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Posts posted by Psygnosis

  1. Blotted Science which is like Cannibal Corpse but without vocals..an instrumental band in other words they just make death metal sounding music.


    It's not really death metal though, really, is it? And not at all like Cannibal Corpse. Apart from Alex Webster having been/still in Cannibal Corpse that's the only link. Blotted Science are a lot more technically efficient and more experimental and sound a hell of a lot cleaner. Have you tried any of Ron Jarzombek's other work? Spastic Ink, being a bit more widdly widdly than Blotted Science and then you have Watchtower, technical thrash from the tail end of the eighties.


    Nice to know there are other fans of Blotted Science!


    Here's a taster for those unfamiliar with his work.



    Spastic Ink - Mad Data Race.


    Watchtower - Instruments Of Random Murder.


    I :love: Ron Jarzombek.



    Re Slayer - Only done three good albums, Seasons, South Of Heaven and Reign In Blood. Seasons wins by a mile and for me Dead Skin Mask is the ultimate Slayer tune. :thumbsup:


    I have yet to do so but will now! And aye, poor description on my part, but I'm a fan none the less, and a fan of Alex Webster in general he's a fantastic bassist.

  2. Yeah they are my favourites when it comes to Extreme Metal bands ND's album Scum influenced alot of it too but I liked the progression into Death Metal, just all around great, along with Blotted Science which is like Cannibal Corpse but without vocals..an instrumental band in other words they just make death metal sounding music.

  3. What a cracking contest, Whitlock 4-2 down then just went apeshit, poor Barney really felt for him, but when Simon Whitlock got going he was toast, amazing 12 dart finishes too, really was hoping for a 9 but ah well!

  4. i don't know much about politics but i over heard someone on the bus talking about the BNP


    what i gathered was that ages a go every europen country signed something that we where all welcome in others countrys so i could go live in france or germany and a german could come live in england?

    than some places (france and germany these people named) wouldn't let other europeans in?

    now nearly every europen country in europen apart from england has banned people coming in?

    so the BNP want us to ban it too?


    if this is true i m with the BNP. its getting stupid the amount of foregins who come into england, get free health care,free student loans, and take all are jobs. its about time we stopped being so british and saying "welcome to britain" and tell them to fuck off back to their own country.


    i don't know how right these two people where they where old people i say 70's


    Leave the thread, now for your own good, bit of friendly advice.

  5. How can you be sexually attracted by a bint who acts like Tesco selling lube and cock rings is the most shocking thing ever and apparantly genuinely believes all computers should be sold with a porn filter pre-installed and you should have to ask for it to be removed if you want porn access?


    Sure she's a bit dense (I lol'd when she clicked on a classic false Windows Live Messenger pop up), but the porn star look of her (minus the curly hair) sold me :blush:

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