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Posts posted by TheSurgeon

  1. 16 hours ago, DEF said:

    I have the Dawn Of The Dead slipcover limited edition but never got round to getting Day. Which bugs the crap out of me because that's the one I most fancy watching now.

    CEX is worth checking out every now and then , I went in once and saw two copies of Day, so got them both :) (I already had it)

  2. 14 hours ago, DEF said:

    Nah you are safe with the 88Films version of intruder. It's fully uncut and will be a damn sight cheaper for you to get. There is a longer work print version which is VHS quality. It was on a separate dvd-r disc bundled with Synapse initial release but that was about 10 years ago and was only available from their website. It would cost you a fortune. 88's and Synapse have the full Directors Cut.

    Just checked again, the 88Films Blu Ray has an 83 minute run time, the Synapse comes in at 88 minutes.
    I watched Intruder last weekend for the first time on Shudder, and whilst good, was heavily edited, and that was the 83 minute cut. :)

  3. 55 minutes ago, DEF said:

    Yep Arrow are excellent. Only really rivalled by Vinegar Syndrome in the US with regards to restoration. Last Friday at about midnight Zavvi put up their Arrow black Friday sale in which they reduced LOADS of titles to £6.50.

    When Candyman Limited edition came out, I kept putting off buying it. Then when I finally decided to get it, I couldn't get it anywhere for a reasonable price. It goes for £45-£50 on eBay. Luckily it was on the Arrow Video website sale on Friday, so managed to get it for £25.

    I've also got the Dawn/Day Of The Dead Limited Editions, which can go for silly money now as they are out of print.

    I want 'Intruder' on Blu Ray, but the UK version by (I think) 88 Films is heavily edited. The Synapse US version is uncut, so looking to get that soon,

  4. Anyone collect the Arrow Video releases? They really are the best when it comes to presentation and extras.

    I bought a film called 'The Slayer' a few weeks ago which surprisingly was on the 1980's Video Nasty list, anyone seen that?

    Just bought the limited edition Arrow releases of American Werewolf In London, Nightbreed and Candyman,

  5. 3 hours ago, DEF said:

    I'm reading the comic. I basically keep pace with the TV show if a little ahead. The little nods to the books are one of the things I really dig about the TV show. Also that whilst it is basically the same story arcs the TV version makes plenty of changes to keep things interesting.

    I don't read the comics, just read little bits here and there about what has gone down.
    Am i right in thinking that in the last episode when Negan denies ever cutting of Carl's hand, that did happen in the comic?

    I like to keep on the lookout for the easter eggs, like the Creeper from Creepshow, and Jack from An American Werewold in London.

  6. 14 hours ago, DEF said:

    Yarp, I still love it despite it some times making me wonder why. Episode 2 this season was so utterly shite I even considered giving up for a second. Then episode 3 was ace and I remembered it's the Walking Dead, it's like watching RAW except more consistent. I also love Fear Of The Walking Dead but I'm always a year behind on that because I watch it on Amazon Prime.

    I didn't hate the second episode, but did wonder why they'd put a backstory episode so close to the start of the season. Things should pick up a bit now with the Negan/Whisperers story.

    I watched about 1 1/2 season of Fear The Walking Dead, then gave up.

  7. 39 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Imagine a film trilogy that includes House of 1000 Corpses and the latest film is considered "the weakest of the three."

    Not a fan then? :)

    In fact staying with 'House Of 1000 Corpses', I only realized earlier this year that one of the victims is Chris Hardwick (of Talking Dead / Talking Saul) 😧

  8. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:

    They're all great in their own way, but I honestly see Night of the Living Dead as one of the most important movies of the 60s - in terms of redefining what horror, low-budget filmmaking and even horror-as-social-commentary could be. The documentary 'American Nightmare' is interesting with regards to putting NOTLD into cultural context.

    Whilst I appreciate it's importance, and how good it is. I can't help but prefer Tom Savini's 1990 remake.

  9. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    I know it's not exactly horror, but I'm really enjoying the new Creepshow series on Shudder. It's been a lot of fun so far.

    I have watched the first 4 episodes, really good. I think my favourite story so far is 'The Man In The Suitcase'

  10. Over recent years, the zombie genre has been oversaturated with the likes of TV shows The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, I-Zombie etc...

    George A Romero is credited with creating the modern zombie film - what are you thoughts on the original 'Dead' trilogy?

    Night Of The Living Dead (1968)
    Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
    Day Of The Dead (1985)

  11. 14 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Noticed a remake of Rabid in ASDA's today. Anyone seen it?

    I bought it the other day on Blu ray, but haven't watched it yet.

    I bought it as in November the film is being screened at a couple of cinemas in Birmingham, and The Soska Sisters will be in attendance, need something for them to sign :)

  12. 1 hour ago, David said:

    31 was good, with Richard Brake stealing the show in my opinion. 

    Rob Zombie films have good soundtracks for the most part too.

    The closing minutes of 31, with Richard Brake and Sherri Moon Zombie to the tune of Aerosmiths 'Dream On' is great, as is the ending to The Devil's Rejects with the epic Lynyrd Skynrd - 'Freebird' showdown.

    I can't listen to either track now without thinking of these films :)

  13. Without giving anything away really, 3 From Hell is what Evil Dead 2 is to Evil Dead, basically a rehash of the same film.

    Probably in a minority here, but I enjoy Rob Zombie films, I liked Lords Of Salem and 31, and the Halloween remake(s).

  14. 31 minutes ago, David said:

    Good idea for a thread. I recently went to Frightmare in the Falls, in Niagara Falls, Canada. It was a great convention. I met Bill Moseley, Michael Berryman, Kane Hodder, Ari Lehman, William Forsythe, and Miko Hughes.

    The vibe at North American conventions is certainly different. Throw in the legalisation of weed here and it made for an interested time!

    Nice, speaking of Bill Moseley, have you seen '3 From Hell'?

  15. Had a search and couldn't find anything like this.

    With Halloween fast approaching, I thought I'd start this thread.

    Any horror fans on here?

    What horror films have you recently seen, or are looking forward to?

    Favourite horror TV shows? -
    The Walking Dead, Creepshow, American Horror Story, Dexter, The Strain?

    Have you been to a horror convention?
    For The Love Of Horror, Walker Stalker, HorrorCon, Weekend Of The Dead?

    Favourite Genre?
    Slasher, Zombie, True Life, Werewolves, Vampire?

    What horror podcasts do you listen to?

    I recently went to 'For The Love Of Horror' in Manchester, which was great.
    The guests included Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith and Costas Mandylor from the SAW franchise, Bill lMoseley, Kane Hodder, and a Lost Boys reunion.


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