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Your Fight Site

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Posts posted by Your Fight Site

  1. 6 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    This was a surprisingly good title. At a time when they were just recreating GTA in different settings, they threw this out there. It was really good on the Wii too, using their Wiimotes as table tennis paddles.

    It was also the first game built with RAGE, Rockstarā€™s in-house game engine that went on to be used for next gen GTA games. Iā€™m guessing they used the table tennis game as a ā€œtrialā€ for it, rather than just going all-in with it for GTA and it failing.

  2. 5 hours ago, AndyDemmo72 said:

    Right guys I know this may be a bit of a sore topic still after all these years but I wanted to get a hold of someone in the MMA or wrestling community to ask some questions and maybe some of you might still have some info on this.

    I live next door to the Brown family in Holytown and moved in 2006 when the son Jim was still about 18 and living at home. You know him as Wallace and he was on TV for a while then he stopped doing the pro stuff and tried to aim for getting a place in the olympics for 2012 in London.

    You all know the story and how it turned out with his legal problems and I'm not here to go in to it. I still speak to his dad who is also called Jim and he is a diamond of a guy. He often tells me how his son is doing as assures me that he is fine and well living in London and has been doing for about 6 years now. His dad never gives any specific details. Only that he is a personal trainer and that his son opened up a fitness studio over in Hong Kong with his buddies from Germany.

    He said they also have studios in Hamburg and now also in London. I know Jim was stuck out in Hong Kong for over a year during the COVID debacle and couldn't return home. Apparently he met a girl out there from Philippines and married her after about a year. His dad showed me pictures of his boy and also wedding photos so I know this much so far is legit.

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I was in the airport in Germany for the Rangers game atĀ  Dortmund and I spotted Jim Brown junior. No even joking I thought I was going to faint. The shock was unreal. I made an excuse to approach thinking he would recognise me but he didn't seem to. Sure enough I heard the guys calling him Jim and they were talking about bodybuilding at the time I walked up. Jim is an absolute tank by the way and was never this size back in the days when he wrestled. He is absolutely enormous.

    I introduced myself to the group as Andy and he still didn't seem to recognise or remember me. It has been about 10 years since I saw him and he's about 33 or 34 by now but I was sure he would clock me. Anyway there didn't seem to be any suspicion because when you're on tour the fans all mix in with each other and have a laugh whether you're from Motherwell, Montrose or Manchester.

    I made a point of getting some info from him and being a bit nosey. Sure enough he rattled off information about his company, denied that he was a competitive bodybuilder and gave me info about opening up locations in Germany, Hong Kong and London with Amsterdam and Dubai soon to follow.

    For the life of me and I hate myself for this I forgot the name of the company. It had numbers in it something like G90 fitness or C60. Something like that. I'm no a gym goer and I didn't want to out myself and reveal who I was. I even tried broaching the subject of cagefighting but he just acknowledged he was a fan of UFC and moved on.

    He still looks the exact same in the face except a bit more tanned, curly hair but going a bit bald and over 6 foot withĀ  a big build on him. Still a mental Rangers fan and a bigot as I remember him making fun of Irish and others.

    I asked around and one of the MMA boys who lives in Holytown called Chris Bungard is a fighter in Bellator and he used to know Jim. I asked him and he said he hadn't heard anything about him in years except for another guy who Jim went to school with passed on info that he was still a personal trainer down in London.

    Where in London? Which gym? There must be some of you in the wrestling community who still know Jim or something about his life.

    He's married now because his dad showed me his wedding pictures. Dressed in a kilt out in Hong Kong and all that. Looked just like any nice wedding would and a beautiful young woman by his side but I'm wondering how he is managing to own or run a company especially in the UK with a criminal record of a sezual crime.

    One thing is for sure he wasn't pulling my leg. He told me he is a 16% owner in this company amongst him and his friends, showed me the pictures and the website and I remember it having a navy blue logo with red and white letters. He showed me a video of a public workout they did in Hong Kong in a big town square with everyone doing aerobics outside and Jim was wearing a headset microphone teaching the class. I know he's married and a small part of me is happy for him but what happened to him?

    How can someone who apparently committed a terrible crime be allowed to own and run companies? It would make sense if it was only abroad but he seems to live in London.

    His dad is obviously very protective and has said as much. He doesn't tell anyone the specific area of London where he lives or the name of the gym.

    One other thing I wanted to mention. A couple of years ago Jim's dad told me that one of his best friends had died called Adrian the Lionheart. I just googled it to make sure I wasn't getting the name wrong and it says June 19 2019. Jim's dad said that Adrian and Jim were close friends and stayed in touch right up until Adrian died. I rememeber Jim's dad even getting a bit choked up and said that Adrian was one of the only boys who stayed pals with his son and Jim was on holiday in Bulgaria at the time so wouldn't be coming back for the funeral. He also said Jim wouldn't want to bring negative attention on the day of the funeral and thought it was best to steer clear. Does anyone know any more info on this?

    I'm not saying Jim had anything to do with Adrian's passing but again I keep thinking that if Adrian did stay friends with Jim he couldn't have been the only one. Some of you must know some stuff about him and his life and what he did after wrestling. I know he lost his grant from the GB organisation after his charges and had to stop wrestling but does he still train in wrestling for a hobby? MMA? Or is he literally just a fitness guy who moved to London to avoid the heat up in Scotland, worked at a gym and saved up money to eventually open his own studio?

    I know it's possible but I just want to know.

    Hi, Jim. Can I have my belt back, please? Thanks.Ā 

  3. 23 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Another problem with some of Dixie's announcements were that she'd announce that next week she was going to make an announcement, then Tenay & West would sell it like "oh my goodness, that was huge, what will the announcement be?"Ā 

    Love a good meta-announcement.Ā 

  4. 6 minutes ago, IronSheik said:

    Why on earth would there only be 1 HOF inductee this year? Is that just some inexplicable speculation that's been pulled out of thin air?

    Wonder if Godfather or Vince will induct him?Ā 

    Who should indict him? Thatā€™s gotta beā€¦ thatā€™s gotta be Kane.

  5. Just now, Your Fight Site said:

    @gmoneyĀ Just do as much due diligence as you can Iā€™d say.

    The same thing happened to me in late-2020. I got a random message on LinkedIn asking if I was interested in a role. Saw the company and his job title and thought, ā€œNah, this isnā€™t real.ā€ But Googled around and couldnā€™t find anything to the contrary. Had a Teams call where he went over the role and team, then he told me the salary and it just seemed too good to be true. Sat on it for a couple of days and because I couldnā€™t find anything to the contrary, went for it.

    Pleased I did as Iā€™m still at the same company over a year later, got made a team lead around six months into the job, with a huge increase in salary from my previous role.


  6. @gmoneyĀ Just do as much due diligence as you can Iā€™d say.

    The same thing happened to me in late-2020. I got a random message on LinkedIn asking if I was interested in a role. Saw the company and his job title and thought, ā€œNah, this isnā€™t real.ā€ But Googled around and couldnā€™t find anything to the contrary. Had a Teams call where he went over the role and team, then he told me the salary and it just seemed too good to be true. Sat on it for a couple of days and because I couldnā€™t find anything to say I shouldnā€™t believe it was genuine, went for it.

    Pleased I did as Iā€™m still at the same company over a year later, love the people and the company, got made a team lead around six months into the job, with a huge increase in salary from my previous role.

  7. 13 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    At the end of every school year, the house with the most points throughout the year was announced as the winner but the head master would wait for the applause to die down before awarding extra points to the house which had his favourite kid in. One year, it was for ridiclous achievements like being brave, being a bit clever and for one kid who'd played chess quite well. Once the exrta points were awarded, the house that had already been decalred the winner slipped into second place and his favourite house were announced as the new winner.

    Proper cruel bastard he was.

    Alright, Potter?

  8. 1 hour ago, 69MeDon said:

    They were ahead of their time. If the proliferation of "family" porrn on tube sites is anything to go by, that shit is popular.

    At least Marty Jannetty waited to find out he was not actually related before saying he wanted to bang his daughter.Ā 

  9. 33 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    I also have an absolute hatred of the word "slaw", which seems to be the trendy word that's used in eateries even when it's just regular coleslaw.Ā 

    I didnā€™t eat coleslaw until I was about 12 because it was too close to ā€œcold soreā€ for my liking.

  10. 29 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Sounds like an Attitude Era angle.

    Hunter and Steph have a day off so go for a picnic. Nice and relaxing, leaving all thoughts of the wrestling behind them, save the fact they each have their title belts over their shoulders. Just as they ā€œclinkā€ their glasses together with their one free hand, the deafening sound of a John Deere at close range comes screaming into our ears as The Rock attempts to murder them both, all the while chuntering his comedy Touretteā€™s soliloquy about ā€œbottom-feeding, candyass, Jabroni Drive, THIS SUNDAY AT VENGEANCEā€ ā€¦. before thirty minutes later all three are miraculously at the arena in Detroit, fucking miles away and hours removed from the nearest tranquil meadow near sunset, for the TV main event. Which is Rock, Too Cool, Rikishi, The Hardys and The Dudleys vs HHH, X-Pac, Road Dogg, all four Radicals and Edge & Christian, in an 8 on 9 handicap street fight, with ringside distractions from Lita, Steph, Tori and Terri, and run ins from T&A with Trish, the RTC and Taker & Kane. Match goes about six minutes and everyone loves it. Benoit does the job. Big Show waddles in for a surprise return after the match but a returning Mick Foley makes the save and announces heā€™s coming out of retirement. His great mate gives him a Rock Bottom and raises Hunters belt over his head to a massive pop, fade to black.


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