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Posts posted by TheSurgeon

  1. 2 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    I know very little of El Ligero and I'm not much of a Twitter user, but having just seen the sort of things he's tweeting, he would certainly seem to fall into the "doesn't know when to leave things alone" category.

    I highly doubt that the new 'El Ligero' account is actually him.

  2. I think the first port of call is to blackball the wrestlers that have been outed so far. At least it's some sort of deterrent going forward.

    Any promotions that have been complicit need to be completely overhauled or closed down, fans should boycott them.

    But as sad as it is, at the moment this has only really blown up on twitter, the average wrestling show attendee probably knows nothing of this.

  3. 3 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Can only say I have the opposite where i'm pretty calm and relaxed for the rest of the day, perhaps its a super boost of testosterone or something.

    On another note i'm trying to boost my cardio, not a big fan or believer in HIIT so it's mostly steady state longer based cardio using varying inclines but I was curious if anyone knew which was actually "better" for burning calories between a treadmill and elliptical trainer. I prefer the latter as I haven't got the most nimble legs but interested in other people's opinions. 

    They're both as good as each other for burning calories. The cross trainer is more favorable on the joints, so if that's an issue, do that.

  4. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    I was always amused that Bobby Rhodes appeared in Demons 1 as Tony, and despite being killed in the first movie he appeared in the 2nd as Hank the gym guy. He essentially played the exact same character, except in a pair of shorts and a vest.

    you'll love the Hatchet trilogy :)

  5. Tenebrae_-_Film_1982.jpg

    Tenebrae - First time watch of this last weekend. I'm not really familiar with Italian horror, having only watched Zombi, and Demons 1/2, but thought I needed to start watching some Fulci/Argento. Still not sure what I thought about it, I think I need to give it a second watch before I comment.

    Any thought on Tenebrae?

  6. 12 hours ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    Nightmare Sisters/Murder Weapon/Deadly Embrace - Bunged these three together as they were in one Blu-Ray set and star Linea Quigley, Michelle Bauer and Brinke Stevens. Nightmare Sisters sees the 3 play socially awkward sorority sisters who get possessed and turn into sex crazed vampire demons who naturally get their kit off a lot, Murder Weapon (Quigley and Stevens star in this) is a sort of Scream style meta slasher about two sisters who have been in an institution and upon release hold a party for all their exes, who then mysteriously get taken out one by one while Deadly Embrace stars Bauer and Qugley and adds Ty Randolph as a lonely housewife who falls for her gardener hired by her cheating rich husband

    I bought this set a couple of years ago, and have never watched it. Are they any good?

  7. More first time watches over the weekend - 

    Behind The Mask - The Rise Of Leslie Vernon - 2006 meta horror, focusing of documentary film makers following the next cult slasher. Set in a world where Freddy, Jason and Michael are all real people.
    Demons - 1985 classic - the usual dodgy acting but nice gore, and it looked great. Also has a good soundtrack, with Return Of The Living Dead vibes.
    Pieces - 1982 slasher, supposed to be set in Boston, but actually filmed in Spain. More dodgy acting/dubbing. But some great kills, and a WTF moment with a 'Kung Fu Professor'

    can now add - 
    Demons 2 - basically a rehash of the first film, but not nearly as good.

  8. 56 minutes ago, DEF said:

    Humanoids From The Deep - (Netflix) THIS IS AWESOME! 1980 Roger Corman mash up of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and 80's slasher conventions. I can't stress how much fun I had with this. WARNING not scary in the slightest.

    I think that's on Shudder, is that half man/half fish, it looked like a 70's Dr Who villain.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    So we'll put you down for atheist, then?

    well done, you spotted the double meaning to my sentence. 👍

  10. 29 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    This should keep you occupied for a while then! 


    bugger, I searched for religion and found nothing.


  11. The great divider!

    Are you and Atheist? Agnostic? Deist? Theist?

    If you're a theist, what deity do you believe in?

    Do you believe in the creation story, or is the 'big bang' the best we've got at the moment?

    I've been fascinated in religion and its followers for a while now, and i'd like to see everyones views.

  12. Over the weekend I watched - 

    Puppet Master - The Littlest Reich - I've only ever seen the first one, and it's ok-ish. Really enjoyed this one though, fairly gory too, and you can't go wrong with a bit of Barbara Crampton 🖤.
    Chopping Mall - 80's-tastic 'slasher' with killer robots and Barbara Crampton 🖤 . A bit like the robot in Rocky IV, but with lasers.

  13. On 4/20/2020 at 12:01 PM, David said:

    You can easily switch between both using a VPN if you watch on Firestick. 

    Good call, just set that up. Gonna resubscribe now as there is loads of good stuff on the US one. 👍

  14. 13 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    The first half of Hereditary is fantastic. The second half really isn't. It took half a film for Ari Aster to disappear up his own arse, which is some going.

    I've just asked the same question on facebook, and someone has wrote the exact opposite in that the first hour is boring. Opinions eh? :)

    I think overall I enjoyed both films, but they're not films that i'd ever think about revisiting.

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