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Posts posted by Psygnosis

  1. When Guerrero finally was anointed WWE champion in early 2004 (he "lost" his title four months later), the organization marketed his triumph as a redemption story. The company released a DVD recounting his life story, and later a WWE-authorized autobiography (both called "Cheating Death, Stealing Life"). In both, Guerrero claimed that he had been sober for four years.It was a hopeful, inspiring story. But like much about wrestling, it wasn't true.Ashenoff, Guerrero's old friend and tag-team partner, visited him regularly during his championship years and remembers being shocked by his physical and emotional decline. "I could see him getting weaker and weaker. You'd see him in the dressing room looking like a mummy in ice packs. He could barely move after a show. . . . He was taking all these painkillers and he was very paranoid. He was just an emotional basket case.""Without a doubt," Ashenoff says, "he wasn't clean [in the months before his death]. I know that for a fact. All those years [of abuse] finally caught up to him."

    That came out of the blue for me :/
  2. "WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt could not be reached for comment late Friday afternoon."

    Hmm, what a shame :bored:, but at least now theres hope of legit testing, well be very interesting to see what congress does, Vince has a month or so to hand'em over, which I hope he does for his sake.
  3. Dan Abrams really should get Lance Storm on his primetime show.

    July 16, 2007 I am reaching a level of frustration that I doubt I have ever reached before in my life. The stress and frustration created by the Benoit tragedy and the resulting media coverage has reached dangerous proportions for me and I feel I need to vent now in an attempt to not explode later. I believe I have managed to put behind me the stress and anxiety of the actual events, but am ready to explode with frustration over what is being done after the fact, by both the business and the media as a whole. I

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