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Posts posted by bigfoote

  1. Well, it lived up to (reduced) expectations. Since WWE now acknowledge it as "The RAW after Wrestlemania".

    Sami was a delight.

    Taker looks like he's been thawed from cryonics for the payday Saudi event.

    The sock puppet looks like the offspring of the Gooker and Mae Young - someone warn Menry

    So what's the deal with Lars? Corbin's new enforcer or what?

    I would have been quite happy with the non-finish to the main, had it been anyone more believable than the Bar, who just happened to be at Raw, in their gear.


    Mania's over, normal service has been resumed. Til the shakeup next week.

  2. I was wondering with the poor sales, whether they may go "on tour", hitting up Guildhalls and those type of venues. Maybe 10 venues over a few weeks, around the country. Unlike the US, distance isn't an issue so I would assume logistics wouldn't be too hard to set up. Spreads the word, chance to sell merch, and scout local guys for the PC.


    (Probably talking out my arse, I blame painpills.)

  3. 1 hour ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    They'll probably have him strung up on a cable and have Triple H and Shane have a ladder over him. The show must go on.

    With Michael PS Hayes angstridden with a microphone

  4. Reports coming out of MAy's meeting with the 1922...she's going if they approve her deal, and won't be in charge for any other negotiations.

  5. We might swing a 3 month deal with EU, just to get the paperwork in order, but with a firm agreement of no more extensions. As for May getting anything through the Speaker, let alone a majority, she may have to retire to the other House posthaste.

  6. May wasn't warned about the ruling. Mutterings of proroguing for 24 hours and opening a new session of Parliament to get around it. Although HRH may have something to say about that. Not as if it's an old precedent. 1604. She pushed her luck and now Bercow has put a tiger among the budgies.


    EDIT to add: Options now look like extension to Art 50, new vote with the offer of a second referendum on it's acceptance, a miracle, and a rocking horse taking a dump and wiping it's arse on the front benches.

  7. If Labour had any credibility before tonight, it's all gone now. For Corbyn to order his lot to abstain from the vote on a second referendum, only to then proclaim at the dispatch box that policy is still to seek one...is just hypocrisy of the highest order.

    Tories can't be trusted, Labour have no spine. Would not surprise me if the EU just turn around and go "Fuck it, you had your chance, now fuck off and deal with life outside"

  8. This may be May's Waterloo. All sides of the house ripping her stubbornness and ignorance to the will of the greater House.


    When Ken Clarke says the Tories are doing wrong...pretty sure they're doing wrong

  9. May's stated options - Leave with her deal, second referendum, extend Article 50, negotiate another deal. Vote tomorrow on extending Article 50 short term. She says extending longer would require European election votes. 

  10. News in as they go to vote on the main motion - May has imposed a 3 line whip at the last minute, removing the option of a free vote for the Tories.


    Vote result: 321 - 278, motion passes with majority of 43. We will not be leaving without a deal

  11. Apologies if this qualifies as live posting, but the Amendment A (no "no-deal" ever), was not moved by the person who made it, but was moved by a co-signer, and has passed by 4 votes. So this makes the meaningful vote later more clear cut. Like a squirt of Fairy in a Texas oilwell.

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