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Posts posted by Chasingamymatt

  1. Been trying over the last few days to process all i've read on this thread. As an abuse sufferer (not in a wrestling context) my heart goes out to everyone who is speaking up. Wrestling, and the world needs to change.

    All i caution is do this properly, please try not to judge the tread either way too harshly, the allogations are horrific but let the police handle it. Please dont go posting all over social media any opinions or target specific people as this can COMPLETELY destroy any case before it starts. Justice will be done to those who deserve it. Yes I am an optomist / naieve but so much damage can be caused, both to those who have suffered abuse and those who are genuinely innocent.

  2. 3 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    @Tommy! Hey hey! So, depending on how quick I can do the notes, we may be doing a mini-series in the style of the 1990 series, but instead for 1991.

    The MNW Timeline I'm in two minds on, in that I enjoy those so much, but the dynamic of doing them over Skype may be different and not in keeping with the series so far. We'll see, I may change on that.

    Another AEW discussion show is on the horizon, as is a possible revisiting of the 2002 quarterly review show, to talk April to June, start of the brand extension, Austin leaving, etc.

    hi Liam, any more Russo car crash reviews in your thoughts? Those are gold

  3. Just finished the Shamrock book. The early part was fascinating and you can almost in a way see why he is the way he is both in his proffessional and personal life. I do think that the early UFC guys don't get the credit they deserve. Cracking read although pretty uncomfortable reading at times. No sugar coating at all from any parties.

  4. 14 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

    Whilst I loved Bret's book it did mention he had the best match of (add wrestler name) and every match was different... Alot. 

    I enjoy autobiographies that arent really sugar coated and come across as that persons honest opions, Brets & Bob Holly's are geat examples of this.Do I agree with all of it - no but you can tell that is geniuinely how they feel about things. Much rather that than some watery "well i think hes ok" or "yeah fine to deal with". On the other hand Dynamites book depressed me. My wrestling hero and that read...it was hard. Still love him tho, happily for my tiny mind I can seperate how much I love watching a performer from how much of a D1ck they are. Having said that if I did that stance in wrestling im left with Owen Hart, Ernie Ladd and ...thats pretty much it.

  5. Dont know if its mentioned already (probably) but i have a EPUB copy of Gary Harts wonderful book. Feel free to message me and I'm sure i can pass on.

    Top 3 books:

    Gary Hart autobiography

    The Definative chronical of Brian Pillman 20 yrs later

    Bret Hart - autobiography

  6. On 5/4/2020 at 11:07 PM, Liam O'Rourke said:

    So, for the first time in 2020, SCG Radio returns for part one of a three-part series examining the year 1990 in the WWF. In part 1, I'm joined by Kyle Ross of Top Rope Nation to look at the WWF's struggles entering the year, the decision to go with Hulk Hogan Vs. Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 6, and go through the timeline of events that turned what was thought to be the biggest money match in three years to a colossal disappointment. Featuring all the facts and figured you'd expect, we break down the problems with the build to the show, issues with pay-per-view providers, Vince McMahon's initial foray into the bodybuilding world, problems with the heel side of the company, Vince's battle with Ed Tunney and the Canadian legal system, the WWF signing Mike Tyson to be a special referee in 1990 and the media fallout, and analyse the decision to move to the Ultimate Warrior as the top guy in the company and what the early indications were, as well as when the momentum started to crumble. A really in-depth look at the first third of 1990, check it out, enjoy, and stay safe!


    Really enjoyed this and def want to hear more of this type. So many tiny titbits I never knew, still hasnt changed my mind on warrior being an over-rated idiot mind! thank you

  7. 7 hours ago, Vamp said:

    I could buy Sid as a voiceless version of Austin. He certainly had the intensity. Although you don't get the 3:16 promo.

    If we're doing time travel than 92 era Sting might have had a good go at Hulk Hogan. 


    Edit: Actually, Savage as Austin over Sid as Austin.

    If we are going with Sid WWF better have the 1.58 I just kicked your ass T shirts read

  8. Just an update ive made it Nitros in June 1997. some ramdom ones

    Mongo is genius until he gets anywhere near the ring

    Piper was great promo wise

    Why is Glaier so protected hes horrid

    Never knew Malenko got a long run as US champ - where was his shot at hogan 😛

    The Horseman theme is glorious

    Scotty S is already main event talent

    Woman/Jacqueline/Sister Sherrie really added to the product, why did they all get canned

    The  weekly shows flow pretty well, will post a further update at end of 1997....I can tell it wont be as positive.

  9. Oh imagine the glory of dropping Meng & Shamrock into the carnage....I always go back wondering ( I am currently very bored) about the time Shawn mocked Shamock and talked sh1t about him backstage when he was meant to put him over. god if he had popped shawn....

  10. 8 hours ago, Loki said:

    That’s an amazing insight into how the very top guys do their thing.

     They’re both talking about riding the emotion of the crowd and adapting in the moment.  Really interesting that they had practiced the match with Hogan as the heel but in the moment Rock went heel and Hogan called the match on the fly - and the result is one of the best judged matches ever.

     Hogan talking about slowing a sequence down and pacing it to the reaction sound of the crowd - almost the exact opposite of how modern WWE wrestlers would work.

    This is what i miss. storytelling to fit the crowd. Rock was amazing at it, did the same against Brock at SS, heard how the crowd was going and went with it. Bret SC at 13 was planned but the timing in that was equally perfect. Also another one that is forgotten is Shawn & Shamrock, just watch shawn in the match every more and nuance is in response to the crowd.

  11. Just finished the New Jack doc. Its an odd one, He went too far a lot but you hear about his home, his upbringing, the fact hes proud of his culture and people are screaming N***a in his face. He's lost in his gimick and for that I feel sad for him. The rest...Jesus you nutter

  12. I wouldnt say hes a see you next tuesday as i dont know the man. He appears to be big into his family and no one on this forum knows his private life so to speculate on his reasons for marriage ect is absurd. I personally dont like him as a performer and given his position they is a good chance he has been a bitch to people but which top guy hasnt ? its more magnified because of him being on top for so long.

    The only thing i will hold against him is the batista program. Here me out , that program was a perfect example of how to elevate and put someone over. The fact HHH did it perfectly shows he can do it, he knows the business. And the contrast with so many people he worked with and "elevated" shows he didnt want to do that on multiple occasions. 

  13. So i'm trying to broaden my horizons. i've never really been a fan of female wrestling outside of watching some Bull Nakano and Medusa stuff but i've been moseying about and wow. Jumping Bomb Angels, Madusa, Bull, Molly Holly & Aja Kong. These wrestlers are fantastic. Can anyone give me recomendations as I feel i've barely scratched the surface. Bull Nakano is a particular favorite from what i've seen so far. Powerful, agile, Fooking terrifying!

  14. 1 hour ago, AshC said:

    No Tennessee Lee?

    Hes chillin in the midcard hapilly trying and failing to get Jeff over while walking around the locker room showing HHH what it really means to be the tenesse stud

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