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Chest Rockwell

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Posts posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Well he does have a BDP avatar so an easy mistake to make.

    I like a pie, but given the context I'm a little anxious about visiting this cafe called "Whites"... 

  2. I watched Office Christmas Party last night. Nothing amazing, but was exactly what I wanted /expected of it (and definitely way too good for bacon's thread).

    First Christmas movie to get me in the festive spirit and it did the job. Was less predictable than I thought it would be, even if the broad strokes are exactly what you think they will be from the first 20mins setup. Loads of familiar faces and good performances to lift it up overall. 

  3. I am of the (correct) opinion that all discussion of TV show and movie 'universes' is a topic that belongs firmly in the dull men's club. 

    Only second to fan theories about shows that revolve around one of the characters being dead and that not explicitly being told to the audience but it 'all making sense' when viewed (very selectively) through that lens. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    When I bought the original Xbox last year I spent about 3 days during a lull at work putting together a list of games I wanted for it, then saving multiple versions of it, one ordered by release date, one split into genres, etc.

    The most egregious thing here is that if it was in a spreadsheet you really wouldn't need to save multiple versions for the sort. 

  5. I used to love just cruising around the countryside in San Andreas not really doing much of anything with the radio on. It perfectly evoked that feeling of getting out of the busy city to a slower pace of life. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    To add to the dullness when I do go to the cinema I record a podcast of me talking about the film I am going to see and on the way back I discuss my thoughts on it. Beat that you dull bastards.

    Is this just for yourself or do you actually upload these? 

  7. 13 hours ago, Weezenal said:

    Anyone got a robot vacuum that's any good? Considering getting one on Black Friday.

    I have an irobot one that is good; I have a eufy one that's a piece of shit. 

  8. Looking at picking it up for the kids for Xmas. Is it one hour story and then you have access to free play doing stuff like  keepy uppy / floor is lava / shadow lands mini games I'm guessing? I think as long as there's enough of that stuff then it'll be worthwhile for me. 

    Excited to play it with 3 or 4 players as they will let me be bandit whilst they fight over who gets to be bluey. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Loki said:

    Had every MP in the UK voted for an immediate ceasefire, it would have made absolutely 0 difference to the conflict.

    I'm not buying that. Do you really think our representatives are pressuring Israel and the US as hard as they possibly can? Or just was much as they think they need to?

    It was public sentiment that got Suella sacked. If there was strong enough public sentiment to compel all MPs to vote for a ceasefire then you can bet they'd have to knock things up a notch if their publicly held position became untenable. 

  10. Hmm. I have a bit of concern about the last couple episodes. There are some moments where the writing felt directly referential to the original series rather showing a proper understanding of the characters and their motivation; a bit fan fiction-y in a way. I enjoyed them, but they feel freshest when they land scenarios and jokes with the new characters well. 


    I correct my previous comment about david ; he's solid but Alan is the best thing about the new cast. 

  11. Those green parakeets are fucking everywhere in London now. But yeah, we get plenty of them down south. I can hear them from my garden and see them daily. Don't get bored of them though to be honest they usually stay up high so it's always a thrill when you get a good view of them. 

    There used to be loads on peckham rye when I lived around there too. 

  12. If you're looking for a better reason than 'because he's a bellend' you're unlikely to find satisfaction.

    That was utterly embarrassing. The audience half heartedly clapping along, and someone in production clearly had the vision that they'd all be up on their feet singing along. 

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