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So with Libya, heating up with fighting and both sides being vicious to each other, those wanting freedom with good reason, though mainly the government troops massacring people and basically the poor bastards of Bahrain being abused by about every single nation in that part of the world as Saudi UAE troops and whatever else are sent in to 'restore order' I cant help feeling that the little guy is being fucked over but isnt being menitioned, because of the coverage of the 'Earthnami' disaster.


Id reckon that there are some serious atrocities being undertaken in Libya and Bahrain, however that it is being 'muted' is something of a shock as tn my own mind no matter how silly,. i reckon we will see atrocities on a scale of the Balkan wars.



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Id reckon that there are some serious atrocities being undertaken in Libya and Bahrain, however that it is being 'muted' is something of a shock as tn my own mind no matter how silly,. i reckon we will see atrocities on a scale of the Balkan wars.

It's not being ignored by Al Jazeera, that's for sure. Although I'm not sure about domestic news channels, so you could be right.

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Id reckon that there are some serious atrocities being undertaken in Libya and Bahrain, however that it is being 'muted' is something of a shock as tn my own mind no matter how silly,. i reckon we will see atrocities on a scale of the Balkan wars.

It's not being ignored by Al Jazeera, that's for sure. Although I'm not sure about domestic news channels, so you could be right.


Al Jazeera is only on part of the day on freeview 6pm til 11 is it, so I forget its on by the time ive switched over news channels its usually


RT is good but it has some very odd scheduling Im assuming this is because this is the international version of it and opts in and out when it can be bothered?


But BBC gave a few minutes report about a no fly zone yesterday and a couple of lines re Saudi invasion... :/ John Simpson must have gone home or something?


Though there is this, When even Iran is saying things have gone too far, there is something amiss

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A rather excellent commentary on the UK budget which is due in a few weeks time from Alf Young of The Scottish Review;


The UK Budget due in two weeks time will, we are told, be all about getting the UK economy growing again. 'The Budget is going to be unashamedly pro-growth, pro-enterprise and pro-aspiration', George Osborne promised his party's spring conference in Cardiff on Saturday.


But apart from a lot of the usual waffle about setting people free to realise their dreams, the only hard advance pledge the chancellor came up with was to create 10 new enterprise zones across parts of Britain that have missed out in the past 10 years. By Britain he meant Midland and Northern England, I think. And at a cost to the Treasury of just

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They're still talking about Libya and Bahrain, but that news is understandably playing second fiddle to Japan. More interesting that the escalating problems in Ivory Coast has been completely ignored by news channels, and with all the talk of no-fly zones in Libya, there's been no political discussion of intervention in Ivory Coast. It's the same situation, protesters getting shot. Why do we care about Libya but not Ivory Coast? No oil to protect.

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They're still talking about Libya and Bahrain, but that news is understandably playing second fiddle to Japan. More interesting that the escalating problems in Ivory Coast has been completely ignored by news channels, and with all the talk of no-fly zones in Libya, there's been no political discussion of intervention in Ivory Coast. It's the same situation, protesters getting shot. Why do we care about Libya but not Ivory Coast? No oil to protect.


To be fair, Libya also has more white-ish faces.

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They're still talking about Libya and Bahrain, but that news is understandably playing second fiddle to Japan. More interesting that the escalating problems in Ivory Coast has been completely ignored by news channels, and with all the talk of no-fly zones in Libya, there's been no political discussion of intervention in Ivory Coast. It's the same situation, protesters getting shot. Why do we care about Libya but not Ivory Coast? No oil to protect.


Ivory Coast has been in civil war/ all out war for as long as I can remember with lulls in fighting at various times for a renewed 'peace' Im assuming the latest is over the election results from November/ December which iirc they got Mbeki from SA in to do some mediation over


Its an oil/petrol producer of a sort and is responsible for alot of coffee and Cocoa being produced so it has some value economically


Most of the fighting has been around Ouattra's and Gbagbo's legitimacy after said election. Gbagbo like any good dictator doesnt want to relinquish power, despite Ouattra winning

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They're still talking about Libya and Bahrain, but that news is understandably playing second fiddle to Japan. More interesting that the escalating problems in Ivory Coast has been completely ignored by news channels, and with all the talk of no-fly zones in Libya, there's been no political discussion of intervention in Ivory Coast. It's the same situation, protesters getting shot. Why do we care about Libya but not Ivory Coast? No oil to protect.


Ivory Coast has been in civil war/ all out war for as long as I can remember with lulls in fighting at various times for a renewed 'peace' Im assuming the latest is over the election results from November/ December which iirc they got Mbeki from SA in to do some mediation over


Its an oil/petrol producer of a sort and is responsible for alot of coffee and Cocoa being produced so it has some value economically


Most of the fighting has been around Ouattra's and Gbagbo's legitimacy after said election. Gbagbo like any good dictator doesnt want to relinquish power, despite Ouattra winning

Yes, there's been trouble in Ivory Coast on and off for a long time. But the violence has escalated rapidly recently with Gbagbo trying to cling to power, troops murdering protesters on the streets. I assure you, if our economy was as reliant on chocolate as it is on oil, this would be getting infinitely more coverage.

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Yes, there's been trouble in Ivory Coast on and off for a long time. But the violence has escalated rapidly recently with Gbagbo trying to cling to power, troops murdering protesters on the streets. I assure you, if our economy was as reliant on chocolate as it is on oil, this would be getting infinitely more coverage.



I wont deny it, but in news terms, more trouble in a country which is reknown for infighting isnt going to get many column inches because it isnt new news, nor important to destablising massive swathes of North Africa or the Middle East, Oil or no oil.

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It would appear that these US soldiers in Afghanistan have been doing their country proud;


  • U.S. army forced to issue an apology over 'trophy' photos of soldiers grinning over bloodied Afghan corpses

  • Commanders in Afghanistan bracing themselves for public fury and possible riots

  • German newspaper Der Spiegel, which obtained the photographs, said there are thousands more showing other victims


American soldiers have appeared in leaked photographs posing with the bloodied and partially naked bodies of Afghan civilians they allegedly killed in cold blood.


Last night, the U.S. army was forced to apologise for the

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Some one is going to have to explain this Libya thing to me


Afaik, Its the west aiding a Chinese style , uprising to usurp Gaddafi. Most of the country are not faffed either way and its yet another regime change by the all mighty and controlling West (sic)


I notice, that Egypt has kicked off again and Yemen is also protesting the whole region is on tenterhooks


What with Bahrain still ongoing and revolts on the cusp of ocurring elsewhere, why is it only Libya that is getting foriegn aid from the west? Bahrain and others are having shots, deaths and massacres from their own troops vs protestors, so why suddenly Libya?

Edited by patdfb
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We're happy with psychotic dictators until they reach a point where we can't credibly support them any longer, or when they start acting against our interests. Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia are still working for the west, and their crimes can be quietly swept under the carpet. Gaddafi's gone rogue and that puts the oil at risk.


The idea that "most of the country aren't faffed" is ludicrous. An uprising like this doesn't come about from widespread apathy.

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