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Posts posted by NBT

  1. '92 Royal Rumble features Randy Savage eliminating himself by jumping over the top rope to get after Jake Roberts. The Undertaker crawls out of the ring and drags Savage back into the ring as the commentators cover for Savage by saying he's not out as he threw himself over the top rope. About ten minutes later The Big Bossman goes over the top rope by missing a Crossbody Dive and slingshotting out of the ring without anyone touching him, but is eliminated.That's the only major elimination cock-up I can think of.

  2. Awesome work UKHardGay, I don't think anyone could do this idea justice apart from you. A very interesting list and I'm more inclined to agree with this year's list than last year's, which may just be down to the fact that I've seen more wrestling over the last 12 months than in the previous year to that. Great to see Burridge crack the top five as he has been the standout wrestler of the last year for me, no surprise to see Doug retain top spot but I was disappointed to see Jody Fleisch and Alex Shane finish so high when they have had non-existent and medicore years by their usual standards. Maybe as Irish people have been allowed in this year, women will be allowed in next year? Or if they already are and did not make it due to votes, maybe get a seperate poll of say 20 or so is in order? I only say 20 as I think most people would struggle to name more than that.

    What has Doug Williams done that is so "anarchic"?From what i see he is a straight laced wrestler and one of the best technical wrestlers in the Uk.

    The 'Anarchist' moniker comes from his UWA days, where he used to spraypaint the anarchy symbol on walls during promos and vignettes. I much prefer the 'Human Torture Machine' or whatever it is that RoH announce him as, much more inline with his actual character these days.
  3. I odnt mind, its making me laugh. Its been a good morning up to now for laughter.

    True, from this letter to Gauntley telling people to fuck off, this has probably been the greatest morning in the history of this great sport! [/schiavone]
  4. Especially as the main time that anyone on here would have seen the crop of the ASW guys is when they appeared on TNA and looked decidedly average at best.

    Maybe for you if you are from the USA mate but the majority of UKFFers have the opportunity to see them in a town / city not far from them. All Star is the promotion that was used on ITV - World of Sport in the last year of wrestling being on ITV alongside Dale Martin promotions and to be a good wrestler in the UK it means something to work for them. All Star provide full time work for their wrestlers and are not a part time promotion.
    All-Star haven't been to where I live as far as I know for more than a decade, and shockingly I know who they are and were. The fact remains however, purely working for ASW and not going to other companies is a negative against those wrestlers in threads like this. Particularly when they wrestle the same sort of style match against a regular rotation of wrestlers.
  5. Well three of what would have been my top five (I missed the voting thread somehow despite being involved in the first round, D'oh!) have come up in the last lot (Stone, Majik and Brookside) so I'll be interested in seeing who will be taking the top spots. Its been a great rundown so far, I have to say that Jay Phoenix so high up has been the biggest surprise but I'm guessing his placing is more to do with his 1PW place than his actual talent. As despite being impressed by him at BHW last weekend, I personally wouldn't rate him that highly.

  6. The only match I've ever heard of being pre-recorded backstage and shown during a live event was the Undertaker Vs. Mankind, Boiler Room Brawl match, where they showed a 20 minute or so video of taped action and then they fought through the curtain and did the closing sequence live.

  7. Bit of an old WCW question here. During Diamond Dallas Page's feud with Johnny B Badd, where he just constantly kept on losing, lost Kimberly and so on, it was announced he had a mystery benefactor keeping him in the federation, but I've always heard it was killed off as the nWo angle was soon to kick in. Does anyone have any idea who it was supposed to be and where it was supposed to lead?

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