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Posts posted by TheSurgeon

  1. I watched Midsommer when it came out at the cinema last year, and when I came out I couldn't decide whether I loved it or hated it. Asking the wife, I would have bet my life that she hated it, but she loved it.

    Last night, was a first time watch of Hereditary, and i'm still letting it digest, this time we both don't know whether we loved it or hated it.

    What's everyone's opinions on these two Ari Aster films?

  2. 12 hours ago, DarloKid said:

    I had posted this in the dvd and film thread, this however is probably the best place to ask. So, any recommendations for shudder channel what too watch, took advantage of there 99p a month for the next 3 months offer 

    Shudder UK is nowhere near as good as its US counterpart, I've just cancelled my subscription. 
    Definately watch the Creepshow series though.

  3. 2 minutes ago, DEF said:

    The only one that genuinely sucks is Goes To Hell.

    Sucks as a F13 film, or just in general?

    If it wasn't a F13 film, and it was based around a faceless killer that could possess people, would it be a bad film?  

  4. 5 minutes ago, children of bodom said:

    Halloween 3 is still one of my favourite horror films 

    Love Halloween 3 too, it gets the hate because Michael Myers wasn't in it. But they killed him in the 2nd one, and were going to capitalize on the name and release a different 'Halloween' film every year. Fans hated it, they went back to Michael.

    Had it been released as just 'Season Of The Witch', it would have been received much more favorably. :) 
    I'll refrain from posting a youtube link to the song :)

  5. Watched a few horror films recently whilst stuck in - 

    Rob Zombie's Halloween and Halloween 2
    Watched the first one when it came out, but never got around to watching the sequel. Don't really understand the hate for them both.

    Halloween 4
    Watched this back in the 80's and forgot how good a sequel it was, little Danielle Harris is great.

    The Mutilator, Slaughter High and Edge Of The Axe
    Standard 80's slashers, if you're a fan of the genre, then they are perfectly fine. Some good kills, particularly The Mutilator. The music in Slaughter High is by Harry Manfredini, and it's leftover stuff from Friday the 13th.

    American Mary
    Watched this last night for the first time. Starring Katherine Isobelle (Ginger Snaps), as a wannabe surgeon that falls in the 'body modification' scene. Really enjoyed this one, it had some really good practical effects.

  6. I'm going to guess that a high percentage of us on here have English as our first language.

    But, how many of you are fluent in another language?

    Have you retained the stuff you learnt at school, or have you decided to go into adult education to learn?

    Have you spent time abroad, and picked up another language like that?

    With a lot of us stuck inside for a while, it's a good time to pick up new skills, and another language could come in useful.

  7. I watched 'The Game Changers' on Netlix over Christmas, and it was an interesting watch to say the least.

    My wife has been vegetarian since she was about 12, so since getting together our eating habits have always been very different. After having watched the documentary, I decided it was time to give in and try some of her Quorn products. I tried the bacon, chicken nuggets and chicken pieces and to be fair they were all pretty good.

    I'm not going to go vegetarian, but i'll swap out a few things here and there.

  8. Another horror documentary has just been released, called 'In Search Of Darkness', dedicated to 80's horror.

    I've only watched the first hour or so, and it's got a 4hr 20 minute runtime. It goes through the decade chronologically, with a brief review of key films, and interviews with Barbara Crampton, Tom Atkins, John Carpenter, Nick Castle, Doug Bradley, and many more.

    Really good if that's your bag.


  9. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Motel Hell is pretty decent. The original Black Christmas is fantastic and only looks better with each crappy remake they do.

    Thankfully I haven't seen either remake. The original is so good, it's the reason i'm always weary poking my head up into an attic.

    I also watched 'Summer of 84' on Shudder, which tried to tap into the Stranger Things vibe, but wasn't too good.

  10. Nice haul :)

    Only bought Motel Hell over the holiday, haven't watched it yet, anyone seen it?

    I did give the original Black Christmas another watch, hadn't seen it in years. The 'Billy' character is still very creepy. 

    Also had a first time viewing of 1981 slasher - Madman, which was pretty much a by the numbers 80's slasher :) (which isn't a bad thing)

  11. On 12/20/2019 at 3:47 PM, Devon Malcolm said:

    This is a really good point, actually. Jason Takes Manhattan was the first one I saw and was actually the gateway for me getting into horror and beyond, so I guess I might be biased towards it.

    About 3 years ago I watched them all in a row and it was still my favourite. Viewed in context I think its innovative murders and sense of humour really work. I felt the series got better as it went on (I didn't really like the first three) but I do wonder if I'd feel differently now.

    Similarly mine was Part 6 - Jason Lives, which I always considered the best. But now I see that Part 4 is clearly the best. :)

  12. 19 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Part 5 is clearly the worst in the series.

    An absolute stinker.

    I saw that Part 5 was on Netflix yesterday, so gave it another watch. It's gets a lot of hate because of who the killer is, but it's not the worst in the series.

    Much like everyone shits on Halloween 3 because there is no Myers, but I love the film.

  13. On 12/14/2019 at 12:22 AM, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    The scene itself was a botch that was left in the film, in the brilliant documentary Crystal Lake Memories they reveal that the mechanism that was to pump the blood out, after the neck piece had been pierced, had got damaged so Savini had to blow the pipe feeding the fake blood which is why you hear a slight gurgling sound in the final scene

    Yeah, Crystal Lake Memories is a great documentary on the series. 
    I think it was Taso who had to blow the blood through, but I'm talking about the actual neck appliance, looked too smooth and slightly the wrong colour.

  14. 13 minutes ago, DEF said:

    Can't stand Shocker but the other three are tremendous. Even if The Mutilator doesn't float your boat there is a excellent feature length documentary on the blu that is worth the money alone. The Prowler is some of Savini's best work IMO.

    EdIt - I should probably get the Arrow Candyman. I've got the old Blu and Arrow has the uncut version and it's bound to look stunning.

    I got Candyman off the Arrow website sale, for £25, it's around £50 on ebay. Not sure if the sale is still on.
    Read mixed reviews on The Mutilator, some say it's great, some say it has the worst killer ever. Not watched it yet.
    Love The Prowler, like you say, Savini was at his best here. I still think the Kevin Bacon death scene in F13 was not that good, the concept was good, but the neck looks too fake. Maybe it's down to HD tv's etc.
    Haven't see Shocker since it was released, but the Mrs loves Ted Raimi for some reason, so I bought it for her. Will give it another watch.

  15. 2 minutes ago, DEF said:

    I was utterly perplexed by the run time thing because I'd read loads about the release saying it was the unrated version.  I've had the synapse version since release and couldn't fathom why they would release the R rated version. Really chuffed it turned out ok. Really fun slasher. 

    Watched Madhouse the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's really run of the mill right up until the absolutely tremendous third act when it turns into a riot.

    Never seen Madhouse.

    The past week I bought -



  16. On 12/3/2019 at 6:26 PM, DEF said:

    I've done some more digging as I could have sworn that I read that the 88 Films release of Intruder was the Directors Cut when it was released.

    Apparently they incorrectly put the 83 minute run time on the back of the case and it is in fact the 88 minute DC. So buy away amigo.


    took a chance and bought it from HMV last night, it's the uncut version :)
    Thanks @DEF

  17. 11 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Oh christ! I take it all back then, fair play.

    Reminds me of the time I was having a clearout of CDs and I stuck some Coldplay EP that I got in a 20 quid joblot on eBay. Checked on it after a few days and it was on £55.

    you see, we're on the same page.

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