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Posts posted by NBT

  1. What matches did Eddie wrestle in during his time in the Indies?

    From OWW

    December 1, 2001 - ICW: Low Ki defeated Eddie Guerrero in what was said to have been a good match.. February 23, 2002 - Ring of Honor: Super Crazy defeated Eddie Guerrero to become first IWA Intercontinental champion February 24, 2002 - WWA: Eddie Guerrero defeated Psicosis & Juventud Guerrera to win the WWA International Cruiserweight title! ~~~Eddie & Psicosis were upset at Juvi for showing up late to the event, resulting in poor preperation.. March 1, 2002 - IWA MS: Eddie Guerrero defeated CM Punk & Rey Mysterio Jr. to win the IWA MS Heavyweight title! March 2, 2003 - IWA MS: CM Punk defeated Eddie Guerrero for the IWA Mid-South World Heavyweight title.. March 2002: Eddie Guerrero cancels his April tour with New Japan, so that seems to indicate he'll be starting imminently with WWF.. April 27, 2002 - ROH Night of Appeciation: Eddie Guerrero & Amazing Red defeated Jose & Joel Maximo.. ~~~After the match, ROH wrestlers gathered in the Ring to show appreciation for Eddie Guerrero who had already returned to WWE..

    He was also part of the King of Britain tournament or whatever it was called and lost to Doug Williams in the Semi-Final - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbgMFxS8sE
  2. Paul Heyman shoots on the TNN Network


    'And since this show is apparently going to make it to air this week, I'd like to take this moment to thank you for watching ECW, you have to be an ECW fan to watch this show because God knows the network has never put out one freaking commerical or one press release to let you know that we're here, but that's their scheme of things. You see in just a few weeks the network is going to give one hundred million dollars to Vince McMahon, like he needs it, to replace us, if they haven't thrown us off before then. And the fact of the matter is that we're not a publically funded company like Vince McMahon or WCW, we survive, or even thrive, on your support and for that we thank you.


    Now, in an industry where everybody wants to be real, and everybody wants to do a shoot, this my friends is a shoot. We hate this stinking network, we hate their guts for abandoning us, we hate their guys for not supporting us, we hate their guts for not advertising us and we hate their guts for not having the balls to throw us off the air. And in case you're watching this, hey network I dare ya to throw me off the air, because I'm going to break every rule you put in front of me until you throw me the Hell off the air.


    Now this my friends is a shoot, you better take that one hundred million dollars, that you're going to give Vince McMahon and you better spend it on attorneys because I promise you network, the war has just begun.'



    Arn Anderson 'My Spot' Promo


    (On Commentary) Bobby Heenan: A standing ovation, look at that.


    (In-Ring) Mean Gene Okerlund: Its a pleasure to hold a microphone up for you Mr. Anderson on this occasion


    Arn Anderson: Well Gene all I can tell ya, to get a response like this it means that what I gotta say tonight mean that much more, ya see I'm a realist and everybody knows I've got average size and speed and average ability but I've parlayed that into what I would call a very successful career. And I did that on sheer will alone. But another reality is that four months ago, they took four vertebrae outta my neck, consequently I'm left with a hand, my left hand, too weak to hold a glass, too weak to button a button. But I thought in my mind, I knew in my mind that I could overcome that to through sheer will, and I was doing just like that. I think I've comeback a long way but the other day I had something happen in the gym that was like a cold slap of reality, a guy about your size Mean Gene came up, slap me on the back and said 'Hey Double A, where you been, we haven't seen you on TV?' and just that slap sent a jolt through me and I dropped the drink I was drinking and just for a second my system shut down and it became crystal clear as I watched the few little drops draining out of that bottle, the symbolism that was involved. It was like someone had turned an hour glass over and the sand was running out on the career of Arn Anderson. Now the fact of the matter is, not only do I put myself in a suicide situation by trying to wrestle again, I endanger these two men's careers (pointing at Benoit and McMichael) and I respect them too much for that. And being anything than the enforcer in my best friend's eyes (puts arm on Flair's shoulder), I'd rather walk away. And for all you people out there, that have ever bought a ticket to see Arn Anderson wrestle, whether you loved me... Or you hated me, you knew that when that bell rang you got all I had that night, whether I won, whether I lost, I gave you everything I had and you knew that. And when you did this to me (Gives the Horsemen sign) that was your acknowledgement, well the fact is I have nothing left to give. And I want you to remember me as I was, not as I am. But being the man that I am, my last act, formerly as a Horsemen, I got one last challenge. And that's to you Curt Hennig. Now don't misunderstand me, its not for a fight. You got something special, I've seen you in this ring, your skills, your maturity, your commitment to excellence, makes you something special. And what my challenge is to you, Curt, is stand beside my best friend, Ric Flair, and lead these two men (points at Benoit and McMichael) and lead the Four Horsemen back to the prominence that they once had. And I'm a tell you what your prize is, its not a spot with the Horsemen, because this is worth a lot more than that to me, I'm gonna give you the only thing I've got left, not a spot, not a spot... I'll give you, my spot.


    Mean Gene Okerlund: Curt Hennig?


    Curt Hennig: Ya know, I know every wrestler that has ever been around or involved in this business that we call wrestling, who would pass up the honour to not only be a Horsemen but to come out and take Arn Anderson's spot, as the Enforcer of the Four Horsemen, I have only one thing to say... It would be a priviledge.

  3. Since the title had been vacated during the whole Austin/Brothers of Destruction mess and the fact that all the main challengers seemed to be against Vince, Vince said he was grooming a corporate champion, someone that would represent him. It was played out as if Mankind was the chosen one, being given the Hardcore Title, an easy first round opponent and so on, but then in the final Vince redid the previous year's infamous finish turning The Rock heel. So the storyline build was there but I don't recall it being made obvious The Rock was the man Vince was talking about.

  4. When DX invaded WCW, did that happen live? The way I remember it, WCW and the WWF were in the same town, running a show at the same time, and DX were off for the entire RAW show trying to invade Nitro. Is that correct? As in the tank going towards the building was shown live as it happened? There were some skits before that were taped, I think, but I'm wondering if the later stuff was live.

  5. A quick search on Google throws up a The Freebirds Vs. The Assassins Vs. Mr. Wrestling I and Mr. Wrestling II match that took place in Georgia Championship Wrestling, which would pre-date ECW and Smokey Mountain. I have no idea about a date for the match though or if indeed it did take place.

  6. 26/8/96 on Monday Nitro in a match with Alex Wright. Wright 'knocks himself out' on the guardrail after falling from the top rope to the outside, but Jericho refuses the win and declares the match a no-contest. Jericho then cuts a promo about how he's here to represent wrestling and WCW and not what the nWo stand for. The match and promo are on the 'Before They Were WWE Superstars 2' DVD release.

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