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Posts posted by David

  1. On 8/30/2023 at 8:55 AM, 69MeDon said:

    Punk wouldn't dare try and tell Mox and Co that they can't do what they want to do.

    Like most senior veterans who like to throw their weight around, he wouldn't feel like he has to tell Moxley what to do. He likely sees him as a fellow veteran. A former WWE guy who knows the business.

    Jack Perry is just an idiot. His comments during the All In show highlighted exactly that. If he'd done that kind of shit back in the 90's or so he'd have been found later that night tied to a telephone pole with no clothes on and his head and eyebrows shaved.

    Or would have come back to the locker room to see a steaming shite in his bag.

    4 hours ago, TheScarlettChad said:

    And none of them did it again and again.  Punk is consistently attacking geezers 

    Who has he actually attacked though? The issue with Elite lads, for sure. Who else? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    His body is his weak spot, he was hurt by the punch so had he not been given time to recover from a legit punch, he’d have been stopped pretty quickly afterwards. 
    That’s their story and they’re sticking to it. It all hinges on whether it was a low blow or not. 

    And either way, it only helps Dubois stock as he moves forward to his next fight, doesn't it? which is the name of the game.

  3. 16 minutes ago, neil said:

    To be fair to this shite...they are actually good at making the fights happen unlike boxing has been for the last 30+ years

    Exactly. They have an audience, and they know how to get shit done and market it to them. Can't really complain about it.

  4. 52 minutes ago, JakeRobertsParoleOfficer said:

    Frank Warren is a bellend for complaining. 

    There isn't a promoter in the land that wouldn't complain about that. He knows his guy wasn't winning a technical boxing match. It was generally believed that Dubois would need to land a hard shot and win that way. Which, it could be argued, he did. 

    But even with all of that aside, he wouldn't be doing his job if he just said, "yeah, my guy wasn't up to the task." It's his job to ensure the narrative is that Dubois was robbed and was unlucky so that when his next fight comes around, there's a lot of interest.

  5. On 8/17/2023 at 7:49 AM, Merzbow said:

    If she bought the book she's funding the cunt, so either way. It's not like me buying a Yukio Mishima novel, a great writer who's also dead and seeing none of the few quid I threw at it.

    So if she'd waited until Peterson was dead to buy the book, she'd meet with your approval?

  6. To be fair, she's not had the easiest life. A ton of it was self-inflicted, but much of it came as a result of being thrown into the wrestling business as a 20-year-old kid. She's a riot these days, but I do feel a lot of sympathy for her. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    How long does Tony Khan have to run the biggest wrestling promotion of the last 20+ years, sign big money TV deals, and break attendance records, before he doesn't qualify as a "clueless billionaire" any more? 

    Once he becomes an old white sex pest. 

  8. 4 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    He needs to be on AEW's side. The business. Make the right decision.

    Maybe that's why he's gritting his teeth and letting Punk have a lot of leeway, though? I mean, people scrutinise the numbers that Collision gets on a week-to-week basis and use them to measure Punk's success and popularity.

    But here's a question. Is there anyone else on the roster who could head up their own show? Could AEW have said they were going to carry out a brand split and have The Bucks as the main players with a handful of random talent? Or even do the same with Omega or Hangman? I don't think so.

    So, while Punk is a moaning-faced prick and is undoubtedly not a man you'd want to have a beer with (mostly because he'd sit there with you, drinking his Pepsi and shooting you condescending looks all night) maybe Khan is giving him a ton of leeway because he's shifting merch like nobody's business, and is pulling an entire show along based almost entirely off his own brand?

  9. 7 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

    "Zero Hour" starts at 5pm, main show starts at 6pm. 

    Going to guess that altogether we're looking at around 5 to 6 hours of wrestling.

    The crowd will be fucked by the time MJF/Cole comes around.

    Was the same at Forbidden Door. The crowd was exhausted by the time of the main event.

  10. 2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    Thing is, out of those three, he's probably the most likely to win by far, no?

    Dana? Not a chance. The dude has absolutely zero combat sports background. Unless you count being a boxercise coach for bored housewives in his younger days.

    As much as I don't like Mark Zuckerberg, he'd probably manhandle both Dana and Musk. He's at least serious about learning BJJ, and has been competing in tournaments, winning the gold medal in the Nogi Master 1 White Belt Feather Weight Division and the Silver medal in the Gi Master 2 White Belt Feather Weight Division in a competition in California.

    It's a ridiculous concept, of course, but if it was to happen? I'd always favour the guy who's training and even competing on the reg.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

    I'm suprised The Elite didn't all jump ship to WWE. 

    Why would they do that when they have a cushy number at AEW? They have Executive titles, pretty much call their own shots, and can do what they like.

    WWE would be a much different kettle of fish. There's absolutely no way they get anywhere near as easy a life working for Vince. They'd need to be mad to trade what they have at AEW to join the rank and file at WWE. Especially if their only real reason is because CM Punk is trying to annoy them on Saturday nights.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Plane over to London should be a laugh, shouldn't it? May as well get X-Pac and Ric Flair to tag along.

    A plane? Punk will be travelling via his trusty bus. Remember?


  13. 4 minutes ago, Rule One said:

    For a man who's stole from friends, colleagues and even his own damn government during a pandemic

    I like how you say "even his own damn government" as if stealing from the government is more heinous than stealing from friends and colleagues! 

  14. At this stage, I have to believe that this is all leaning into the mixed reaction Punk's been getting on Collision. It has to be. The question is, what's the payoff? There's absolutely zero point in all of this unless there's a payoff where everyone makes money and people buy PPVs.

    If it's legit and Punk is just being a complete prick, then as much as I enjoy watching him on AEW, he has to go, doesn't he? 

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