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Chilly McFreeze

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Posts posted by Chilly McFreeze

  1. Richie get's a lot of justified criticism , but like a lot of people have mentioned, the Deathmatch Thread balances that nicely. Also, like a lot of people who read that thread, I hate Deathmatch style wrestling, but it's the only regular wrestling thread I read on here.


    Put it this way, when I go for my daily dump at work, I usually head to the Deathmatch Thread first for something to read on my phone. Hopefully Richie sees that as a compliment.

  2. Nice to see this thread back.


    Here's something I've been playing around with on the piano for ages, and I finally recorded it and added everything else to see what it sounds like. Was pretty pleased with the result.




    Sadly, my friend who I used to write songs with hasn't bothered coming up with a melody or lyrics, so it's just sitting on my computer doing nowt. I might stick it on hitrecord to see if someone else can do something with it.

  3. That's incredible. i could watch stuff like that all day. I'm not scared of heights, but there'd precisely fuck all chance of getting me up there.


    This is the best one I've seen:



    It's absolutely mental that someone does that without a permanent safety line as his day job! And all just to change the bulb in the beacon!


    Like you, I'm not scared of heights per se, but watching these vids makes my feet tingle.

  4. Yeah, I'm using a big ol' metal one. I didn't really think about that. I think my brother has a Resonator and they sound lovely. A National guitar, like the one Paul Simon sings of, is like a Resonator, isn't it?


    I'll try with a lighter slide, but if not I'll have to look into other options. Are there any electric guitars that have the action high by default?


    Thanks, I'm clueless on this stuff.


    There may be. Generally though, a high action is the sign of a poorly made or poorly set up guitar. It's all about preference though, a bit like string gauges. Some people like a high action.


    I play slide on a cheap acoustic, as I don't like the sound of slide on a electric, and I like a low action on my normal acoustic. Until I get better, I'll carry on that way, and then buy a resonator to do it proper.


    This is a resonator, it's got a big drum in the middle to amplify it, before amps were around, hence the association with Blues:





  5. I've been listening to blues again lately. I spent last night listening to John Lee Hooker and have gone back to listening to Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac a bit too. I bought a Squier '50s Classic Vibe Telecaster lately to try get back into playing guitar. I'm self taught, so no doubt I've picked up bad habits. My strumming isn't as good as I'd like it to be for one.


    Anyway, last night I tuned it into an open tuning to try play Tom Jones' cover of Burning Hell but my sliding doesn't sound too smooth. When I put the slide on the strings, it sounds like it clonks down and is quite heavy. It is fun playing around with it and I love the sound of it when I play little licks with it.


    Anyone else play slide who can give me some pointers? Cheers.


    It's an inherant problem of playing slide on a normal guitar. The action will be too low, especially on a nice Tele'.


    The only real way to fix that is get the action highered, but that's a sure fire way of ruining a nice Telecaster.


    If you just want to practice, buy a cheap guitar (which usually have a high action anyway) and maybe get it highered. Once you're sure you wanna go the whole hog, buy a nice resonator and do it proper. (Which I plan to do one day.)


    Also, try different types of slide. What type are you using? A big old metal one could be too heavy. Sometimes, a small glass one, or even ceramic can give a better sound.

  6. here's an old favorite...the moon landing conspiracies.


    i just listened the Joe Rogan interview where he puts his theories to a atronomer expert and asks for his opinions (link in the Rogan thread). The guys gives some solid answers to some questions but he's unsure on others, it was a fascinating little listen.


    Anyway's, i know it's been done to death but ive only ever really briefly looked into it. Is there like a definitive debunking of it all? i watched an old Fox documentary last night that raises the same questions, but id like to hear/read a proper explanation.


    im assuming someone here know alot more than me, so hook a brother up...



    Mythbusters did a pretty good special on it. Definately worth a watch.



  7. Earlier I watched this fantastic short from a guy called Don Hertzfeldt called Rejected:-



    It was nominated for an Oscar back in 2001 and it's absolutely superb. He's a fascinating bloke, actually, and there is a great Wikpedia entry about him and his work here:-




    =relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpx8tOnq-2k...;feature=relmfu[/url] (3)


    Don Hertzfeldt is awesome. There's loads of great stuff knocking about by him. It's all gold.


    Here's a few of my favourites from my time studying an Animation Degree:




    25 ways to quit smoking - Bill Plympton. (Can't find the full film, this is just a short clip, there's loads of Plympton stuff if you want to find it.)



    Seiltanzer - Raimund Krumme (There's a better one he did called Crossroads but can't find it anywhere, some of the best animation you will ever see is by this guy)




    The Monk and the Fish - Michael Dudok (This won an Oscar I believe)

  8. As this thread has reappeared, thought I'd just highlight this post from David Icke on his forum. What an amazing response from the BBC:


    Someone wrote to the producers of a BBC programme called 'Question Time', which claims (claims) to represent the range of views of the British public, suggesting that I be invited to appear and put an alternative view of what is happening in the world in contrast to the stream of politicians and other system people that appear, ad nauseam, every week to perpetuate the illusion of a Left-Right-Centre political 'choice' and 'debate' (it's a bunch of bollocks in other words).


    It was a polite letter which brought this reply from a Brendan Miller, producer, BBC Question Time, in Glasgow:




    Actually, he's probably not far wrong, but for this to come from a so-called credible and professional BBC producer of a so-called credible and professional BBC current affairs programme shows just how far down the drain this ludicrous 'broadcaster' has now plummeted, coming, as it does, after the puke-making sycophantic worship by the BBC of the Queen in the last few weeks.


    Complaints to the BBC can be made by clicking here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints


    Isn't that just beautiful?


    Thread is here http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=213521


    By the way, if you ever need to entertain yourself for a couple of hours, just go to the David Icke forum and have a look around. It is a wonderous place full of people who make Duane look positively sane. Apparantly the Batman massacre was either a False Flag perpetrated by the government using mind control to help bring in gun control, or a blood ritual which will be celebrated by the Illuminati by way of tonights Olympic opening cermony. Go figure

  9. The mission itself is fucking stupid. The whole idea has absolutely no personal ramifications for anyone. What do I care about one corporation one-upping another? Hell...what does Cobb care? Or Ariadne? Or Arthur? Or Eames? Or anyone other than Saito? Nobody gives two fucks, and if the heroes that I'm supposed to empathize with and live through vicariously don't care, why should I? It's just a paycheck for them, and a means to an end for Cobb - do mission, accomplish otherwise totally unrelated goal of getting home to see kids. The whole thing feels pasted-in and not an organic element of the story. An energy contract? That's the best you can do, Mr. I Spent 10 Years Writing This Story? Were those years ages 5 through 15, perhaps?


    If this film was as smart as it wants you to believe it is, it would have amped up the internal conflict by making the mission itself actually mean something by having the accomplishment of the mission have some kind of consequence, whether it be with any one of the numerous cardboard, one-dimensional side characters in desperate need of some fleshing-out, or with Cobb himself. Imagine the meaty conflict that would arise if doing this mission would in some way harm Cobb's partner, his best friend, or even himself. Turn it into a Sophie's Choice type of thing and make it interesting. Make him have to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants so badly. Make it that much more difficult. That's what an intelligent story would have done. Inception is not that type of story, so it missed that opportunity, as well.


    This pretty much sums up my problems with Inception. I couldn't give a flying fuck if they were successful at all. It's the biggest problem that (and many other films) have. Make me give a fuck, and then I'll enjoy it.

  10. Now that this is a Duane free(man) thread, I feel I can post this without provoking another annoying 9/11 debate, which none of us want.


    This has to be one of the greatest coincidences in recent history. Not aware that it has been discussed here. If it has I apologise.


    In March 2001, a pilot episode of the X-Files spin-off show 'The Lone Gunman' aired, the plot of which was uncovering a Government Conspiracy to fly a 777 in to the WTC to facilitate a new war for the arms trade to make money.


    Here's a youtube clip




    Isn't that just wonderful? I love coincidences like this. The tin foil twats must cream themselves when they see this. Surprised it's not brought up more often by them when the 9/11 debate happens.


    Anyone got any more awesome coincidences to share?

  11. Derek was originally made as a Non-Broadcast Pilot. However, they decided to show it on Channel 4. Presumably to gauge viewer opinion. There was actually a Derek short made back in 2001 that 's really hard to find now. It's far more controversial, and Gervais has rightly toned down the whole persona to make it more loveable and sympathetic. Have read some rumours that Channel 4 were holding out on a full Series because of the justifiably poor reviews of Life's Too Short, and the whole Mong shit storm from last year.


    It's on 4od if you missed it. Would recommend it, even if you hated Life's Too Short like I did. It's a definate return to form. Only thing that ruined it for me was the overly sad music running through the whole thing.


    Also, this is a purely Gervais project, no input from the lanky goggle eyed freak Merchant.

  12. Just watched Derek. Nice to see a return to form for Gervais. Some nice moments in there, especially Karly Pikboids putting the painting back up. Feels like he's redeemed himself after the shitfest that was Life's Too Short. He needs to move away from the Mockumentary though, if only to stop the *look's at camera* thing that's not very funny anymore.


    Hope he keeps it as a one off, doesn't need a full series. It was all nicely wrapped up by the end.

  13. So here's a couple more tunes since my last post. I've finally recorded some piano. Here's my latest song, which I'm pretty pleased with. Mainly because it's the first time I've managed to get a melody in one of my songs on the ivorys. Only been playing seriously for a year and can't get enough of playing it.




    And here's a couple of tunes I recorded of my old band sans drummer. Just recorded on Audacity in my bedroom. The first is our Johnny Cash style cover of Don't Stop Movin' which I used to love playing. Please excuse the shoddy vocals, my mate only sang a guide vocal and we intended to record it proper but never got round it. I'm rocking the bass as well as the guitar on this one.




    And here's one of our songs, called Motel. It's the only song of ours that translates without drums. Most of our stuff was a bit more rocky than this, but it's one of my favourates that we wrote.



  14. Far Out.


    I didn't enter my list, but Big Lebowski would be my number 1. I adore it.


    The best thing about the script is how The Dude pick up things that have been referenced earlier into his dialouge. ('This agression will not stand,' 'You mean couitus?' etc...) It's really subtle but fantastic when you pick up on it.


    And Creedence fucking rule.

  15. From the David Icke Forum:


    I don't know if this date has been recognized/realised or not yet, but the 11 year and 9 month anniversary of the YEAR (not the day) that 9/11 occured will be in September of this year (2012). I wonder if this holds any significance.


    Jesus christ these people make Duane look like a fucking genius.

  16. Cornflour is a funny one. As long as you dissolve it in some warm water before you mix it into a gravy/sauce, and give it enough time to actually cook through, it makes a great thickener. If you just bung some in it'll go lumpy and taste of shit.


    Making a rue for thickening a chilli is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but fair play for bothering.


    I don't mean a proper rue cooked on the hob, I mean rub some flour into a knob of butter with your fingers and bung it in the pot. Takes less time than stirring cornflour in water and actually adds to the taste.


    However, I agree that thickeners are rarely needed, I border on over reducing my sauce (Chilli, Bolognese etc...) to really concentrate the flavour and then rehydrating with starchy water from the drained pasta/rice.

  17. Not a fan of cumin in chilli. The lack of it is probably one of the big reasons why I prefer mine to any others that I have. I do put a bit of chocolate in there though; a tip I picked up on this very forum. I've also used honey instead and that worked pretty well.


    My hot top for getting a good consistency its to dissolve some corn flour in water and stir that in towards the end.




    Chilli without plenty of cumin, just isn't Chilli. You may as well take out the Chilli Powder and beans whilst you're at it. Have yourself a bolognese


    And honey can fuck off out of my Chilli. Madness


    Oh, and I'm not a fan of cornflour either in anything, horrible aftertaste. As long as you reduce it long enough on the hob, there should be no need for it. If it needs thickening, mix up a rough rue of butter and flour and plop it in. Take it off the heat with the lid on and let it sit. The benefit here is butter makes everything taste better.

  18. Loki's secret chilli ingredient - a couple of chunks of cooking or dark chocolate. Gives it this rich flavour.


    I was going to say, about that great Chicken Soup recipe, bung in some sliced red chilli or a split green chilli. I like my chicken soup to have a little bit of kick to it, warms you up a treat.


    Agreed, Chocolate in a Chilli is mega. Not too much, but just enough to make it nice and rich.


    I also find the more Cumin the better in a Chilli, usually go up to 3 tspns of the stuff.

  19. Haven't had a chanve to check out the second vid yet but I really enjoyed that animation. I enjoyed it as a whole, and also paying particular attention to the music I thought it was scored well. The music fit the tone nicely and hit the right notes in the story at the right time. Thought it was a real slick job.


    Cheers, glad you liked it.


    I've signed up to Soundcloud and uploaded the songs in full from that film so you can hear them better.


    However, when I said I wrote all the music, I've realised I lied a bit. One of the tracks, which is the first one below, is actually a cover of 'Better Living Through Chemistry' by QOTSA. I like to try and do alternate cover versions, and have a few more which I may upload here. This one is a bit long, but it's worth sticking with, as there's some neat backwards guitar towards the end




    These are some other songs from that film. You can see at the time I was into layering acoustic guitars. The cover above was 6 guitars, these are between 3 -5.








    Please bare in mind, these are quite rough. I have a habit of recording this stuff quickly without tidying it up, I always intend to but never get round to it. They're mostly just disjointed ideas.


    These two are more recent, both throwaway riffs that I was trying to do something with. The second is me just attempting to write a walking bass line. Neither have a lot going for them as there's no melody, they're more just practicing recording guitars and getting ideas down. I've got loads of this crap from a couple of years ago that's never seen the light of day.






    I also have some complete tracks from writing songs with my best mate. I'll get to uploading them at another time. I'm also going to try recording the electric piano I've got, as I'm really liking the stuff I've come up with on it so far.

  20. Hmmm, I've been meaning to post in here for a while. I've got a whole bunch of finshed and unfinished songs sitting on my hardrive that no one's ever heard. My attempts at forming a band have failed so many times that no one has heard my stuff other than friends, who don't temd to provide objective feedback.


    I'll post a few bits when I get home, would really appreciate some constructive feedback, as I'm curious to know if I should actually get off my arse and do something with this stuff. Spent most of my younger years tinkering with chords and ideas, and neverdone anything concrete other than write a bunch of songs with my friend who decided to fuck off to London rather than get off his arse and get a proper band going with me.


    It's all guitar based and instrumental, but I have just started to teach myself piano, but haven't recorded anything yet. Once I have I'll post some here as well I think.


    The only thing I can post now is my animation short which I wrote all the music for, it's got some of my ideas I was tinkering with at the time. This is the most I've ever done with my music. Check it out and let me know what you think:



    EDIT: also, the solo I play in this:



    Is probably my finest musical achievement (for what it's worth.)

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