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Posts posted by Murtz

  1. I think that was the worst Prizefighter i've ever seen.


    The officials were completely useless. How did that knockdown by McBride on Skelton not count as far as the ref was concerned? He was all over the place trying to get back up.


    Yeah, Prizefighter was really lacklustre last night. The previous few tournaments were far superior to it.

    What made last nights event even worse was the 'Top 10 Prizefighter fights' that Sky were showing throughout the day.


    Im glad Sprott won it though, he's deserved something for a while now, but he did get a bit carried away with the 'I want Haye or the Klitschkos' comment!

  2. The Last Exorcism


    Overall this was pretty boring. There were a few parts in the film that were good.. but those parts were already shown in the trailer. They went with the whole 'exorcism' thing a different way what with it being a mockumentary.. but it just wasnt as good as the I thought it would be from the trailer and reviews.

  3. So.. who's seen Antichrist..?


    It's shit.


    That really is all you need to know.

    Is it not even worth watching for the 'thats really fucked up' scenes? Its just that I had a mate going on and on about it.. and I cant decide if its brilliant or ridiculous.


    Anyway.. Two films I'll watch in the Cinema this weekend are Scott Pilgrim and The Last Exorcism. Really looking forward to both!

  4. I just finished Borderlands. I think its the longest game I've ever played.. not due to the main storyline but the side missions that you can do.


    It took me a while to get into it, but its really really good. They have so many different types of enemies you face so it never gets boring.


    Highly recommend it to any shooter fans!

  5. Went to see Inception today. Its a total mindfuck.. but in a good way. It took me about 45 minutes to get into it, but like someone else said, once you've got your head around the plot and goings on, its just brilliant.


    I dont think I've ever sat through a 140 minute film and thought 'its ended already?' at the end.


    I think I'll watch the most films I've ever watched in one month this month. So far I've already seen Shrek 4, Predators and Inception.. and these are to follow..


    Toy Story 3


    A Team

    Karate Kid



  6. And he almost got a third.


    Even though Wade's joke wasnt received well at the end.. he did have a point. Taylor needed 2 9 darters to beat him.


    Great night.. worth the extra day's wait!

  7. Saw Solomon Kane earlier. I really enjoyed it, it had a good story and some awesome action scenes.


    The lead actor James Purefoy was really good too... Can't really remember him in any other films, but I'll definately be keeping a lookout for him in the future. He also looks very very similar to Hugh Jackman.. who played a similar character to Purefoy as Van Helsing, so it was hard to get Helsing out of my head throughout the film!

  8. I've got a Sony Ericsson Xperia, and its been fine for about a year and half until last week. The screen freezes when I flip the keyboard out. It doesnt go into landscape mode at all.. and sometimes I cant even get the screen to switch on. The phone still works (I can answer a call.. press buttons etc) but the screen is just blank!


    Not sure if anyone else has experienced a similar problem.. any advice would be appreciated.

  9. Whitlock was just amazing. I was routing for him at the start.. but even more so when I saw Wade get really aggressive right in Whitlocks face when he won a set. Awesome checkouts and he just seems like a really nice chap!.


    As much as Sky have been building it up.. I cant see Taylor/Lewis being anything but a 4-0/4-1 straightforward win for Taylor.

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