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Chilly McFreeze

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Posts posted by Chilly McFreeze

  1. I assume Mellisandre is the one who convinced him this was the right thing to do. I can't actually recall if it was discussed between Stannis and Davos that they would go to the wall? I seem to recall Jon or the Maester sending letters to all the kings in Westeroos asking for help.


    End of s3. Davos basically begged Stannis to take note, saying that if nobody responds to the cry for help, everybody's going to die, and the Red Woman agreed with him.


    Yup, thought so. It makes sense for Stannis to hang his hat at the wall now. Because when shit goes down, he can claim he was the one to save the day, and make his genuine claim to the Throne even more solid when the dust settles. Smart move.


    Seems that Mellisandre has got the hots for Jon already. She'll get her claws into him soon enough I figure.

  2. So Stannis to cut a deal with Mance and take 100000 wildlings down to Westeros then?


    No, more likely he'll stay at the wall and fight the real war that's coming. (i.e fire vs ice. The Lord Of Light vs The Whitewalkers.) I assume Mellisandre is the one who convinced him this was the right thing to do. I can't actually recall if it was discussed between Stannis and Davos that they would go to the wall? I seem to recall Jon or the Maester sending letters to all the kings in Westeroos asking for help.

  3. There is a Marble Hornets film in the works as far as I know, but that isn't officially Slenderman as they call him The Operator and claim their own copyright on their version of him. (To be fair, they created most of the tropes that surround Slenderman as they were first to the post in the ARG world with him, including the concept of 'proxies' that those girls claimed to want to be.)


    Kook - have you ever done your own Slenderman series/blog then? I lurk on the unfiction forums occasionally to stay up to date with Marble Hornets and a couple of others.

  4. Slenderman was created on the somethingawful forums in a thread where they tried to create a paranormal entity that people would eventually believe to be true. Looks like after about 5 years, they finally got their wish. There's nothing Fortean about it or it's origins, it's simply an internet meme that's finally been taken too seriously.


    It was in that thread (which I think you can still view, it's archived somewhere) a few days after the first Slenderman picture was made that the MarbleHornets chaps posted a link to their first video, from there, everyone jumped on the ARG bandwagon.


    Slenderman was cool for about a year when Marble Hornets and EverymanHybrid were starting out as ARGs. But it soon descended into a horrible mess of amateurs making shit youtube series thinking they were on the cutting edge of media. MarbleHornets remarkably is still going (up to Entry 85 now) and is such a confused boring mess of a series that I can't be bothered to find out how it all ends.


    The knowyourmeme page on Slenderman lays out the origins pretty well if you're interested at all.




    Also, here's an interview from 2011 with the guy who created the first few images of Slenderman in that somethingawful thread




    As far as I know, he's still trying to claim copyright on Slenderman.

  5. Whats the general consensus on David Icke? Im sure he must be mentioned in this thread quite a bit, but what do people really think of him?


    I watched about half an hour of a show he did at the Oxford Union a few years ago which is on Netflix. I found the whole thing quite fascinating to be honest.



  6. Yeah I think it was a guess, but then the irony is that Louch's pointing out of the spoiler has become the spoiler itself. If Louch had not pointed it out we'd be none the wiser. And if it gets deleted then it all but confirms it.

    Yep, this. I haven't seen the episode yet, for the record, but it's not like that cockport who mentioned how Joffrey gets poisoned in his wedding in the discussion for the finale of the last season. This has just drawn attention to what looks like speculation.


    Book readers just need to leave this thread alone, period.


    There's a thread for book readers somewhere so can you all just sod off there and leave us be?

  7. I have a long and bloody history with the ol' Rockford Files. Bloody being the operative word. I was terrified when it started because it was only a year after my Dad died of bowel cancer and the pan was pure blood red. Not just a spot on the tissue but pure fresh blood dripping from my bum hole. Utterly terrifying.


    But yeah, it was only piles. It flares up every now and then, but thankfully it never hurts. Haven't had it for a while now I think about it.


    As for colonic irrigation, isn't that shit actually quite bad for you? Your bowels are pretty good at cleaning themselves without having to down pints of juice or shooting coffee up your arse.

  8. Pearls of wisdom here from my Fiance's cousin


    On a double page spread in the paper that is FULL of sex allegations against celebrities it mentions rolf harris, ken bralow, dave lee travis, freddie starr AND kevin macdonald all in their own little write ups! Seems to me a lot of accusations are coming out of the woodwork really and I can't help but think its all a publicity stunt for low life benefit dodgers to pocket a couple of grand by pretending rolf harris slipped them a naughty fanny spanner!



    This man is invited to our wedding. :crazy:

  9. Chalk me up as a fan of The Last Exorcist. It shits over most of the recent found footage films. I think I'll have to watch the sequel this weekend.


    Yeah, I've had to dig deep to find good ones. Although I seem to like Grave Encounters more than most. The second one is dire, but the first one had me on the edge of my seat for about 50 straight minutes.


    Other ones worth looking out for are Home Movie and Exhibit A. The latter being a really grim movie and built around the performance of the guy in the middle of it all, which is truly one of the best I've ever seen. Disturbing. Home Movie is disturbing too, but for other reasons. Really don't wanna say much about that.


    Cool, thanks for that. I'll check them out soon. Home Movie certainly looks interesting.

  10. I've got my hopes up far too many times about Preacher, especially when it looked like HBO were going to do it a few years ago.


    I treat all news about it with skepticism now though, it's been in development hell for so long, and let's face it, I don't think it will ever work on the screen (film or TV). It's the perfect comic book, and I'd rather it just got left alone really.

  11. So regarding this, I've been contacted by a guy who lived with Hydrick for 8 months, worked out at his dojo, and who recorded "dozens of hours of tapes" for a biography that he later cancelled. He even travelled with him to the Randi appearance. It's legit, as he contacted me over Facebook too, an he's got a pretty lengthy wiki bio himself.




    That's great news Astro. Are you guys gonna meet up or work on something together? Looks like you could really tie the whole story together and produce a book/documentary of some sort? I'm sure something like that would be sell-able as it's such as great story. :thumbsup:

  12. Just finished it. Excellent article as always dude. Amazing level of research you pulled off. It's easy in this day and age to do 'research' via the web in a few hours, but I can tell you've really dug deep on this one. Kudos.


    You should be writing this stuff professionally. No doubt there are plenty of websites/magazines that would pay for this article. Are you gonna send it to any? Presumably Sabotage Times would be interested as they published your Goastwatch article.

  13. Like with the Ghostwatch thing, there's an incident I've always really wanted to tackle. It's not well known at all, sadly, so I felt like it was someone's duty to collate together all the scraps and tell the story properly.


    On the surface, it's a fake psychic who got pretty far before being busted, but the way it all went down is really interesting, and it gets into cults and some really fucked up places. I'm pretty sure this is by far the most comprehensive take on the whole thing, so it'd be swell if you could take a look, if that takes your fancy. Be warned though, it's super long. Like, obnoxiously long for something just up on a blog. Plenty of pictures though :-/


    Fifteen-Minute Messiah -- The James Hydrick Story.


    I love that story, I only know the basics though via my fondness of James Randi. Gonna have a read now, I have no doubt it will be excellent.

  14. I liked season 1 of Parks and Rec and I loved Season 2, I stopped watching it halfway through season 4 though as lots of the things I dislike about sitcoms that overstay their welcome had started to happen, it's a shame as I used to enjoy it.


    So Great British Bake Off ended last night.

    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    Unexpected result I thought, I went in thinking Kimberly would win- due to consistency rather than anything else. Paul admitted Ruby was in the lead before the final challenge then those two both made seriously underwhelming looking cakes, you can't give the prize to someone who makes a wedding cake in the grand final that looks like it was decorated by a child so it had to go to Frances really which is weird as they spent the whole series saying her stuff was bland. Shows style over substance actually does pay off.


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    I think the standard overall this series was pretty poor. The wedding cakes from Ruby and Kimberly were absolute shite. Frances was the only one regularly churning out professional looking stuff, and she excelled in the final, (and also took on board the criticism she had been getting about style over substance) so I think she deserved it.


    Ruby was the most annoying contestant I have ever seen on that program. Grow some self confidence love! You're in the final! Stop moaning about how shit you are all the time when you are clearly not.


  15. That sounds pretty fascinating. I was mad into UFOs as a kid, but as an adult, they (along with ghosts) are by far the least interesting aspect of Fortean stuff, due mostly to the complete lack of any nuts and bolts evidence after decades of research. I couldn't imagine what it would take for me to read a UFO book again, but that does look interesting.


    In plugging myself in this thread again news, I've posted another super lengthy Halloween themed piece on my blog. If you're one of those who finds my stuff over-long and pretentious, you'll love this one.


    Remember the BBC's Ghostwatch? WRONG. You only think you do. Parkinson's betrayal, the Enfield poltergeist, and banging in the dark; or why Ghostwatch, Britain's cultural Candyman, is scary only as a fuzzy analogue sense memory.


    One of your best ever blog entries my friend. Utterly brilliant read.

  16. It was the only way it could end really. I adored it. Jesse getting to choke the fuck out of Todd was the most cathartic thing I have ever seen on TV. Walt died on his own terms. It was fucking perfect.


    Can't wait to see it at the cinema tonight.

  17. I don't think Walt will go with the intention of saving Jesse, that won't ring true after what he told him about Jane. He clearly hates him now and was happy to see him taken away to be tortured and executed.


    I can't see what the end game is. Presumably Walt vs Jesse. But despite all the misery at the moment, there has to be some glimmer of hope for someone. and the only person who deserves that is Jesse. So whatever happens, I think Jesse will survive.

  18. I love Dave Gorman's new show, Modern Life Is Goodish. He's found a way to get his recent PowerPoint standup on TV and his circular observations are superbly delivered. The Boris Bike T&Cs were excellent.


    Agree with this. Started off poorly, but I gave it a chance and by the end I was loving it. I loved the way he weaved all the threads throughout the show. He's a bit hit and miss sometimes, but I think this is the best thing he's done for a long time.

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