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Thought this was rather funny from the BBC:


In contrast, jubilation came from the travellers when they heard the news.


There were cheers and cries of "We have won".


Mr Puxon, now chained to a fence, said: "This news is a great relief. But we will stay here to guard our metal so it isn't taken away.


"We are doing it for our children and grandchildren. It's been a rollercoaster but a three night reprieve is a relief."


I would have thought they'd be the last people to worry about scrap metal theft.

Them and the niggers yeah.

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Thought this was rather funny from the BBC:


In contrast, jubilation came from the travellers when they heard the news.


There were cheers and cries of "We have won".


Mr Puxon, now chained to a fence, said: "This news is a great relief. But we will stay here to guard our metal so it isn't taken away.


"We are doing it for our children and grandchildren. It's been a rollercoaster but a three night reprieve is a relief."


I would have thought they'd be the last people to worry about scrap metal theft.

Them and the niggers yeah.

Seriously cringeworthy stuff right there...

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EDL supporters walks into a kebab shop and starts giving it loads of edl rubbish, gets stabbed in head, gets a prison term for it.


Now that's what I call top notch justice.

Kiffy, being the reasonable type that you are I thought I'd come to you rather than Mickey and ask if you'll be the bigger man and drop this tit-for-tat shite that's been going on between you both for ages now.


We all know the EDL are a joke. We could all probably do without the constant back and forward between you & Mickey though. You posting this kind of article is simply an attempt to get him wound up and make him come back with something equally as childish.


Let's all be adults and just leave it be, eh?

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It's the politics thread, I don't just post anti-EDL stuff in here, I post anti-BNP stuff as well. I'm not just doing it as a whole lets argue with mickey thing, more in a, let's all enjoy bad stuff happening to fascists thing.

And no, the fact that mickey's here is unlikely to stop me doing that.

I even stayed out of it when people were calling him a thick racist cunt in here the other day.

So I'll try very hard to avoid arguing with him directly, but not posting fun stuff like the stuff above, to ensure I don't hurt the feeling of an EDL member, is rather unlikely to happen.

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It's the politics thread, I don't just post anti-EDL stuff in here, I post anti-BNP stuff as well. I'm not just doing it as a whole lets argue with mickey thing, more in a, let's all enjoy bad stuff happening to fascists thing.

I consider myself a left leaning Socialist and even i'm finding your stuff cringeworthy. Give it a break, you're simply making a bit of an arse of yourself.

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I'm actually a little surprised the EDL hasn't got involved with this somehow yet. Or maybe because not many travellers are Muslamics and that many adult male travellers are quite capable of taking care of themselves?


Or maybe because there is no reason at all to get involved in this?

Hmm, that response tells me one of three things. (A) You are not as knowledgeable about the EDL's activities as you think you are, (B) You are not aware of whom the most prominent figureheads of the EDL associate with, or

Edited by Glen Quagmire
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