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Posts posted by Daaaaaad!

  1. All these years of doing UK shows and WWE still don't seem to understand that people over here travel from all around the country to their shows.

    Even more glaring to me was the face Cryme Tyme in April 2008 trying to get the crowd to sing along to "money, money, yeah, yeah" and then customising it "those euros, euros, yeah, yeah".

    What I remember about that though is that I'm sure they started off saying 'pounds' then changed to 'euros' within one verse!

  2. I'd have to respectfully disagree in regards to CM Punk, whilst he might not be classicaly good looking, he is definitely very physically appealing. I've always had a bit of a thing for him and know quite a few other women who have too. Its not the tattoos before anyone claims its that, they look like he let some 7 year olds go wild with some magic markers.


    Judging by experience it defiantly helps that he has tattoos.


    Stay defiant, dude.



    Enjoyed that one, Lister, well played.

  3. Doesn't Slaughter's statement suggest he'd be face managing a face Swagger?

    Yeah, this is definitely what I got off it. I think he was probably lined up to do the obvious thing and challenge Cesaro for the US title as an All-American American, but then Rey and Sin Cara got injured. So they made Del Rio a face Mexican and needed an enemy for him. Who's kicking about that's not getting used and is identifiably American? CHECK ONE TWO. AH YEAH.


    This probably also is what caused them to change their (likely) original plan for Ryback/Big Show.

  4. New Man of Steel trailer with loads of new action footage


    This looks great! This is so new, only 300 views!

    YouTube locks views at 301 until it can verify whether they're being attained legitimately or not.


    It looks pretty good. I like the idea of

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    the name 'Superman' coming from the 'S' emblem, rather than the emblem being revealed as a Kryptonian symbol after he's already called himself Superman. That always bugged me - it just so happens that your family's insignia looks like an S despite you calling yourself Superman for years? Coincidence much?


    [close spoiler]



    The only thing I don't like is that it's got that weird Zack Snyder look to it that 300 and the godawful Sucker Punch had. Hopefully that's just me drawing on the worst of what Snyder's produced.

  5. As I recall, Cole covered for it on commentary, saying how seriously he must be taking this match because he'd never seen 'Taker march down the ramp like that. Then the next night on RAW when he was doing a promo with Shawn Michaels, you could see little burns on his face that looked like bits of fried egg that he hadn't washed off from breakfast.

  6. Oh yeah, totally. Would have been a lot better with a clear distinction between 'No Holds Barred' and 'Street Fight', 'Hardcore', 'No DQ' which all fall under the same banner. Building up the announcement of the stip worked against it, for sure. But considering their past interaction last year and Brock breaking Trips arm twice, being a UFC animal who nearly killed Cena it makes perfect sense and the match will result in a wild, street fight, No DQ style brawl which is what everyone has always wanted from them to begin with.


    But the Summerslam match was No Holds Barred as well.

    No it wasn't. It was just a standard match, albeit one in which Triple H had asked the referee earlier on in the night not to stop for anything other than pinfall or submission.

  7. You forgot to edit her name out of the URL too. Vicky Macauly will love the UKFF asking for side-on pictures of her tits.

    It's ok, her profile is private. Er so I'm told anyway...

    I'm sure I've seen that girl somewhere, but I don't know her personally. How do you know her, Donkey Dick?

  8. If it's possible and you know someone with a Wii (or a Cube) perhaps Twin Snakes would be a better starting point. I still play that on occasion. Still confused as to why it wasn't used for flashbacks in MGS4, and why it wasn't part of the HD Collection either.

  9. Don't bother clicking that link and giving this guy needless hits on his 'blog, when I can post whatever boring bullshit it says right here:


    Breaking News! Promoter Stiffs Wrestlers in Union City,Tn last night.

    At a Wrestling Event last nite in Union City, Tn for Promoter Nathan Starling, many wrestlers were shorted or not even paid at all.

    Miss Natural: Via Facebook wrote Last night a promoter stiffed Murdoch (Trevor Murdoch) on his pay. So he took him to the back and showed him what happens when you screw him over. God I LOVE Old School! I dont think he will be stiffing anymore wrestlers with their pay from now on..


    There will be more on this story and comments from other workers later on. Keep checking Wrestling news center for more info in the next coming days. Mr. Starling could not be reached for comment at time this story was ran.





    I was able to talk to "3G" Eric Wayne and this is what he told me. He stiffed everyone. Rikishi for half his pay, only bc it was sent to him ahead of time. No one else got what they were expecting. Trevor got most of his but still got fd. Nathan starling is the "promoter" that's responsible. He lied about pretty much everything from having money to booking rooms for talent. What Trevor did was tame compared to what happened in the office. I talked to him (STARLING) earlier and he's agreeing to pay me but it'll take a week.


    Now you ask what happened in the office!? And for the record this is not from Eric. From the stories I was told from my sources.

    (3) Wrestlers went into the office and confronted the promoter, they strongly requested Starling drink there urine out of a cup. also he was roughed up and striped naked and kicked out of the building. The promoter left and went strait back to his home in another state.


    clearly this is a wild story! Mr.Starling wrote me back and said this. Why should i give my story man everyone wont belive me anyways. i will say i should not been treated that way and think its rong and messed up.


    I asked Mr.Starling to tell me his side and I would put his side up. He did not respond.There are rumors that he will promote another show again but not sure where it will be held. Im sure we have not heard the last of this story. If we do Wrestling News Center will be your source.


    Shit writing, shit story, boring bastard.

  10. Honestly, this time I thought that wouldn't happen, PURELY because Avengers made so much money that it would seem nonsensical for them not to put at least something out. However, with this script rewrite, I'm confident that Astro is bang on and that Justice League flounders around for a few years before being dropped in favour of new Batman and Man of Steel 2.

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