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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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If my memory serves me correctly the results overall were:


Shingo vs Yokosuka II


Bonus match: All stars beat The Leaders


Cyber Kong beat Joey Hayes

Mark Haskins beat Lion Kid

Shingo beat Susumu Yokosuka

Naruki Doi beat Yamato

PAC, Mark Haskins & Masato Yoshino beat CIMA, Dragon Kid & Masaaki Mochizuki


Invasion 2


Bonus match: Dean 2xtreme beat Stixx


Cyber Kong beat Marty Scurll

Masato Yoshino beat Lion Kid

Susumu Yokosuka beat Masaaki Mochizuki

BxB Hulk & Naruki Doi beat Shingo & Yamato

PAC & Mark Haskins beat CIMA & Dragon Kid


Does anyone know the name of Mark Haskins entrance music?

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I am not one for writing long descriptions of matches etc etc but just wanted to say that was without hesitation the best wrestling show that i have witnessed , loved so many matches all bar 1 , enjoyed seeing Extreme Dean for the first time and thought Marty was brilliant against Cyber Kong , the 2 tag matches were amazing , simply the best.


Thankyou Mr Sloan - there is a reason you are regarded so highly in this business !!!!!!!!!

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Ah man, just like to say a big thankyou to Mark Sloan and everyone involved in putting these shows on for us, they were absolutely amazing! Heh, I told Mark to bring Stalker next year and he said "I'm thinking about it!", I really hope that we get to see Gamma and Stalker next year, if they do come back.


I was sat front and center by the entrance bit on both nights, in exactly the same seat. On night 1 the guys to my right were really, really drunk and one of them was filming the whole thing on his phone. :S They also thought they were great at chanting and I even heard one say to another "It's just you and me man! We're like...the only 2 here that have ever been to a wrestling show before.", glad they weren't at/near me on night 2.


Best match for me was Doi/Hulk vs Shingo/Yamato, it was insane. I liked pretty much everything though, I'm such a DG mark. The last 3 matches were so strong last night that I think I would say the second night was better than the first.


I'd like to thank Alan for sorting out the meet and greet, it seemed like they originally weren't doing photos with people, but Alan got someone to ask Mark and it was all good. Great to meet you Alan, I'll always remember you sitting in front of me at DG last year where you were jumping out of your seat with excitement! Also, big thanks to Lee and his Dad for taking photos of me at the meet and greet. And hi to Christian, good to meet you man.


Anyway, hope to see some of you at DG Invasion 3! :p


EDIT: Dark match on night 1 was amazing, nearly got my head kicked off though! I would say that both events topped the one last year. :D

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Another excellent show last night from DG, the last few matches were epic to say the very least, (the super frankensteiner (on pac) onto mark haskins, was just epic). MY throat hurts from shouting so loud, and i cannot wait to see if DG comes back next year! (a few hiccups durign matches/entrances, but it was only small stuff which the action totally made up for!)


Also thought id add, although he seems to get alot of stick, lion kid is very very good at what he does, and deserves alot of big congrats for a cracking match with yoshino (i thought it was better than the dragon kid match last year!). Also had a quick word with the lion kid during the intermission, a really sound guy, and i wish him all the best! Also also, yoshino tried to sell me a dvd on the basis that evan bourne was in it, i thought it was awesome! "you know evan bourne? Matt Sydal........thats him."


Cant say enough how much i enjoy DG, cannot wait until next year, and i cant say alot more than Amazing.


Thanks again mr sloan!

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An excellent couple of shows. With these 2 shows and the 2 IPW:UK Sittingbourne shows I've seen this year (Sittingbourne Spectacular 2010 & 6AS) there have been some cracking shows in England this year.


I was suprised to see The All-Stars win the IPW Tag belts this weekend. A good match but I feel that maybe it would have been better saved for an IPW show. All 4 men are great and Whiplash is just so quick with his come backs.


Cyber Kong was over and both Joey and Marty did well in what were essentially squash matches. Marty's personality really got over with both his antics and his wrestling.


Susumu was man of the weekend for me, 2 barnstorming singles matches. Both were 2 guys throwing bombs and strikes at each other, but they really sucked me in. Great counter to Mochizuki's rebound enziguri on the second night. I'm a little torn between which of the two I prefer, really loved them both.


Doi and Yamato had what could be seen as the lesser of the 6 "last 3 matchs" on the 2 shows, but I still really liked it. A slightly slower pace with Yamato using tactics but Doi pulling out a crazy flurry at the end. This was the beginning of Cyber Kongs habit of grabbing referees legs when acting as a second.


This match was followed up on the second night with Doi & BxB Hulk vs. Yamato & Shingo. BxB's reaction to a "H-A-G-E" chant was fantastic. This match was off the charts, a mix of big moves, hate and just trying to knock the other guy senseless. Shingo hit a ludicrously nasty looking punch at one point.


Night 1's main event was a typical DG 6 man, starting slowly then really picking up speed. Probably better than the 6 man last year with the addition of DK-Yoshino interactions and Mochizuki nailing the heaviest sounding kicks I've ever heard. The Imploding 450 was a tremendous move to end the show on.


Night 2 ended with Haskins and Pac showing just what they could do. They had some great double team moves and sequences and Haskins looked like he belonged. All four men were over. Some of the double teams were just crazy.


The speechs on both nights (Pac on the first, Haskins on the second) were great touches and you could tell how much it meant to both guys. I loved the touch at the end of the second night where Yoshino insisted on holding the ropes for Haskins, who then insisted on holding them open for Yoshino to leave the ring.


All in all, I would like to thank the Dragon Gate guys, the UK wrestlers and Mark Sloan and his crew for a fantastic weekend of entertainment. Mark showed just how well organised wrestling can be and I know that he will have a list of things to improve for his next big shows because I think he honestly wants to put on the best show he can.




Shingo vs Yokosuka II


PAC, Mark Haskins & Masato Yoshino beat CIMA, Dragon Kid & Masaaki Mochizuki


Invasion 2


PAC & Mark Haskins beat CIMA & Dragon Kid

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I'm tired and I still have a headache and I was intending to write both nights together, but I'm going to start by posting my thoughts on the first night and then work from there. There's a lot of filler in there so just skip to the matches to make easier reading.


So, yeah, where to start with this one really? I may begin at the Travelodge in Harlow when I'd already checked in, had a little dinner at the Toby Carvery and then when I was walking back to my room, I passed a guy in a Beer Money t-shirt and a guy walking behind me was wearing an El Generico mask. Yep, wrestling is going to happen tonight. After getting changed and getting my shit together I walk down to my car only to realize I'd left my DGUSA hoody so going back into the Travelodge I pass the ROH group and have a quick talk and catch-up before leaving for the venue.


Seen as my SatNav got me to the hotel with no problems, it decided to take me down a road that lead to a sewerage factory, and then brought me to my destination of the residential estate NEXT to the Civic Hall. But finally getting to the parking lot of the venue I unexpectedly bump into an old friend in wcw4ever and then just have a quick catch up and talk while he waits for Alan4L and the Irish guys to show up. Unfortunately it started spitting with rain so we parted there as he retreated into his car and I headed down to the venue where I ran into another guy I hadn't seen for a while, Rave On Jimmy with his mom. So I got chatting to him while we got in the venue, then had a quick chat with Hat Guy once inside as well as catching up with Spunkmeyer further.


To say I loved my seat for this show would be an understatement. Practically dead center in the middle of the first row. A big thank you to Mark Sloan for setting that up for me. I had a great view for practically everything, and I was sat in front of the ROH group as it turned out so I felt less like a twat as I was out of my seat screaming as the show went on.


My first impression of Broxbourne Civic Hall was that I was surprised at how small it was. I dunno, watching DVD's I always imagined it was bigger than that, but then that's the magic with recorded footage. I did also love the stage set up with the two entrance ways and screens on either side, but kinda thought how the wrestlers had to make their way across the stage to then get down to the floor was a little awkward. But still the place was packed, it still felt like an intimate little venue, each and every single person in the room was a Dragon Gate fan or a soon to be convert, so everybody was ready for the show to start and to get it started hot.


Bonus match: LDR's vs The All Stars, IPW:UK Tag Team Championship match.

Broxbourne love the LDR's and The All Stars (Mikey Whiplash more so) could get heat in the artic. Whiplash had the crowd hating him in mere minutes with a few choice words towards them, and then admonishing Sabre Jnr as he had the advantage, making it well known that he "could wrestle too". Everybody brought their A game here and it all clicked. There was a dive to the outside from Scurll and from that point on, it all kicked up a gear. LDR's hit a super See Ya Later, but Whiplash threw Scurll into Sabre to break the pin up (It took me a second to register this as at first I thought Scurll independently had done this and was a major heel turn until I realized it was Whiplash who pushed him). Sabre Jnr was tenacious to try and get the cross-arm breaker onto either one of the All Stars for a tap. When the LDR's again set up for another super See Ya Later (this time on Whiplash), Dynamite pushed Scurll down to the floor, Sabre Jnr attempted to turn the situation with Whiplash to his benefit as again he went for the cross-arm breaker, only for it to be broken up by a flying head-butt from Dynamite. The All Stars then capatalize and hit a double team finisher for the win and the Title's. An absolutely great match to kick off the show with and could have easily slotted anywhere in the upper registers of any IPW:UK show, including their big super ones. Yeah the crowd was a bit deflated at the end because I don't think anyone expected the LDR's to lose, especially when it was a Tag Title match (I was the only one who called it! Hah!), but not even that took away from a great match as the crowd was quick to cheer and clap for the newly title-less LDR's as they left. Great match and probably THE best dark match DG UK has ever done.


Match 1: Cyber Kong vs Joey Hayes

While the match before was supposed to be a dark match, there were no breaks or quick intervals, we immediately got the show underway with our first 'official' match of the evening. And Broxbourne loved Cyber Kong. I will admit that before his injury I wasn't a big fan of Cyber, but since he returned this year he has really won me over. And he came out with a pinapple so I felt less of a twat for bringing my own! (Still a twat tho). Joey did have brief flickers of hope as he attempted to strike the monster down with elbows, but Kong just wasn't having any of it and battered him. Definitely the squash match of the weekend, but a very entertaining squash.


Match 2: Mark Haskins vs The Lion Kid

I'll be honest, I thought this match was too long. When you see their IPW:UK match from last November it was a perfectly paced cruserweight match to start the show with. Here, they tried to go with something a bit more 'epic' and more like a Dragon Gate PPV style match. Whereas I expected a quick back and forth sprint of a match, they had sections where they sprinted, but overall it was more of a lengthy back and forth match with no real lengthy control segments until Lion Kid was torpedeod shoulder first into the turnbuckle and then Haskins proceeded to work on that arm for the rest of the match. Actually I feel that this style of match did more to bring Lion Kid up to Haskin's level with how he held his own. Unfortunately, the crowd just wasn't having any of Lion Kid as the match progressed. A shame really because I get how people justify the argument that LK is for kids whereas this show was mainly populated by adults, but when you look at the DG roster, one of their main and recognisable stars is Dragon Kid. I'm not making a comparison between the two at all, just find that argument can lose ground at times. But I thought the match was perfectly fine outside of it went a little too long, the crowd dragged it down as none of Lion Kid's comebacks could ever have any fire when he was being boo'd, and it was made even more obvious the match was going to continue longer when there weren't that many credible near-falls until the very end of the match.


Match 3: Shingo Takagi vs Susumu Yokosuka

Match of the night and match of the weekend for me personally. The best match Dragon Gate UK has ever put on, and probably a very close second to Shingo/Danielson for my favourite match of the year so far. I just loved the hell out of this match. They were having a great feeling out process in the beginning of the match, Shingo was more eager to get straight in there after his defeat last year whereas Susumu was happier to drag it out to frustrate Shingo, knowing his previous win was enough of a psychological edge. But what was the X factor in this match that the first one didn't have and just turned this match into a different beast entirely was the inclusion of Cyber Kong at ring side, doing his up-most best to distract the ref and Yokosuka to allow Shingo the advantage, while also riling the crowd up at the same time. When Shingo and Yokosuka started trading Exploders in the middle of the ring, shit just got real and everything kicked off, ended by an Exploder from the top rope by Yokosuka onto Shingo. And from that point it was just plain mental, so much so I can't remember everything. All I know is there was a repeat performance of zombie Yokosuka not taking any shit from Shingo anymore, a kick out of a Made In Japan, a kick out of a Burst Liner and a Jumbo No Kachi and then I want to say that it took a second or third Made In Japan to finally put Yokosuka away. Absolutely incredible match. The crowd was 70/30 in favour of Yokosuka as well so I was screaming my heart out for Shingo. Just an absolutely amazing match. While everyone will have their favourite matches from the weekend and their own opinions, this for me is why I love Dragon Gate so much. While I thought this somehow managed to better their first match, I know at least one person who thought it wasn't as good. And I'm sure others may have preferred the 6 man from later in the night or Mochizuki/Yokosuka or one of the tags (World vs Kamikazi in particular), but for me, this is THE Dragon Gate UK match, period.


Match 4: Naruki Doi vs YAMATO

It would have been hard for any match to follow what had just occured, so the intermission to allow people to cool off and get a drink definitely helped. Although it was only a 5/10 minute break which didn't feel like much at all. I don't know really where to start with this one. It definitely had a very different feel and atmosphere from their March match which on the one hand I was glad for because it wouldn't have been able to match what had just come before it. But then I think their March match was technically better, but God, the live experience in this match was SO good. I love Naruki Doi. I mean, I love a lot of the Dragon Gate roster and while I think others may be better wrestlers than him, for every time I've seen him live, I've really connected and wanted to help will him onto victory. I know there are those online who didn't love Doi's long title reign and felt he had few facial expressions and never connected on a large scale with the audience, but for me, I've never had that problem with him. Hell, after this match I feel he could be the Susumu Yokosuka of his generation when it comes to getting the audience involved. Because Doi for some reason really seems to feed off a Western audience and engage you into cheering for him. And YAMATO is his usual dick self, made all the better for how he played to the audience in his own way, taunting them as he worked over Doi. And I love YAMATO for that, but on this night I was 110% behind Doi and you can't imagine my joy when a Baktare Sliding Kick finally put YAMATO away. Just a great back and forth competative technical match, I loved the strike exchanges, I loved how each had a counter for the others signature moves, and I loved how YAMATO worked the knee and the way Doi sold it.


Also the ring announcer should've been fired for not knowing YAMATO's name!!!!


Match 5: World-1 vs Warriors

So much like Shingo/Yokosuka before it, this match managed to better it's counterpoint from last year and then some. I mean, on paper it looked great, but in execution OH MY GOD!!! CIMA hates PAC. Yoshino and Dragon Kid want to out-do the other. Mochizuki and Hulk want to test who kicks faster and harder. Mochizuki and CIMA try to cave in PAC's chest with kicks. PAC wipes out Mochizuki and Dragon Kid (and my chair) with a dive to the outside. Yoshino hit his trade-mark high dropkick/senton combination. BxB Hulk was on FIRE! Everything PAC did looked crisp and nothing short of amazing, really showing just how much the experience of wrestling in front of a home crowd meant to him. In fact everyone was on point in this match. I really can't wait for the DVD because I have witnessed so much awesome wrestling over the weekend my brain was completely overloaded and already memories are slipping, but I know without shadow of a doubt that this comfortably beat last years and would sit pretty against any WrestleMania weekend Dragon Gate six man. Also that imploding 450 or whatever you want to call it was INSANE!!!


And so ended night 1 at about 10.10. I stayed around a while talking to Tyson and Stunstone before going back to my hotel - My SatNav now avoiding all dark winding paths of doom and actually took me all on main roads on the way back for some reason - But I just couldn't sleep. It took watching King Kong and then Grave Of The Fireflies, one of THE most depressing films I have ever watched (and even more depressing when it's your second or third viewing) before I was finally able to go to sleep.


I have to say that I thought that was head and shoulders above last years show, and I personally thought this night was better than night 2. But then Night 2 was no slouch either........

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Absolutley awesome weekend of wrestling that has left me utterly breathless and beyond satisfied! I'll start by extending my gratitude to all of the Dragon Gate team, Mark Sloan and all of the people who made this event possible!


I'll readily admit that I'm not the biggest Dragon Gate fan in the world, more down to the fact that I haven't caught much footage rather than me not liking their product but if last years show wasn't enough to convert me then this weekends events certainly have been! I'll try to offer a breakdown on the weekend although as we've witnessed others are far more qualified to offer an in depth analysis than myself.


Starting with night one, this was my first foray to Broxbourne Civic Hall and I was quite impressed with the venue. Seemed an intimate setup although I didn't feel that the crowd was as loud here as they would be on Night 2, although in my section (I had my back to the entrance ramp) there were a few complete bell ends who seemed to like the sound of their own voices and shite chants more than anything else!) The Leaders and the All Stars got the weekend off to a blinding start; I was impressed with how much Dynamite and Whiplash have improved since the last time I saw them over 12 months ago, and the Leaders...well everybody knows what they can produce and yet again they didn't disappoint. Good match, good chemistry and a surprising finish with the All Stars winning the IPW tag titles.


Cyber Kong and Joey Hayes were up next and this was nothing more than a showcase for Kong. Joey took the beating well and managed to get in some minimal offence of his own but he never really stood a chance.


Mark Haskins and Lion Kid was a little disappointing. It just didn't seem to click perfectly in place and as usual The Lion Kids offence and move sets at times looked over worked and a bit too contrived. I understand Wade is still young and he IS improving all the time but until I see more fluidity in his moves I'll struggle to take him seriously. That being said, the said bell ends that were seated in my area were way out of order with their shouting that they hoped Lion Kid would die etc. Complete and total dicks! Back to the match, Haskins improves every time I see him and as much as it will leave a big gap in the UK scene if he goes full time with Dragon Gate he thoroughly deserves the chance as his work ethic and dedication are there for all to see!


Shingo and Yokosuka I was immense last year and this years effort was going to have to be something out of this world to match it let alone beat it! It came very fucking close! Yokosuka is a fucking animal! These two absolutley leathered the shit out of each other. In my opinion I would say last years was slightly better although I spoke to a few people who thought that this years eclipsed last years. It remains so difficult to split them and I'll leave it at the fact that they were both fucking awesome and I'll look forward to the rubber match next year!!


After a small intermission it was time for YAMATO against Naruki Doi. Unfortunately due to my slight intoxication I remember very very little about this match so I look forward to catching it again on the DVD. From what I was told by friends it was a good match so I'll leave it there.


Onto the main event. The six man totally eclipsed last years six man and I never thought that possible. PAC has always impressed me but he has come such a long way in the last few years. He has always possessed a high impact, jaw dropping arsenal of moves but he now structures his matches perfectly and instead of going from high spot to high spot he now builds up to each one and so when he hits his unbelievable finisher the place just goes nuts! I would also like to add that after meeting him for a brief chat after the show he is nothing but humble and is a top bloke! Cima and Dragon Kid are good fun and BxB Hulk and Yoshino are so highly skilled it's silly. Mochizuki is just mental. I cannot rave about this match enough. Totally stunning and match of the night for me.


So.....Night 2.


The venue was cracking and the crowd were crackling! Much better atmosphere than Night 1 and the anticipation for the show was throughly evident! Would it live up to the previous nights show?.... Would it ever!!


Stixx and Extreme Dean totally caught me by surprise. I knew what Stixx could do but I didn't know anything about Dean but the two of them put in a good effort and I'd like to catch more of Dean in the future if it's possible. I'll certainly keep an eye out.


Cyber Kong and Marty Scurll was awesome. I really enjoyed it and Scurll is brilliant. Another guy that just keeps improving all the time. The bit were Scurll snapped the banana in two after Kong had crushed the pineapple was hilarious. Scurll had better offence than Joey Hayes the night before, which was always going to be the case with him being the hometown boy and I wouldn't be surprised if Scurll is the next UK talent to find himself receiving bookings in Japan...as gutted as I would be as it would mean less Leaders it's the very least he deserves!


Masato Yoshino and Lion Kid was good for what it was. I thought that the Lion Kid was on his game tonight and the two seemed to click with eachother a bit better than Liono and Haskins on night one although I don't think the match ever got out of third gear. It's obvious that Wade is commited to getting his Lion Kid gimmick over and I'm sure the kids love it but it just seems a bit lost on a more mature audience in my opinion. Fair play to his levels of effort though I cannot fault him for that. I too felt that Yoshino was a little wasted in this match although I'm not quite sure where else he could've fitted in on the card.


Yokosuka and Mochizuki. Oh my fucking god! They beat the holy hell out of each other. Two amazingly tough competitors and the strikes, elbows, kicks, forearms, chops, knees had to be witnessed to be believed. They totally destroyed eachother. The duelling Yokosuka forearms with Mochizuki kicks were sick as fuck I actually enjoyed this match more than Shingo/Yoko from night 1 and that's saying something! It's so tough to call as there were so many top performances throughout the weekend but Yokosuka is my MVP for the overall 2 shows.


Intermission time and it was just as well as I needed a rest after that last match!


Semi Main Event time and to my Match of the Weekend!.....I honestly think, as many other people have already stated that this could quite possibly be the best match that I have ever witnessed live in person, words just cannot do it justice. If you want to know what all the noise is about then just pre order the DVD you will not be disappointed! The match was so fluid, but then again with the people that were in the ring then I never expected anything less. I thought the tease for the 6 man just before the match got underway was going to see Yoshino and Cyber Kong added to proceedings but it wasn't to be and to be honest I'm so glad they weren't! No offence to them but this was just friggin perfect!!!


After the match I took a quick foray to the lavs to catch my breath and in the foyer area bumped into Yokosuka. Another very humble man, either that or he just couldn't undertsnad my mild scouse accent very well. He looked a little dazed which after his match with Mochi I wouldn't at all be surprised if he was!!


Finally, main event time. To be honest as good as it was, and it was very very good but it was always going to struggle to match what we'd just witnessed. Pac and Haskins were on form as expected and Cima and Dragon Kid were great too. Lots of innovative double team manoeuvres in this one the pick of the bunch being the aforementioned Dragonrana on Pac off Cima's shoulders and onto a prone Haskins on the mat below. Insane! The cradle piledriver/twisting shooting star press finish was pefect and wrapped up a monumental show to close a just phenomenal weekend of action! Haskins had the role of delivering the thankyou speech at the end of the night during which Pac and Dragon Kid had a couple of exchanges....possibly to precede their showdown at DGUK III??!? Who knows?! All's I know is that as I wearily drove home to Liverpool after the show I was more than content with what I'd just witnessed and I don't think I could ever witness anything as all round perfect as this again.....until next year! ;)

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Finally, main event time. To be honest as good as it was, and it was very very good but it was always going to struggle to match what we'd just witnessed. Pac and Haskins were on form as expected and Cima and Dragon Kid were great too. Lots of innovative double team manoeuvres in this one the pick of the bunch being the aforementioned Dragonrana on Pac off Cima's shoulders and onto a prone Haskins on the mat below. Insane! The cradle piledriver/twisting shooting star press finish was pefect and wrapped up a monumental show to close a just phenomenal weekend of action! Haskins had the role of delivering the thankyou speech at the end of the night during which Pac and Dragon Kid had a couple of exchanges....possibly to precede their showdown at DGUK III??!? Who knows?! All's I know is that as I wearily drove home to Liverpool after the show I was more than content with what I'd just witnessed and I don't think I could ever witness anything as all round perfect as this again.....until next year! ;)


Pac is wrestling Dragon Kid in Germany, with Dragon Kid being named as the number 1 contender to Pac's Brave Gate title. So it was to build up the tension to that. There was also some tension between CIMA & Haskins at one point, as they are also facing each other in Germany today. I liked that as it showed continuity and how much the title meant to Kid & Pac.

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Stixx and Extreme Dean totally caught me by surprise. I knew what Stixx could do but I didn't know anything about Dean but the two of them put in a good effort and I'd like to catch more of Dean in the future if it's possible. I'll certainly keep an eye out.


Keep an eye out for All Star, who run Liverpool and/or Birkenhead a few times a year.


Dean, Dynamite and Whiplash all regularly frequent their shows.

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Finally, main event time. To be honest as good as it was, and it was very very good but it was always going to struggle to match what we'd just witnessed. Pac and Haskins were on form as expected and Cima and Dragon Kid were great too. Lots of innovative double team manoeuvres in this one the pick of the bunch being the aforementioned Dragonrana on Pac off Cima's shoulders and onto a prone Haskins on the mat below. Insane! The cradle piledriver/twisting shooting star press finish was pefect and wrapped up a monumental show to close a just phenomenal weekend of action! Haskins had the role of delivering the thankyou speech at the end of the night during which Pac and Dragon Kid had a couple of exchanges....possibly to precede their showdown at DGUK III??!? Who knows?! All's I know is that as I wearily drove home to Liverpool after the show I was more than content with what I'd just witnessed and I don't think I could ever witness anything as all round perfect as this again.....until next year! ;)


Pac is wrestling Dragon Kid in Germany, with Dragon Kid being named as the number 1 contender to Pac's Brave Gate title. So it was to build up the tension to that. There was also some tension between CIMA & Haskins at one point, as they are also facing each other in Germany today. I liked that as it showed continuity and how much the title meant to Kid & Pac.



Ah yeah...of course....lastnight was just such a complete headfuck of a night I got lost in all the adrenaline and completely forgot about that! Nice one for clearing that up!

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Incredible weekend! Arrived home at 5am this-morning. Hardly slept, still buzzing from yesturdays amazing show!


Fridays show I must admit abit of a blurr to me. Me and my group had 3-4 pints before we got in the building then made a pact to have one a match. Anything after the interval I really can't remember! Which is guttin because that 6-man sounds amazing. I remember being slightly dissapointed with the crowds interaction, however hats off to the guy behind me who started the 'In The Bin' chant at Lion Kid. That had me creasing for ages!


Saturdays show is the best show I have ever witnessed live. The crowd were fantastic, one guy was getting quite annoying. The guy with the hat always chanting WE WANT SHINGO! and just happned to bring a japanise flag saying 'Shingo is SHIT' :laugh: The last 3 matches were incredible! The first tag match being the best match I have witnessed live. Blew my mind away some of the stuff they were pulling off. Incredible effort from everyone!. I loved the tease at the end for Pac vs. Dragon kid, that would be a great match for a third tour maybe? make it happen!


Again it was great to turn up at the venue at the time doors were ment to be open and having to wait around no longer than 3 minutes, times were perfected. Production and everything run by AM on the shows were bang on perfect. The 3 of the all-star guys I have never seen before and was very impressed. Especially by Whiplash and Deano. Marty looked great in the ring with Kong, you could tell he was working his ass off in there. I think Marty would be great in Dragon Gate, who knows!


One thing I noticed was how incredibly happy all the Dragon Gate guys were at the end of the weekend. Invasion III is a must!

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however hats off to the guy behind me who started the 'In The Bin' chant at Lion Kid. That had me creasing for ages!


I must say the crowd's jeering of Lion Kid had me in hysterics on both nights. My personal favourite was 'Somebody ordered a bowl of cream for table 2?' I was glad to see Kid took it all with good humor.


Also, no matter how annoying the 'THIS IS AWESOME' chant is the people who started to boo it ended up looking like the bigger cunts.

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Thought it might be worth a mention.........But Nick Aldis/Brutus Magnus Was hanging around on night 2. Unsure if he was at night one, but was a bit random to see him there. Caught him during intermission chatting away, and later saw him (and i believe only about 3/4 others) on the balcony of the building! Interesting ..........well i thought it was anyway!


Also did anybody see the different japanese photographers taking pictures? Just out of interest, is this being covered for the Jap media?


ALso also i think Yamato was handing out posters for the event on the way for night 2. I didnt click until he was on, so i thought it was a all round class act showing from the DG boys!

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