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Posts posted by Linus


    Meltzer has gone on about Ospreay for so long that I looked up a music video of him last night. He looks fun. Is there any reason why WWE never gave him an offer?

    He would need to put on a lot of weight for wwe. Glad to see him sign for NJPW, must of impressed at Global Wars UK. He should be fun at BOSJ.



    He's also only 3 1/2 years into his career, and only in his early 20s. He'll be in WWE before long.

  2. Heard Meltzer explain how the new contracts work and, if he is right (which he may not be, it happens), they've TNA'd it again.


    The guys are on a guarantee. They get that no matter how many shows they're booked for by TNA, and it's guaranteed for the length of the contract by Panda Energy. They cannot take independent bookings but TNA can take bookings on their behalf, for which TNA receives the fee. There's no indication whether the wrestler has the right to refuse a booking, although you'd have to assume they do otherwise they'd be open to bookings in Buttfuck, Arkansas, in front of three people (no jokes about TNA TV tapings).


    So EC3, for example, can take his guarantee and just work TV. TNA can accept bookings on his behalf but he doesn't have to take them. And why would he? Unless he can sell a lot of gimmicks...

  3. It seems like you could easily Google what a bronie looks like. In this day and age to not know what a bronie looks like is completely fucking inexcusable.


    Wait, I shouldn't have said "WTF does a bronie look like, anyway?", I should have posted a picture of one and said, "This is a bronie - apparently - although I couldn't pick one out of a line-up, the small-time fuckers, because I'm above knowing what the little people like. Why do they look like some other people that have a similar look that I do know about (ignoring that thousands of others look the same)?" Right?


    The time you spent saving that image and typing your snarky question cod have been spent finding out that, no, Scurll isn't a McGregor wannabe.

    It isn't just a coincidence that he's copied his look though, surely.
    Do a Google Image search for "hipster beard suit" or walk around East London at lunchtime...
  5. Maybe because I acquiesced to a mod request no to?


    I still stand by my point that your initial post was made to belittle both British wrestling and its fans. The time you spent saving that image and typing your snarky question cod have been spent finding out that, no, Scurll isn't a McGregor wannabe.

  6. This was the conclusion to my review of the debut on POP! for Real In Memphis. Kinda sums it up, I think:



    Anyway, this wasn’t a bad show, it was just a show. And there’s nothing wrong with that if you’re a run-of-the-mill indie from, well, Bethlehem, PA. But this was the relaunch for a promotion that gets far more than its fair share of column inches and fan attention, and should be doing so, so much better. The issue is that they see WWE as the industry leader and just try and copy what WWE does, without realising that it 1) comes off as just that, and 2) they’re not as good at it. Above them in the pecking order is NXT, ROH, and Lucha Underground, all of whom present a different product, and have found their niche accordingly. If TNA had any balls – or, more likely, any smarts – they’d do the same.


    See you this time next year for the next relaunch?

  7. So I've just seen that Progress has a free 7 day trial on demand.


    Ive never watched any shows, where is a good place to start and see if it's my thing?



    The Super Strong Style 16 is a good way to see all the major players in decent matches but I'd suggest starting at ch9, which is the start of the Jimmy Havoc storyline
  8. I do stick to watching MMA. Which amazingly, is why I asked the question about who he was. You never miss an opportunity to be your pissy self though. Is there some obligation to be up to speed on British wrestling? I missed the memo.


    I follow Meltzer on Twitter. He complimented a Scurll vs Osprey match (I think), and someone replied with that picture that looks like a poor-man's McGregor. Sorry if I annoyed you by looking for clarification on it. Dickhead.

    No, you posted a picture of Marty Scurll, stated you "couldn't pick him out of a line-up" - well done you - and that "apparently this is him" - when you know full well it is him, and then asked a leading question which 2 minutes of clicking could prove wrong. No-one's doing a McGregor gimmick because wrestling fans don't know who he is, or if they do they don't care because it's a different sport.


    I may have been my usual pissy self, but I'm not alone in being consistent: you never fail to be shit about anything you don't know about.

  9. Someone tweeted this to Meltzer yesterday after he complimented a Scurll match. 


    I've heard Marty Scurll's name - but couldn't pick him out of a line-up. Apparently this is him. Is he really doing a McGregor gimmick? That's a bit weak, isn't it? Or am I missing something?



    As usual, you're missing something. This isn't a gimmick, it's just a guy wearing nice clothes and having his photo taken. His "gimmick" is The Villain, and he wears a lovely fur coat and carries an umbrella to the ring. It works.


    And not knowing who one of the top UK guys is, in 2016 with so much stuff so freely available, is pretty unforgivable. Maybe stick to watching MMA or whatever.



    What did you guys make of this weeks double turn? Imo they've done the right thing turning Matt he wasn't exactly getting a great reaction however I can't see the EC3 character working as a big babyface


    EC3 has none. He's a dick. And while babyfaces are arseholes more often than not lately, they shouldn't set out to be one. So, yeah, TNA fail again.



    Bit early to be writing it off just yet eh?



    Well, I could give them the benefit of the doubt based on their recent record...

  11. What did you guys make of this weeks double turn? Imo they've done the right thing turning Matt he wasn't exactly getting a great reaction however I can't see the EC3 character working as a big babyface


    Double turns are almost always rubbish because it's hard enough telling a story of one alignment change, let alone two at the same time. While Hardy might have some reason for turning - losing his title (although he gave that up, the idiot), a bad wife, a shitty brother - EC3 has none. He's a dick. And while babyfaces are arseholes more often than not lately, they shouldn't set out to be one. So, yeah, TNA fail again.

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