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General politics discussion thread


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You don't think that plenty of normal people are sick of the amount of liberal crap in Britain today

Who's normal?


that we are forced to pay for even though we despise it with every fibre of our being?

Who's we?


You must move in very limited circles.

What would you know about whom I associate with? Get off that fucking high horse! :rolleyes:


It is contributed on by a wide range of people, unfortunately a small minority of people have a problem with this and regularly accuse people with right-wing viewpoints of being "tory-trolls" and "astroturfers", ignoring the fact that several million people voted Tory at the last election, considerably more than voted for any other party.

Well, if some people on that site are accusing others of having a different viewpoint of being trolls, then to borrow from yourself, "that's just the way it is!"

As to pointing out that the Conservatives got the highest amount of votes cast for any single party in last year's General Election, I'm sure you have a point somewhere but I'm not sure where...

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I found it quite funny you reeled out the "condoning lying" towards Happ when Sheridan is a convicted and jailed perjurer and you've defended him resolutely. So is his lying okay because you like him?

You must have a strange sense of humour, Yoggy.


I asked if he thought that bullshitting the electorate in order to get their vote was justified, which he answered. As for Sheridan, I defend his so-called lying because I know that he didn't actually lie. It's really that simple.


Anyone who has looked a bit deeper into this case (which I fully expect you not to have done) will know that there's something not quite right with it all. I'm not going to go into detail as it would take absolutely ages, but I'll answer any questions you wish to ask on the subject.


Saying that, if you're going by what you read in the press then I can't blame you for having the opinion you do. Especially the kind of press I can imagine that you read. The majority of people will have gained their information on the subject from the media, and that's fair enough.


Please. Dont. Go. There. Again. ;)


That shit belongs in the conspriacy thread and not the general politics thread. seriously read back your pro-Sheridan posts, they make Duane's discussions look like wholesome sentient discussions.


That sir is not a good thing


All this proof he wasn't lying and he ends up in jail convicted, for 3 years no less. Guilty as sin.


Edit: Him and his party don't matter enough to be victims of a "conviction conspiracy", seems too coincidental he's innocent because he's a member of a part David supports.

Edited by Yoghurt
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ignoring the fact that several million people voted Tory at the last election


The Tories were just saying what people wanted to hear......I don't think it needs to be justified. It's just part of politics. Part of life in general really.


As you've already argued that they didn't really know what they were voting for, it's completely ridiculous of you to claim that the country is full of 'lunatic right-wing Randian sociopaths' (couldn't of put it better myself!) based on the number of people that voted Tory.

I didn't say that the country is full of 'lunatic right-wing Randian sociopaths'.


Yes you did. You argued that the right-wing nutjobs who post on CiF are not infact astroturfers but representative of the several million people who voted Tory.


Obviously you didn't say Randian sociopath or right-wing nutjob because.....well, you got banned from CiF. I mean....really? :laugh:


Only the other day, MoveAnyMountain implied that rape should be legal within marriage (whilst also more explicitly arguing that divorce should be harder). I dread to think what it is you wrote, nah actually I'm quite enjoying thinking about it.

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Excellent trolling by Happ in the last few pages, hats off! Where your mask is slipping, though, is that you fail to actually provide any counter-arguments or reasoned opinion. You should find a subject you're really strong on, and have a lot of background knowledge on, and then try roping in some passing liberals. Just throwing out baseless soundbites like "Guardian... website where any diverging opinions are ruthlessly censored" that can be easily countered by, like, going there, is poor effort.

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They might allow some opinions that deviate from the party line a little bit, in order to make it seem like their views are reasonable and well-considered. But any posts that point out the utter ridiculousness of what their above the line contributors are saying are ruthlessly quashed and the posters banished forever.


I don't even think the Guardian care about Britain that much any more. Half the stuff on CiF is about the US or other foreign countries. It seems they are trying to target the worldwide latte liberal demographic, having given up on the British people who tend to see right through their rhetoric.

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What the fuck are you banging on about now? Which newspaper am I supposedly "exalting" here?


And are you really, really going to trot out the popularity = right argument? Seriously?

No, but I am going to say that if you say " I haven't claimed I know better than "normal people", so don't try and make out you're some hard put-upon working class regular being martyred by the "intellectual elite" - I'm a normal person too." you can't go on to dismiss the views of people who read the 2nd most popular newspaper in the country as being "populist" and not worth listening to.


The newspaper you were exalting was the Guardian. If you don't exalt it, I apologise.

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Excellent trolling by Happ in the last few pages, hats off! Where your mask is slipping, though, is that you fail to actually provide any counter-arguments or reasoned opinion. You should find a subject you're really strong on, and have a lot of background knowledge on, and then try roping in some passing liberals. Just throwing out baseless soundbites like "Guardian... website where any diverging opinions are ruthlessly censored" that can be easily countered by, like, going there, is poor effort.

Very shallow in his opinions, trying to coax him out to dig deeper. Then he should remember the Jon Venables thread.


As for a trolling attempt, I'd give it 4/10.

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I don't even think the Guardian care about Britain that much any more. Half the stuff on CiF is about the US or other foreign countries. It seems they are trying to target the worldwide latte liberal demographic, having given up on the British people who tend to see right through their rhetoric.


Yeah, I mean why would a newspaper want to cover important stuff that is happening around the world? Not like there's anything going on worth talking about.....I think the UK readership of the website is quite high, and since the Times went paywall there certainly will be more right-wingers.


And btw, I am superior to you. I'm smarter, handsomer, better in bed and I haven't been thrown out of CiF for posting far-right views.

Edited by Bashar
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Do you actually beleive that anyone offering a non-liberal opinion is "trolling"?


It seems to be a knee-jerk reaction from the left on just about every forum I know of, an easy way to just dismiss any viewpoint you disagree with as not being worth arguing against.

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Yeah, I mean why would a newspaper want to cover important stuff that is happening around the world? Not like there's anything going on worth talking about.....

Some of the CiF stuff is about domestic events in India etc. I've no problem with discussion on major world events such as revolutions in the middle-east etc.

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Do you actually beleive that anyone offering a non-liberal opinion is "trolling"?


It seems to be a knee-jerk reaction from the left on just about every forum I know of, an easy way to just dismiss any viewpoint you disagree with as not being worth arguing against.

What about those offering a "liberal" opinion? I'm sure they're capable of trolling too.


Me thinks thou doth protest too much...

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