and DG logo shirts...


Somewhat seriously though, you might be best off keeping your eyes & ears open for news of someone here going, stay friendly and put in an order. Or of course saving your pennies...


And, before you ask, it's probably going to be a couple of years before I go again... :D

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The first thing that I have to do is thank the entire crew for making it an incredible experience for me personally and reading some of the feedback, for the fans too.


From the Dragon Gate team and their management let me thank the fans for making the shows what they were, the reactions from the audience are something that really sticks out in the minds of the DG team. They expressed to me, how much they love to compete in the UK.


The Team UK Crew did incredibly well all told, with many of them performing at peak levels.


I am not sure what to write to be honest as, like the rest of our team, I am exhusted still from the weekend.


Some notes.


Broxbourne was completely sold out,


Several discussions were had between AM and DG to improve any future events and the ropes on the ring were specifically mentioned they said they would be able to put on EVEN better matches if we use a new system on the ring, we'll be looking into it.


We had a couple of production issues as was pointed out. Like any major company starting with WWE and down, no matter how much you plan, research and organise you can never have everything go to plan when you turn up to a venue. Using computers to run 2 (and last year 3 screens) is a nightmare at the best of time, they were tested many times, but you know if it is going to go wrong, it'll happen at the most oppertune time (see Shingo/Yamato entrance) :rolleyes: "Windows! Windows! Windows!" tremendous.


We shot on HD, footage is out of this world. Lighting is better too, I have seen the shows back and I cannot WAIT to get started on the DVD


One Team UK star had a strong enough showing to earn a trip to Japan. Mark Haskins will return after a break too.


However, We brought in the HD cameras for the shows from a TV production firm who ROYALLY messed out, to the point of a Dana White like speach down the phone to them, The Broxbourne show is a mess footage wise, the first half seems to have chunks missing from different cameras and aslong as they firm can recover some damaged footage the bonus/Yamato/Main event should all be fine. They had to have somebody drive a whole new system upto us due to their incompetence. They arrived as people were entering, so we had to get used to a completely new set up and system in like 10 minutes! Crazy!


St Ives, is a lovely venue, shame it is a little akward to get there.


The crowd were good on both night. I would still say the Regal crowd was far better, St Ives and Broxbourne in tail. I won't get into an arguement or turn it into a typical internet promoter rant but I still do not see the logic of people buying a ticket, travelling all the way to the show and trying to make themselves centre of attention. The show is the attraction and the fans in some events are part of the show and some are not. On a live wrestling event, you are a part of the show, a pretty big part but as a collective. When you had a great crowd, like at the Regal, it makes everybody perform that bit higher. When some of the DG stars were ill on that first tour, after watching the first tag match, and the reaction for the crowd, they were buzzing, after the show, they couldn't wait to come back. However, at particular instances at both events people insistant on trying to make themselves the vocal point, and in the process spoiling the shows for others (as is mentioned on some of the reviews. I think it is a real shame that it happens. Particularly the Mark Haskins/Lion Kid suffered on the first night due to a couple of extremely loud people picking the oppertune moments to heckle and some people in the front row chanting continuelessly "F U Cima" which wasn't catching on and just annoying ALOT of people around them. I like chants, I like to see the fans chanting but 2 people keep shouting out aload of rubbish doesn't contribute chanting in my book (see the supeeeeeeeeer Drag-on pwg fan footage online) St Ives was much better, aside from a couple of really rowdy chaps who were swearing during the intermission but during the show were cool. I think one of them even managed to hand Shingo a flag with "Shingo is s**t" on it and poor Shingo decided to wear it and high five the guy on the way down to the ring, which is pretty commical. Remember these are my opinions and some thoughts I am sharing, not a "F the fans" supershootz.


Would like to Publically thank the crew for the shows. Phil Austin, Ciaran Morrison, Dave Sharp and the 4FW team (Angelene, Tom, Callum, Benham, Matt, Assasin, Vince), Chris PW, larry La Rue, Chris Roberts, Andy Quildan, Lion Kid and Lioness, Mark Cross, Llyod, Marty Scurll, Zack Sabre, Helen and Simon Needle, The Broxbourne and St Ives Staff. They're efforts were off the charts and they are the unsung heroes of the shows, without them none of this would be possible.


Slight confusion at the meet and greet over camera useage and poloroids, was swiftly rectified.


Marty Scurll was the standout of the Team UK guys over the weekend, next year will be a good one for Scurll if he keeps up his effort levels


Every seat in St Ives was purchased, although some people purchased tickets and didn't attend, strange. Hope they didn't get lost on the way.


Chris Roberts, the referee, may have had some stick on the Saturday, but he was my MVP over the weekend.


In future I would think we'll see more T-Shirts from the DG merchandise. They are limited to what they can bring due to baggage allowances, we almost had it sorted for these shows but it didn't happen sadly


I will address some of the comments on here in additional posts, I thought the shows came across tremendous. I really don't know how anybody could have come away from the shows with negative thoughts, it really does baffle me sometimes. The guy who rated the show on Friday and said it wasn't very good. I can't possibly imagine what show you would need to attend in the UK to have it be a great show, if Friday's wasn't even a good show.


Anyway, seems like some negativity in this post, it's not the case on the whole, some disapointing things that have been weighing on my mind from the shows but in closing


Dragon Gate love the UK, and it is because of many factors the organisation, the venues, the set up and mostly the fans. They were all smiling and joing the whole weekend, make no mistake about it, they love to come to the UK more than anywhere else and it is in no small part to the fans and the atmosphere you have created on the last UK show and over the course of the weekend. They didn't announce a return but it wouldn't surprise me.............


Thank you

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Off to Broxbourne now and so excited like everyone else. :) But I am worried about something :sneaky: should BxB Hulk not dance tonight then I riot :angry:


Hulk ash dropped the dance routine in Japan, and we try to keep it as authentic as possible, which is a shame as I liked the dancing last year. It looked awesome on camera too.

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Weirdly security were checking bags and taking bottles from people who were bringing them into the main hall.


Overall the crowd was much better tonight as it was a less intense and more fun with a lot more comedy coming from crowd interactions.


But for another match the crowd took one of the best roles of the night managing to get a fair amount of

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