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Posts posted by Psygnosis

  1. yeah he gets mobbed all right i know pete staniforth very well & im not here to critizise anyone but what gives pete the right to accuse a other luton promotion in thinking that certain memebers of that promotion have come on here & started off this argurement of sorts plus pete slagging off alex shane about his seminars etc, & wishing ppl dead is very childish especially on the forum of the other luton promotion & by the way pete sleeping with yr female wrestlers to get a cheap shag is lower than low & u know what i mean !!!!!!(Can I wrestle on one of your shows please Pete? I'm ... er.... really good. Yeah. My mate said so, and my Mum.)

    Holy what now?
  2. In closing, I'd encourage anyone to come out to our shows and give us a chance. Just because a few people clearly have an axe to grind with me, it doesn't mean the PTW wrestlers shouldn't be given a look at...... PTW is not as bad as has been claimed on here by those with their own agenda.

    Since I've already made it clear that I have no alterior motive, hidden agenda or "axe to grind", I'm still failing to see why you were treating a bad review as something personal against you and your organisation. As I said at the very start, I tried to go into my first PTW experience with no preconceptions and opinions about what I was about to see.How am I biased against PTW? In the past 15 years or so I've seen shows from FWA, XWA, FSW, GPW, IPW:UK, RQW, GWF, NEW, WZW, 3CW, LDN, UFO, SAS, GBW, 1PW, All Star, TWA, Midland, Premier and probably more as well. If you go back and look, you'll see that I've torn shreds out of nearly every single one of them on this forum in the past when they've put out a product that I've deemed substandard. Does it make me feel clever, "smart" or like some kind of Tommy Ten Men to do so? Of course not, I'm just passing on my opinions to other fans who have similar interests, in the same way that everybody does on a messageboard. That is why, on the other hand, I've always made sure that I've given praise in exactly the same manner when a show has produced something truly good. Go back and look - the evidence is there.It sounds like you already were aware of some of the shortcomings of your promotion, and have already taken steps in moving in a direction away from some of the very things that I picked out for criticism. I applaud an ability to acknowledge weak links and desire to make things better, I really do. For example, I used to absolutely hate the 1PW product and the way they went about presenting their wrestling shows, so much so that I stopped going to their shows for two years. A few weeks ago, I gave them another chance after hearing about how much they had changed and their different approach and, you know what? I was impressed with most of what I saw. 1PW sat back and looked at where they had gone wrong, and decided to do something about it.However, the truth is simple: I've seen four of your shows now (admittedly on DVD, not live), and hardly saw a single redeeming quality within them. Sounds harsh, but that's the truth. Surely you can't knock me for telling it as I see it?
    Dude, you totally don't need to keep explaining yourself to this douche. He's the only one who doesn't get it. You're talking to a particularly thick wall.While I'm on topic, I remember last year when I slagged off Peter on the UKFF for making himself the focal point of his shows, and he e-mailed the TWC Press Office to complain, lol. Needless to say the e-mail was passed all around the office, and we all laughed at his little egotistical rant. This guy seriously needs to get over himself, because he has never accomplished anything in the wrestling business other than looking like a total tool.
    Couldnt get a better description there.
  3. Who really gives one, i want to read more from Seven & TBP.

    I do actually, I'm enjoying this thread. It's been an interesting journey for MAT. I've learned a few things from this thread too, that may help me in a few years when me and my girl decide to have babies.
    ..Oh...god... :crazy:
  4. You seem to be missing something here. You two cretins make sexual asides to women on a fucking messageboard. It's creepy and disturbing, and if you can't see that, then I can't be bothered trying to explain it any further.The term "yummy mummy" is part of this rotten post-modern wave of superficiality celebration and promotion of vapid stupidity. That term is just the latest of many vomit-inducing tags and labels associated with utter, utter shit. I don't expect you to get what I am saying here, because yeah, I'm being a little vague, but mostly because you're an idiot.Finally, and first and foremost why I loathe sewer rats like you, it's simple. You cunts don't listen. To throw out a statement like "your "I hate the world, lets slash our wrists" mentality" at me is fucking insulting. I'm not insulted, as once again, you're toilet water, and thus pretty much incapable of getting under my skin. However, I find it truly disheartening that you seem to continually resort to such ostentatious, ludicrous, desperate, chidlish and completely unfounded, would sound retarded on a fucking school playground attempts at insulting me. Recently you informed me I wear make up, which is news to me. I think you once accused me of self-harm too, and if I'm wrong I do not apologise, as you've just done it now. I was good enough to answer your questions, stupid as they were, so maybe you will do the same for me and explain just where you get this idea of me from? Is it because I listen to Slipknot (I listen to a lot of music, but hey, pigeonhole me based on my affection for ONE BAND).Is it because I enjoy ranting? Venting is fun. I happen to love many things, you just don't seem to focus on that as it doesn't support your lame argument.Is it because neanderthal vermin like you irritate me? Don't get me wrong, you also make me feel good about myself. I look at guys like you, who are clearly neglected in the intelligence, passion and class departments and it makes me appreciate how lucky I am that I'm actually an evolved being who has something to offer the world. When it comes to people like you, it appears ignorance is bliss.

    I wub oo :love:
  5. I'm exhausted :( how can something so small moving around effect me so much???

    I want to make some sort of small penis joke about your ex-boyfriend but cannot think of anything. Any help anyone?
    Just..turn off the internet..now.
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